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Sharing for free in the spirit of collaboration and development.
How do police investigate crime?

How do police investigate crime?

Y8 SOW - Unit 4; How do we get justice? Lesson 1 - How do police investigate crime? Learning Objectives To identify the role of the police To describe how the investigation a crime takes place To explain police rights and responsibilities to maintain a suspects rights
How are people tried for crimes?

How are people tried for crimes?

Y8 SOW - Unit 4; How do we get justice? Lesson 2 - How are people tried for crimes? Learning Objectives To know what a magistrate, judge, barrister and jury are To understand the difference between a magistrates’ court, a crown court and a Youth court To be able to give examples of mitigating factors
How do we identify ourselves?

How do we identify ourselves?

Learning Objectives To describe our local identity To explore the concept of ‘Britishness’ as our national identity Students identify what links they have with their city (Birmingham) then explore their national identity using a VisitBritain clip as stimulus.
Why is budgeting important?

Why is budgeting important?

Y9 SOW - Unit 3; How can I be financially responsible? Lesson 1 - Why is budgeting important? Learning Objectives To assess the items I think are essential and those which are non essential. To keep to a budget by shopping around.
How has the relationship between the Crown and the People changed?

How has the relationship between the Crown and the People changed?

Lesson examining key events in the changing relationship between monarch and government, through student role play/sketches allowing creative interpretations. Events include; Gunpowder Plot, Votes for Women, Magna Carta and Simon De Montfort. Lesson makes use of resources supplied by Parliament Education Service and all available online.
What is racism and how can we stop it?

What is racism and how can we stop it?

Y8 SOW - Unit 1; Why are civil liberties worth protecting? Lesson 4 - What is racism and how can we stop it? *Activities focus on defining racism, and exploring an allegory "The Sneetches" by Dr Seuss, before a role play exercise encouraging students to give advice in response to real ChildLine calls about racist bullying*
How does a member state leave the EU? (Brexit SOW)

How does a member state leave the EU? (Brexit SOW)

Brexit SOW - new for 2016-17 - 5 lessons focusing on Brexit Lesson 3: How does a member state leave the EU? Learning Outcomes To describe the provisions of Article 50 To explain the process of leaving the EU To hypothesise about potential challenges in negotiating the UK’s withdrawal from the EU
What are British Values and how can we protect them?

What are British Values and how can we protect them?

Y8 SOW - Unit 1; Why are civil liberties worth protecting? Lesson 5 - What are British values and how can we protect them? *Activities focus on revisiting British values covered in Y7 in context of the issues covered in this unit, includes assessment activity but marking criteria will need to be adapted given it is not NC Levels*
How do credit and debt work?

How do credit and debt work?

Y9 SOW - Unit 3; How can I be financially responsible? Lesson 3 - How do credit and debt work? Learning Objectives To suggest at least three reasons why people get into debt. To explore why some people use credit in today’s world.
How did the British Isles become the United Kingdom?

How did the British Isles become the United Kingdom?

Lesson examining the transition from GB to UK based on activities focused on building chronological timeline of events and learning about how the 4 nations united - 2 quizzes included. All information sheets are at end of ppt ready for printing on A4 paper for using around classroom.
How are people punished for crimes?

How are people punished for crimes?

Y8 SOW - Unit 4; How do we get justice? Lesson 3 - How are people punished for crimes? Learning Objectives To identify the different types of punishments and apply these to examples To describe the reasons for punishment To evaluate the laws on criminal responsibility
Should the police have greater powers?

Should the police have greater powers?

Y8 SOW - Unit 3; How are we kept safe? Lesson 5 - Should the police have greater powers? Learning Objectives To understand how you will be assessed in a debate To debate whether the police should have increased powers to deal with terrorism
What is the role of the police?

What is the role of the police?

Y8 SOW - Unit 3; How are we kept safe? Lesson 4 - What is the role of the police? Learning Objectives To identify the rights police have To explain police rights and responsibilities to maintain a suspects rights. To explore the debate surrounding police powers when combatting terrorism
How is religious freedom protected?

How is religious freedom protected?

Y8 Citizenship SOW; Unit 1 - Why are civil liberties worth protecting? Lesson 3 - How is religious freedom protected? *Activities focus on ways in which is freedom is protected and then debate the case study of France banning the burqa*