I teach sixth form maths students so most of my resources are aimed at A level maths. I have recently updated my resources to cover the new A level maths syllabus and I have produced PowerPoints that fully cover all of the new A level maths course. I also use a large a large amount of Notebook presentations because they are more flexible that PowerPoint. I have put a free resource on for you to try to show how the presentations work you can open it online using SMART Notebook Express website.
I teach sixth form maths students so most of my resources are aimed at A level maths. I have recently updated my resources to cover the new A level maths syllabus and I have produced PowerPoints that fully cover all of the new A level maths course. I also use a large a large amount of Notebook presentations because they are more flexible that PowerPoint. I have put a free resource on for you to try to show how the presentations work you can open it online using SMART Notebook Express website.
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new A level Maths course for all exam boards. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘The Textbook by CGP’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
I have added ‘A2 level maths 13 - Composite functions’ for free download
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Mechanics – Vectors, Kinematics and Projectiles covers;
Use vectors in three dimensions
Use vectors to solve problems in kinematics
Use trigonometric functions to solve problems in context, including problems involving vectors, kinematics and forces
Understand, use and derive the formulae for constant acceleration for motion in 2 dimensions using vectors
Use calculus in kinematics for motion in 2 dimensions using vectors
Model motion under gravity in a vertical plane using vectors
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new AS level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Roots of polynomials covers;
Understand and use the relationship between roots and coefficients of polynomial equations up to quartic equations
Form a polynomial equation whose roots are a linear transformation of the roots of a given polynomial equation of at least cubic degree
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new AS level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Route inspection problem covers;
Solve Route Inspection problems
Route inspection algorithm
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new AS level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Volume of revolution covers;
Derive formulae for and calculate volumes of revolution
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new AS level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
A complete set of notes for students
Model examples
Probing questions to test understanding
Class questions including answers
Individual whiteboard work
Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Statistics – Poisson distribution covers;
Understand conditions for a Poisson distribution to model a situation.
Understand terminology X~Po(λ)
Know Poisson formula and calculate Poisson probabilities using the formula or equivalent calculator function
Know mean, variance and standard deviation of a Poisson distribution.
Use the result that, if X~Po(λ) then the mean and variance of X are equal
Understand the distribution of the sum of independent Poisson distributions.
Type one errors and type two errors covers;
Calculate probability of making Type I error from tests based on a normal distribution
Understand the power of a test. Calculations of P(Type II error) and power for a test for tests based on a normal, Binomial or a Poisson distribution
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first
I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Complex Numbers covers;
Understand de Moivre’s theorem and use it to find multiple angle formulae and sums of series
Use de Moivre’s theorem for both finite and infinite trigonometric series.
Know and use the definition e^iθ=cosθ+isinθ and the form z=re^iθ
Find the n distinct nth roots of re^iθ for r≠0 and know that they form the vertices of a regular n-gon in the Argand diagram.
Use complex roots of unity to solve geometric problems
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first
I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Yates’ correction covers;
Knowledge of when and how to apply Yates’ correction.
Know and be able to use the fact that Yates’ correction is used in a contingency table when there is only 1 degree of freedom (ie in a contingency table with 2 rows and 2 columns, which may occur after pooling has taken place)
Know and be able to use the formula
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first
I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Calculus inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions covers;
Differentiate inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
Integrate functions of the form
* (a²-x²)^(-1/2)
* (a²+x²)^(-1)
* (x²+a²)^(-1/2)
* (x²-a²)^(-1/2)
Be able to choose trigonometric and hyperbolic substitutions to integrate associated functions.
Integrate using partial fractions (extend to quadratic factors ax²+c in the denominator)
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first
I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Reduction formula covers;
Understand how reduction techniques can be used to repeatedly reduce the complexity of the integrand to enable a given integral to be calculated
Understand how integration by parts may be applied to produce reduction formulae
Understand how other techniques of integration may be used to find reduction formulae
Use reduction formulae to evaluate integrals.
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first
I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Differential equations integrating factor covers;
Find and use an integrating factor to solve differential equations of form dy/dx+P(x)y=Q(x) and recognise when it is appropriate to do so
Recognise when a given differential equation may be rearranged into the form to allow an integrating factor to be used
Find an integrating factor by inspection or by using the formula
Solve more difficult differential equations by transforming them into this form by means of a suitable given substitution.
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Coupled differential equations covers;
Analyse and interpret models of situations with one independent variable and two dependent variables as a pair of coupled 1st order simultaneous equations and be able to solve them, for example predator-prey models
Interpret a given context to form a pair of first order simultaneous differential equations
Eliminate x or y to form and solve a second order differential equation
Solve a pair of first order simultaneous differential equations to find the dependent variables as functions of the independent variable.
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Summations and Method of Differences covers;
Understand and use formulae for the sums of integers, squares and cubes and use these to sum other series.
Understand and use the method of differences for summation of series
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new AS level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
This pack contains 144 questions that could be used at the start of the lesson.
• They cover a mixture of topics that are taught in all A level maths syllabuses.
• They are designed to take about 5 to 10 minutes and all the questions have a full set of answers.
• There is enough questions to cover 36 weeks worth of 4 lessons a week.
• The questions are mapped in line with the scheme of work, that is added as part of this pack, and this means that no questions will come up on topics that have not been taught yet.
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new AS level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
A complete set of notes for students
Model examples
Probing questions to test understanding
Class questions including answers
Individual whiteboard work
Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Camb uni Press’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
I have added ‘Further Maths 5 - Matrices Transformation’ and ‘Further Maths 23 - Network Flows’ for free download
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Proof by induction covers;
Construct proofs using mathematical induction; contexts include sums of series, divisibility, and powers of matrices
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Hodder ed’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Kuratowski’s theorem topics covers;
Use Kuratowski’s theorem to prove a graph is planar
Use Kuratowski’s theorem to prove a graph is not planar
Identify the complete graph K₅
Identify the complete bipartite graph K₃,₃
Understand what is meant by a subgraph
Understand what is meant by a subdivision.
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the full A level Further Maths course for the AQA exam board. Together all the PowerPoints include;
• A complete set of notes for students
• Model examples
• Probing questions to test understanding
• Class questions including answers
• Individual whiteboard work
• Links to exercises in ‘AQA approved textbooks by Hodder ed’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
Videos of the lessons are all on You Tube so you can see the PowerPoint lessons fully first
Please leave a review as it will really help me to improve my resources
Introduction to Group Theory topics covers;
Understand and use the language of groups including:
* order
* period
* subgroup
* proper
* trivial
* non-trivial
Understand and use the group axioms: closure, identity, inverses and associativity
Use of Cayley tables
Understand and use Lagrange’s theorem.
Recognise and use finite and infinite groups and their subgroups, including: groups of symmetries of regular polygons, cyclic groups and abelian groups.
Identify and use the generators of a group
Recognise and find isomorphism between groups of finite order
A presentation that shows learners the different graphs of the inverse and the reciprocal of trigonometric functions. Also shows examples of how these are used to solve trigonometric equations.
SMART Notebook Express presentations can be used for free by using SMART online or by downloading SMART software, also free, I use it because it allows a more interactive presentation than a powerpoint. Just search 'SMART Notebook Express' and try this free SMART resource.
Please leave a review of this free resource
These PowerPoints form full lessons of work that together cover the new A level Maths course for all exam boards. Together all the PowerPoints include;
A complete set of notes for students
Model examples
Probing questions to test understanding
Class questions including answers
Individual whiteboard work
Links to exercises in ‘The Textbook by CGP’ these can easily be edited for your textbook
The PowerPoints can be used in the lesson and also given to students that have missed a lesson
Please leave a review to help me improve or add anything else that is needed
Circles covers;
Understand and use the coordinate geometry of the circle including using the equation of a circle in the form
(x-a)^2 +(y-b)^2 =r^2
Completing the square to find the centre and radius of a circle; use of the following properties:
The angle in a semicircle is a right angle
The perpendicular from the centre to a chord bisects the chord
The radius of a circle at a given point on its circumference is perpendicular to the tangent to the circle at that point.