
National 4/5 Scottish Wars of Independence, William Wallace, Robert Bruce
Power points with an overview of the sub topics for the National 5 unit on Wars of Independence

Higher History- Russia- Causes of the 1905 revolution
Basic notes on a power point of the causes of the 1905 revolution. With past paper question at end.

Higher History - Russia before 1905
Powerpoint as a starting point for thinking about how secure the Tsarist state was before 1905, with past paper questions at the end.

N4/N5 Migration and Empire, Scots abroad quiz
Quick quiz about Scots who emigrated abroad for national history

Gandhi Workbook
A short booklet I quickly made up for a lesson on Gandhi for RME or History with s1-s3
I can't take credit for the twitter part that is one I got from TES!

National 4/5 History- Scottish Wars of Independence, succession problem and Balliol
Power points for 2 out of the 4 sub topics for the unit 'Scottish Wars of Independence'
The power points are lengthy but would be used among role play/ debates/note taking tasks.
Also attached is a 'key figures' work sheet and Balliol & Edward I note taking sheet

History, Jacobites Million Pound Drop
A revision game used with BGE S1-S3 level when studying the Jacobites