Resources useful in investigating the various electoral systems used in the UK - results from other countries using these systems provide pupils with an interesting perspective rather than a hypothetical.
Revision lesson based on students working in pairs and competing in the 'Olympics'. Pairs complete the tasks in the different 'events&' and keep a cumulative score.
Lesson examining the flexibility of the constitution - how and why has the constitution managed to survive? How flexible is it? Encouraging pupils to make a thorough assessment of how the constitution works in practice.
A revision aid - a dummies' guide to legislation in the UK covering why laws are needed, draft bills, bills, the passage of a bill, acts, delegated legislation and the parliament acts with 2011 examples.
A lesson examining the 6 sources of the UK constitution, including 10 mark exam pratice question to apply the knowledge in order to describe the sources of the UK constitution.
Card Sort and Glossary sheet for Y12 pupils introducing them to political vocabulary - works well as a group activity when vocab is seen for the first time.
Powerpoint and handouts to introduce pupils to the content of Unit 2 in addition to expectations at AS level - overview of course and assessment policy.
Background notes for pupils can be used as revision aids or to eliminate heavy note taking and be used as handouts in initial lessons or as a supplement to existing lesson materials.