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Amarsinghy's Shop

A digital comms. manager that in his spare time tutors GCSE, A-level and Degree level subjects. This ranges from GCSE English, Maths, Science and History to A-level English, History and Philosophy to Degree level History and Law.

A digital comms. manager that in his spare time tutors GCSE, A-level and Degree level subjects. This ranges from GCSE English, Maths, Science and History to A-level English, History and Philosophy to Degree level History and Law.
Edexcel, GCSE History: The Cold War 1945-91. History A: the Making of the Modern  - 10 Slide Preview

Edexcel, GCSE History: The Cold War 1945-91. History A: the Making of the Modern - 10 Slide Preview

THIS IS A FREE 10 SLIDE PREVIEW The full paid version covers - A 127 slideshow covering everything necessary from 1945 to 1960s and a brief look at detente. It covers: What is the Cold War? Soviet perspective post-WW2 The Three Big WW2 conferences Soviet expansion into the East: Poland, Czechoslovakia and the Baltic States Truman doctrine & the Marshall Plan Cominform & Comecon Berlin Blockade & the Berlin Airlift Developments in 1949-55 Berlin, Cuba and Czechoslovakia (1960s) The aftermath of the 1960s; key moments for detente during the 1960s It includes detailed explanations of all the key events in the module, numerous source based questions, exam style questions and a couple of quizzes.
Othello English Literature A-Level PPT - War and Tragedy

Othello English Literature A-Level PPT - War and Tragedy

A 18 slide PPT covering the following, according to the AQA English Literature A-level syllabus: Slide 1 - cover Slide 3-4 - victory and its place within tragedy Slide 5 - war within Othello / victory of war Slide 6 - Greek / Shakespearean tragedy Slide 7- Why is tragedy important? Slide 8 - Aristotle / Greek tragedy Slide 9 - Task for students to answer questions in relation to concepts of tragedy and Othello slide 10 - Shakespearean tragedy Slide 11 - Comparison of victory / Lewis Hamilton vs War Slide 12 - War within Othello Slide 13 - War within an historical contemporary context Slide 14 - War as a literary device Slide 15 - Task for students to watch a detailed summary of Othello and make notes Slide 16 - Task for students to rank parts of Othello in relation to certain criteria Slide 17/18 - Quotes worth learning
Tort Law - Economic Loss

Tort Law - Economic Loss

This document covers all relevant case law and includes detailed notes for economic loss. It covers - negligent statements negligent provision of services negligent damage to property relationship to contract theoretical issues
Tort Law - Duty of care, omissions etc

Tort Law - Duty of care, omissions etc

This unit of work covers all relevant case law and includes detailed notes for the following areas: duty of care omissions: liability of public authorities wrongful life, wrongful conception standards of duty of care Theoretical discussions on: liability of public authorities, omissions, psychiatric harm, wrongful conception
Tort Law - Defective Premises

Tort Law - Defective Premises

This goes through defective premises. It includes all relevant case law and detailed notes. It includes: occupiers liability to non-visitors liability of non-occupiers theoretical discussions
Tort Law - Defences in Tort

Tort Law - Defences in Tort

This goes through all defences in tort and related case law and notes. This document includes - contributory negligence volenti non fit injuria illegality
Weimar Germany Introduction

Weimar Germany Introduction

A two page document outlining the following in relation to Weimar Germany. - The abdication of the Kaiser, the temporary rule of Ebert, Ebert's action during this temporary period. - Elections of 1919, Ebert's government - Breakdown of the constitution of the Weimar Republic - Weaknesses of the Weimar Republic
1H Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855–1964. The emergence of Communist dictatorship, 1917–1941

1H Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855–1964. The emergence of Communist dictatorship, 1917–1941

A 171 slide presentation that covers: - Political authority and government: new leaders and ideologies; Lenin's Russia, ideology and change; Stalin's rise, ideology and change - Political authority and government: the consolidation of Bolshevik authority and development of the Stalinist dictatorship - Economic developments: Lenin's decrees; the Stalinist economy; collectivisation and the Five Year Plans - Social developments: effect of Leninist/Stalinist rule on class, women, young people, religion and national minorities; propaganda and cultural change The presentation includes questions, quizzes, numerous source based questions and detailed explanations of the relevant topics.
Law Judicial review Exam Revision Diagram

Law Judicial review Exam Revision Diagram

A 7 slide powerpoint presentation including exam revision diagrams for Judicial Review as: - Excess / Absence of Power - Excess / Absence of Power 2 - Fettering Discretion - Abuse of power - improper use - Abuse of power - relevant and irrelevant considerations - Abuse of power - Wednesday Unreasonableness - Bias