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Neutral toy and resource labels
Toy labels
-Musical instruments
-Soft Toys
-Balls (outdoor)

Number zoo flash cards number recognition
Flashcards number 0 to 9 for early number recognition. Each flashcard comprises of a 'zoo' character which goes along with a story. For example,
Number 0 is entitled 'Greedy zero' who is a big gorilla who eats all of the bananas... and this is why he is called greedy zero! The zero is the key feature, along with all the numbers on the animals, as it helps children to visualise and remember the number.
All of these numbers have been inspired by a programme which is no longer available to purchase as it is discontinued. I have hand drawn and painted the animals. All animals number 0-9 are available to print and are sized A4.

Report templates EYFS
EYFS Development Matters - Report Templates with statements with an exceeding (more able), expected (core) including an upper core and an emerging (less able) statements. These are generic for a typical child so they would need to be adapted where neccesary to be an accurate description of the child you’re writing a report on. There are statements for the core areas; Literacy - writing and reading and Maths - number and space, shape and measure. These have been written and used by me on two years worth of reports.

Phonics Assessment Pack EYFS Reception or Y1
Phonic assessments including
-Phase 2 sounds, orally blending and segmenting
-Phase 3 sounds and applying sounds blending
-Phase 5 sounds and applying sounds blending
-Phase 2,3,4,5 HFW (Camera or Tricky words) - can be used to check reading or spelling the words

EYFS 4 Can Play Here sign
Signs to display in areas of provision ‘4 can play here’ with mathematical representations of making four. Each sign is different. 4 included in the pack.

Butterfly numbers in 10's
Natural realistic butterflies with multiples of 10 on them. I used these for a Reading Challenge display in the classroom. These could be enlarged or kept this small realistic size.

Black Heart Classroom Sign
This pack includes:
“Come and read a book to a bear”
“Come and solve a puzzle”
“Design create make”

Named caterpillar characters display
30 x Caterpillars used for display or name recognition. Edit the document by adding your class names. I used these for my reading display to track reading at home and as an incentive to encourage this.

In the moment planning guide
A simple guide on what in the moment planning is and how to do it practically and effectively. Suitable for all adults using in the moment planning with children.

Number bonds to 10 - EYFS flipcharts
Active inspire flipcharts for learning number bonds to 10 using numicon, 10 frames, visuals and other supporting resources.

Phonic Songs - all Phase 2 with real pictures
Phase 2 songs for learning Phonics with real pictures showing the initial sounds. Modelled writing and cursive handwriting letter formation.

Sensory Play - seasons yearly plan
An overview of sensory play linked to natural resources and seasonal items. Links to celebrations such as easter, christmas, bonfire night etc. Using natural and real resources for sensory play. Includes every season and month to cover the whole year.

Deal or No Deal Game (printable)
‘Deal or No Deal’ game - printable - ideal for learning maths and numbers or playing in a social group and learning about money. Could easily be adapted for spelling, phonics or anything vocabulary related!
-Deal or no Deal front cover (ideal to stick on an envelope/box to decorate the game or to excite children!)
-Printable labels numbers 1 to 13 (could be stuck on boxes, envelopes, bags pr laminated etc.)
-Printable labels (with amounts on OR blank to be edited to whatever focus you want the game to have) These are designed to be held by other players (audience) or hidden depending how many children are playing.
-Blank templates to edit and add own numbers/vocab etc.
How to play?
Either with a group of children (up to 13 or 26 - in pairs)
One person is the ‘main player’ (this could be a child or teacher) with one box
Everyone has has an envelope/box with one of the amounts on, inside one of the numbers 1-13)
The ‘main player’ choses which number from 1-13 they want to eliminate from the game. They continue going until they reach the end and decide whether to keep their box or swap it for the other player.

Teacher Planner and Organiser
Teacher planner and organiser
Fully printable and includes:
-Personal and School information
-My week blank
-My month blank
-Class List up to 30
-Lesson plan blank
-To do list blank

Teacher Planner and Organiser
Teacher planner and organiser
Fully printable and includes:
-Personal and School information
-My week blank
-My month blank
-Class List up to 30
-Lesson plan blank
-To do list blank

Teacher Planner and Organiser
Teacher planner and organiser
Fully printable and includes:
-Personal and School information
-Blank timetable - morning and afternoon
-Break timetable - morning and afternoon
-Birthday calendar blank
-Monthly planner - every month, week by week and notes
-Class List (attendace, register, other) - blank and editable
-Notes blank

Individual Reward Chart Bucket Filler
Individual reward chart / sticker chart
Suitable for Bucket Filling
10 different colour options; red, yellow, green, blue (dark and light), orange, yellow, pink, purple

EYFS Assessment - One per child
One page per child for overview of assessment in core areas - aligned to the NEW EYFS Framework to help practitioners to lead discussions about individual children, really useful for parents evening/writing reports