Famous Newham People
Functional skills English entry level and level 1 task
Create profiles for famous people using internet research
Action verbs and adverbs for jobs
Action verbs and adverbs for jobs
Write an action verb for each job title listed then describe the action with 3 adverbs.
5 things - Common and proper nouns
5 things - Common and proper nouns
Compound words quiz
Compound words quiz Powerpoint slides.
Say what you see game.
Note: Answers not provided.
Newspaper reading lesson
To compare similarities and differences between tabloid and broadsheet newspapers.
To explore a newspaper article and present a summary of the story.
Promotes independent reading, speaking and listening discussion topics, oracy and presentation skills.
Note: Newspaper articles not provided.
Cockney Rhyming Slang quiz
English starter activity
Cockney Rhyming Slang Powerpoint slides quiz with answers.
Taboo - Desert Island Words
Tabbo - Desert Island words.
Powerpoint slides. Starter activity.
Group / paired activity to improve language skills and vocabulary.