A worksheet which embeds problem solving skills and application into measures - length, weight and volume.
Problems include addressing misconceptions, reasoning, estimating and applying mathematical knowledge.
A worksheet for children to recognise and name the map symbol.
There are two empty boxes where the children can create their own map symbols and label.
Useful for Geography and Outdoor Learning.
Sheet which requires the children to fill in the missing numbers of a chunk of 100 square.
The sheet supports the children with number formation, place value knowledge, 1 more/less, 10 more/less and ordering numbers.
**2D Shape Flow Diagram Activity **
A worksheet in which the children must use the clues linked to the shapes properties to fill in the answers at the bottom of the diagram.
The diagram tests the children’s knowledge on the following shapes:
A KS1 or Lower KS2 acitvity which can be adapted to suit the needs of the children, this game could also be adapted into a subtarction game.
The children must answer their questions correctly, if they do they can put their question in a square, then it is the other persons turn. The first to get four in a row wins.
A writing frame worksheet for children to create their own character, this could be used in KS1 or KS2.
The writing frame could be used in a Literacy lesson or used as an activity in a guided reading session. It could also be an activity provided in a reading area or school library.
**A Booklet for a Plant Investigation/Experiment **
A booklet for a scientific investigation, the investigation/experiment can be linked to testing the growing conditions for plants.
Altering the amount of water/light/soil a plant has.
**A Unit Pack of 4 Lessons for Computing, linked to the Turtle Academy Website for Programming**
This pack is aimed at lower key stage 2 children and is based around the programming website for children called Turtle Academy, although the planning could be adapted for other programmes.
The planning covers the following objectives:
To be able to use simple LOGO language to create a shape
To be able to use simple LOGO language to write initials in your name
To be able to use simple LOGO language to produce a desired outcome
Write the instruction and press enter to execute the command
To be able to use a number of commands
This is a worksheet in which the children have a set of questions based around perimeter. They must use the image of the pirate and the measurements given to answer the questions.
These worksheet has been previously used with a Year 4 class, although it could easily be adapted to suit other ages and abilities.
The questions in the sheet require the children to use their knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication, converting units of measurements, knowledge and properties of shape, problem solving and reasoning.
’air’ sound worksheet
The sheet focuses on the phase 3 sound ‘air’ throughout. It would be useful for reception and year 1 phonics lessons, phonics intervention groups, phonics screening preparation and continuous provision.
There are a range of activities to be completed such as:
underlining the sound in a sentence
writing the word to match the image
sorting real and nonsense words
reading a question and then answering
writing a sentence to match the picture
The Halloween themed sheet focuses on the Phase 3 sounds. It would be useful for Reception and Year 1 Phonics Lessons, Phonics Intervention Groups and Continuous Provision.
There are a range of activities to be completed such as:
Filling in the missing sounds to match the picture
Reading the word and matching it to the image
Writing a sentence to match the picture
3 maths worksheets in the pack which all have elements of fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
A worksheet each for counting in 2’s, counting in 5’s and counting in 10’s.
Suitable for Key Stage 1.