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Amarsinghy's Shop

A digital comms. manager that in his spare time tutors GCSE, A-level and Degree level subjects. This ranges from GCSE English, Maths, Science and History to A-level English, History and Philosophy to Degree level History and Law.

A digital comms. manager that in his spare time tutors GCSE, A-level and Degree level subjects. This ranges from GCSE English, Maths, Science and History to A-level English, History and Philosophy to Degree level History and Law.
Criminal Law Notes (Full Set)

Criminal Law Notes (Full Set)

A combined total of 175 pages of notes covering every single sub-topic within the criminal law module sat at most universities across the country. This includes: - Actus Reus - Mens Rea - Complicity - Homicide - Voluntary manslaughter - Non-fatal Offences - Offences against Property - Inchoate Offences - Rape and the criminal justice system - Defenses - Nature and purposes of criminal justice In addition there is an essay for the following question: "Critically examine the impact of the decision of the House of Lords in R v G & R (2003)."
Weimar Germany Introduction

Weimar Germany Introduction

A two page document outlining the following in relation to Weimar Germany. - The abdication of the Kaiser, the temporary rule of Ebert, Ebert's action during this temporary period. - Elections of 1919, Ebert's government - Breakdown of the constitution of the Weimar Republic - Weaknesses of the Weimar Republic
Tort Law: Negligence Spider Diagrams

Tort Law: Negligence Spider Diagrams

A 13 slide presentation including details spider diagrams to help you answer any negligence based problem question. The presentation includes all relevant case law and supporting materials. The spider diagram covers: - Duty of care - legal elements of negligence, definition, development of the duty of care test - Liability for omissions - misfeasance, rescuers as claimants, categories of exceptions - Liability for the acts of third parties - Liability for psychiatric harm - Liability for economic loss - Exceptional breach of duty scenarios - Public authority liability - Causation in negligence - Problems with “but for” test / factual causation - Factual causation - loss of a chance, consecutive causes, failure to warn of risks - Legal causation - Novus actus interveniens - Defences
Law Judicial review Exam Revision Diagram

Law Judicial review Exam Revision Diagram

A 7 slide powerpoint presentation including exam revision diagrams for Judicial Review as: - Excess / Absence of Power - Excess / Absence of Power 2 - Fettering Discretion - Abuse of power - improper use - Abuse of power - relevant and irrelevant considerations - Abuse of power - Wednesday Unreasonableness - Bias
Criminal Law Case Notes

Criminal Law Case Notes

Criminal law case notes: for: - Accessories, attempt, conspiracy and incitement - Homicide, Degrees of Murder, provocation, diminished responsibility - Insanity and automatism, self defense, duress and mistake - Introduction to criminal law, basic concept of liability - Introductory cases - Liability for omissions - Non fatal offences against the person - Sexual offences - Varies of fault - intention, recklessness, negligence, intoxication
Contract Law (entire module) Colour Coded Revision Sheets

Contract Law (entire module) Colour Coded Revision Sheets

This is a super concise and colour coded set of notes created with the help of a few fellow students when I was studying law. It covers: - Breach and damges - Consideration Theory - Implied Terms and Construction of Terms - Misrepresentation - Mistake and Frustration - Mistake Theory - Offer, Acceptance, Intention, Certainty & Third Parties - Privity Theory - Terms of Contract These notes will be more than sufficient for any A-level law student as they are degree level notes.
1H Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855–1964. The emergence of Communist dictatorship, 1917–1941

1H Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855–1964. The emergence of Communist dictatorship, 1917–1941

A 171 slide presentation that covers: - Political authority and government: new leaders and ideologies; Lenin's Russia, ideology and change; Stalin's rise, ideology and change - Political authority and government: the consolidation of Bolshevik authority and development of the Stalinist dictatorship - Economic developments: Lenin's decrees; the Stalinist economy; collectivisation and the Five Year Plans - Social developments: effect of Leninist/Stalinist rule on class, women, young people, religion and national minorities; propaganda and cultural change The presentation includes questions, quizzes, numerous source based questions and detailed explanations of the relevant topics.
Edexcel, GCSE History: The Cold War 1945-91. History A: the Making of the Modern World.

Edexcel, GCSE History: The Cold War 1945-91. History A: the Making of the Modern World.

A 127 slideshow covering everything necessary from 1945 to 1960s and a brief look at detente. It covers: 1) What is the Cold War? 2) Soviet perspective post-WW2 3) The Three Big WW2 conferences 4) Soviet expansion into the East: Poland, Czechoslovakia and the Baltic States 5) Truman doctrine & the Marshall Plan 6) Cominform & Comecon 7) Berlin Blockade & the Berlin Airlift 8) Developments in 1949-55 9) Berlin, Cuba and Czechoslovakia (1960s) 10) The aftermath of the 1960s; key moments for detente during the 1960s It includes detailed explanations of all the key events in the module, numerous source based questions, exam style questions and a couple of quizzes.