
Local Area Unit of Work and Resources - KS1/LKS2 (Geography, History, Art and Science)
A detailed and comprehensive plan for a unit of work based around ‘Street Detectives’ and local history with IWB flipcharts and differentiated worksheets included. The planning covers a range of Geography and History objectives with a focus on the local area which can be easily adapted, and also Art and Science with a link to local buildings and habitats.
Learning objectives covered:
To understand what our local area is like and how it may have changed over time.
Ask questions about how our local area has changed over time.
Ask questions about how our local area has changed over time.
To use geographical vocabulary to name features of familiar and unfamiliar places.
Identify and describe geographical human and physical features using an aerial photograph.
To draw simple maps or plans using symbols for a key.
Describe human and physical features seen in their local environment.
Describe how people, places and events in their own locality have changed over time.
To investigate building designs.
To use digital media to create a photo collage in the style of David Hockney.
To investigate shapes, patterns and decorations on buildings.
To identify living things and their habitats within the local environment.
To describe how animals get their food from plants and other animals.
To identify living things and their habitats within the local environment.

Beach/Seaside Two Week Plan and Resources
Planning and resources for ‘Beachcombers’ topic suitable for Year 2 but could be adapted to suit LKS2. The download includes detailed and comprehensive planning, differentiated worksheets and IWB flipcharts to support teaching.
Learning objectives covered:
To demonstrate what I already know and to ask questions.
To identify and locate the seas surrounding the UK.
To compare and contrast our locality with a seaside locality (Weston-Super-Mare).
To conduct a geographical survey.
To use ICT to present findings.
To identify and locate where else in the world we can have a seaside holiday.
Following on from the Humanities objectives, I went on to cover an animals and habitats unit in Science and seaside Art based on Alfred Wallis ; please feel free to contact me if you would like the resources and planning for these.