Double consonants (Y3)
A PowerPoint presentation on double consonants, allowing children active response. It covers 2 lessons plus a quick revision on third lesson.
Spellings: adding the suffix -ious (Y5)
A PowerPoint presentation on adding the suffixes -ious, allowing children active response.
It covers 2 lessons plus a quick revision on third lesson.
Y as an I Sound (Y3)
A PowerPoint presentation on words with Y as an I sound. It covers 1 lesson plus a quick revision on following 2 lessons.
Spellings: double consonants (Y4)
A PowerPoint presentation on double consonants, allowing children active response. It covers 2 lessons plus a quick revision on third lesson.
Spellings: adding the suffix -cial (Y5)
A PowerPoint presentation on adding the suffixes -cial, allowing children active response.
It covers 2 lessons plus a quick revision on third lesson.
Spellings: adding the suffix -ance (Y5)
A PowerPoint presentation on adding the suffix -ance, allowing children active response.
It covers 2 lessons plus a quick revision on third lesson.
Spellings Year 5
A collection of PowerPoint presentations covering Year 5 curriculum spellings.
Year 5 and Year 6 spellings
Twenty PowerPoint presentations covering the Year 5 and Year 6 curriculum, allowing children active participation.
Year 3 and Year 4 spellings
Twenty PowerPoint presentations covering the Year 3 and Year 4 curriculum, allowing children active participation.
Spellings: adding the prefixes ir- and im (Y4)
A PowerPoint presentation on words with the prefixes ir- and im, allowing children active response.
It covers 2 lessons plus a quick revision on third lesson.
Spellings: adding the prefix re- to a verb (Y4)
A PowerPoint presentation on words with the prefix re-, allowing children active response.
It covers 2 lessons plus a quick revision on third lesson.
Single Consonants (Y3)
A PowerPoint presentation on adding single consonants suffixes. It covers 1 lesson plus a quick revision on following 2 lessons.
Adding the prefixes: sub and under (Y3)
A PowerPoint presentation explaining how words change their meaning when adding the prefixes: sub and under. It covers 2 lesson plus a quick revision on following lesson.
Adding the Prefix - Mis (Y3)
A PowerPoint presentation explaining how words change their meaning when adding the prefix: mis. It covers one lesson plus a quick revision on following 2 lessons.
Adding the suffix - ly (Y3)
A PowerPoint presentation explaining how words change their meaning when adding the suffix:ly. It covers one lesson plus a quick revision on following 2 lessons.
Adding the prefix - dis (Y3)
A PowerPoint presentation explaining how words change their meaning when adding the prefix dis-. It covers 1 lesson plus a quick revision on following 2 lessons.
Adding the suffix: tion (Y3)
A PowerPoint presentation explaining how words change their meaning when adding the suffix: tion. It covers one lesson plus a quick revision on following 2 lessons.
Adding the prefix re- (Y3)
A PowerPoint presentation explaining how words change their meaning when adding the prefix: re. It covers one lesson plus a quick revision on following 2 lessons.
Adding the Prefix Un (Y3)
A PowerPoint presentation explaining how words change their meaning when adding the prefix un-. It covers 1 lesson plus a quick revision on following 2 lessons.
Ou and Ous Sounds (Y3)
A PowerPoint presentation on words with ou and ous sound. It covers 1 lesson plus a quick revision on following 2 lessons.