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GCSE psychology- Development unit workbook.

GCSE psychology- Development unit workbook.

GCSE psycyology- Edexcel. This is a workbook which takes students through the whole of the development unit. This booklet goes alongside the lessons which are available in my shop. There is space in the workbook for students to complete activities which are instructed on the lesson powerpoints. This booklet has a total of 48 pages, it includes a check list for students to pin point any gaps in their knowledge, as well as two pages of key terms with their definitions. This booklet consists of a total of 9 lessons, including the issues and debates lesson (the development of morality). THIS BOOKLET IS NOT STAND ALONE- IT RELIES ON YOU HAVING THE LESSONS MADE WHICH ARE AVAILABLE ON MY SHOP.
GCSE psychology. Development- Lesson 9- the development of morality

GCSE psychology. Development- Lesson 9- the development of morality

This is lesson 9 of a series of lessons covering the development topic. This lesson focuses on issues and debates- the development of morality. This powerpoint has 19 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. This lesson goes alongside the development booklet available in my shop. Included: starter, psychological problems recap. explanation of key terms- morals and morality short video clip of ‘Heinz dilema’ - whilst watching the clip students should be thinking about what decision he should make discussion of theories used to understand and explain the development of morality. fill in the blanks task- application to Piaget Kohlberg (1958) – Levels of moral reasoning. Task for students to complete using the edexcel textbook. short video explaining Kohlberg’s theory of moral development application task for students to complete evaluation of Piaget and Kohlberg gender differences in morality- challenge question included. how do we develop our morals? - question and answer task for students to complete. Damon (1999) on developing a moral self links to children and the development of moral understanding 9 mark assessed question. Question included on the powerpoint
A-Level Sociology- Neoliberalism and the New right perspective on education

A-Level Sociology- Neoliberalism and the New right perspective on education

A-Level sociology (AQA) the Neoliberal and New Right perspective on education. This lesson consists of a total of 12 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. It contains: a starter activity based on recapping the Functionalist perspective on education (quiz). The power point also includes the answers. introduction to the New Right hand out, students to read through and then read through as a class. detailed power point slides explaining the Neoliberal and New Right view of education. slides explaining the two roles of the state and education & national identity as explained by the New Right. criticisms of the New Right perspective. Ball et al’s study explaining parental choosers as a criticism of the New Right. The three different types of choosers are explained on the powerpoint, there is also a worksheet to go through this. The last slide is based on a documentary called ‘admissions impossible’- i do not think you can find this online anymore, some school’s may have this available on DVD if not, please ignore the last slide.
GCSE sociology (eduqas)- Functionalist view of the family.

GCSE sociology (eduqas)- Functionalist view of the family.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson, Eduqas WJEC. The lesson focuses on the Functionalist view of the family. There is a total of 11 slides and the lesson is designed to last 90 minutes. Included: -starter activity. Statements about the family, students need to explain whether they agree or disagree with the statement. worksheets included. -encouraging students to think about what they already know about Functionalism. What do they say about society in general? -explanation of the organic analogy. Students to summaries the information in their books using key concepts. -brief explanation of Functionalism as a consensus theory and why Feminists and Marxists would disagree. -explanation of Murdock’s four functions of the family. -explanation of Parsons two functions of the family. Challenge/ extension questions provided throughout. -student activity. Draw a spider diagram to demonstrate the issues that the family can help to deal with- applying knowledge about the ‘warm bath’. Answers included on the power point. -task encouraging critical thinking. Students to answer questions based on how they think they could improve the Functionalist theory. -criticisms of the Functionalist view of the family. -poster task, consolidating knowledge on Functionalism. May wish to use the textbook to support students. -plenary- true or false activity. Answers on the power point.
A-Level sociology- Class differences in achievement revision lesson.

A-Level sociology- Class differences in achievement revision lesson.

This is a A-Level sociology (AQA) lesson which focuses on revising class differences in educational achievement. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and the power point consists of 14 slides. Included: -starter activity- sociology bingo. Prizes may be needed for the winning students. -A3 mindmap for students to summarise information through the lesson. -7 slides outlining the key information of each explanation for class differences in education. This covers both internal and external factors : context of who does better in education, cultural deprivation, cultural capital, material deprivation, labelling, streaming and pupil subcultures. With reference to key sociologists/ studies throughout. -20 mark exam question practice. Applying material from Item A and your own knowledge, evaluate the view that middle class pupil’s higher levels of achievement are the product of factors outside school. (20 marks) - students could either start or plan this essay during the lesson. The power point goes through what students could take out of the item, along with what they could include in each paragraph when writing their answers. -included is a key studies/ concepts sheet which students could either fill in for homework or if they have time at the end of the lesson. They may need the AQA sociology textbook 1 to support them with this activity. By the end of the lesson students will have a A3 mindmap which summarises all of the key concepts/ studies from the topic. Students will also be aware of how to answer a 20 mark question and will feel confident when doing this.
GCSE sociology [WJEC] - The changing role of men in society and the family.

GCSE sociology [WJEC] - The changing role of men in society and the family.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson [WJEC/ EDUQAS]. The lesson focuses on The changing role of men in society and in the family. The lesson power point consists of 10 slides and is designed to last a 90 minute lesson. Included: -starter activity. This is a retrieval practice task, whereby students should try to answer as many questions as possible. The questions are differentiated. -task one encourages students to think about what it means ‘to be a man’. -traditional masculine roles. Students to create a mindmap, some ideas have been put on the slide to support students. Challenge question also included. -explanation of how traditional masculine roles have changed and what they used to be. -why men’s traditional gender roles are changing. Video slip- questions for students to answer. -reasons for the changing masculine role. -crisis of masculinity. Reading task, students to answer questions. The reading is provided on a separate document. -the mask of masculinity- Video slip, students to answer questions on power point whilst watching the clip. -poster task, students to consolidate everything they have learnt today. May need access to the GCSE textbook to support them. -plenary 5,4,3,2,1 - students to think about what they have learnt today, any questions they have about the content, question other students. (all instructions are on the powerpoint)
GCSE Sociology [EDUQAS]- Is the family in decline?

GCSE Sociology [EDUQAS]- Is the family in decline?

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on changes to the size of the family, whether the family is in decline and the emergence of the privatised nuclear family. There is a total of 12 slides and the lesson is designed to last 90 minutes. Included: -Starter activity- recap of theories of the family. -Explanations of changes to family sizes. With reference to, the changes in the position of women, changes in religion and technological and financial factors. There are links to key statistics, and challenge questions provided throughout. Students to copy the table on the power point and fill in the key information whilst the teacher talks through it. -Is the family in decline? arguments for and against this argument. With reference to key theories such as The New Right. Evaluation provided. -The emergence of the privatised nuclear family. Reading activity -students to answer key questions using the reading. (reading provided on a separate document) -Plenary- true or false.
GCSE sociology [EDUQAS/ WJEC]- Research methods. Interviews.

GCSE sociology [EDUQAS/ WJEC]- Research methods. Interviews.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson, which focuses on interviews. This is designed to last a 90 minute lesson and there is a total of 14 slides on the power point. There is a worksheet to go along with the lesson (home learning purposes). Included: -Starter activity. This is a retrieval practice activity which recaps the families and households unit. -Recap of last lesson- requires students to have a basic understanding of the difference between primary and secondary data. -Introduction to interviews. What are they? the different types of interviews used by sociologists. -Explanation of structured interviews. -Explanation of unstructured interviews. Links to Dobash and Dobash, along with Feminism. Students to read the reading (provided on a separate worksheet) and answer the questions on the slide. -Explanation of semi-structured interviews. Students to answer questions. -Explanation of focus groups. Students are encouraged to think about why and when these may be useful. -Student task. Students are given four scenarios, their task is to decide which type of interview would be best and why. Example provided on the power point. -Strengths and weaknesses of using interviews in sociological research. -Student task. They are given four scenarios, they need to answer the key questions on the pp for each scenario. Links to interviewer bias and social desirability. -Plenary. Students are given 9 different statements, their task is to identify whether which interview the statement is referring to. Provided on a separate worksheet.
GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Functionalist view of education.

GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Functionalist view of education.

This is a GCSE Sociology lesson{WJEC/ EDUQAS]. The lesson focuses on the Functionalist view of education. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and has a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity- recap of research methods. True or false task. Answers provided. Title page- students to think about what they already know about Functionalism and to predict what they think they may say about the education system. Theory recap. Recap of consensus and conflict theories. Do we need education for society to function effectively? Schools as agents of socialisation. Durkheim and social cohesion. Parsons and status. Schools are preparation for employment. Mind map task, students to write down all the ways school prepares students for work. Parsons, meritocracy and role allocation. Evaluation of Functionalist view of education. Functionalism quick quiz. Cram your brain activity. Students fill their brain outline with as many key concepts as they can remember from the education unit so far. Brain outline provided on a separate worksheet.
GCSE Sociology {EDUQAS}- The importance of material factors in education.

GCSE Sociology {EDUQAS}- The importance of material factors in education.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson [EDUQAS/ WJEC] which focuses on the importance of material factors within education. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. By the end of the lesson students will be able to outline and explain the different material factors and start to make connections to class differences in achievement. Included: Starter, methods recap. Primary Vs. Secondary data (retrieval practice) Title page- encouraging students to think about what material factors are and whether they are internal or external. How free is school? student task- write down all the things their parents need to pay for within education. Example list with prices included on the pp. Explanation of material factors and material deprivation. Explanation of how material factors could lead to working class underachievement. Link back to key question ‘is education meritocratic?’. The effects of income on attainment. Student task- rank the material factors in order of biggest impact on educational achievement. Link to choice of school. Short youtube clip- students to make a note of the cultural and material factors affecting the student’s achievement at school. Poor housing and underachievement. Wider connections to class differences- student task. Plenary- Bingo.
GCSE sociology [EDUQAS]- Stratification & differentiation. Social exclusion and deprivation.

GCSE sociology [EDUQAS]- Stratification & differentiation. Social exclusion and deprivation.

This is a GCSE sociology lessson [WJEC/ EDUQAS]. The lesson focuses on the social stratification and differentiation topic. With a particular focus on social exclusion and deprivation. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity. Education recap- students work out the missing words. Title page. Encouraging students to think about what deprivation means, recap absolute and relative poverty. Outline of spec provided on pp slide. Definition of deprivation and how it can be a social construct. Research into relative deprivation. Townsend. Handout provided on a separate document. The cycle of deprivation. Explanation and student task. Provided on a separate work sheet. Students make their own cycle of deprivation, put the statements in the correct order. Answers provided on a separate document. What is social exclusion? - explanation & student task. On pp slide. Social inclusion, explanation provided & challenge question for students. Why are poverty and social exclusion hard to solve? What do sociological theories say about poverty? Student task- instructions on the pp slide. Goes through, marxism, the new right, functionalism and feminism. Plenary- student task. Explaining why some groups are more likely to suffer from poverty, Instructions and examples on pp slide.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Globalisation & poverty. Social stratification and differentiation.

GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Globalisation & poverty. Social stratification and differentiation.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson [WJEC/ EDUQAS] based on the stratification and differentiation unit. The lesson focuses on globalisation and poverty. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, education recap. Students work out the missing words, based on Paul Willis key study. Title page- encouraging students to think about what globalisation means. Globalisation definition. Multinational corporations explanation. Student task, read through the McDonalds information sheet (attached as a separate document) and students answer questions on the pp. Explanation of a global elite. Fill in the blanks task with answers on pp. The connection between employment, globalisation and poverty. Work sheet for students to read through where they can highlight evidence of globalisation. Attached as a separate document. 9 mark practice question. Functionalist and Marxist views on stratification. Example answer included on pp. There is also a brief explanation about how students should answer this question.
GCSE psychology - Brain, Damasio wt al 1994- Phineas Gage.

GCSE psychology - Brain, Damasio wt al 1994- Phineas Gage.

This is a GCSE psychology lesson which focuses on Damasio et al’s research about Phineas Gage. This lesson is part of ‘the brain’ unit. This lesson is designed to fill 90 minutes and the power point consists of 12 slides. Included: starter- recap structure of the brain. - brain outline’s included on a separate worksheet. who was Phineas Gage? - Short video clip, link included on the power point. Key questions for students to answer after watching the clip. key details of Damasio’s research, including- aims, procedure, results, conclusion and evaluation. Worksheet for students to complete. (four slides giving details of each area) knowledge check. ‘Blankety blank’ activity. Evaluation of the research. - worksheet for students to complete. 4 mark exam question practice by the end of the lesson all students will be able to explain the case of Phineas Gage and will be able to explain the changes in human behaviour by referring to Damasio et al’s research findings.
GCSE sociology [wjec]- Social stratification & differentiation revision

GCSE sociology [wjec]- Social stratification & differentiation revision

This is a GCSE sociology revision session which focuses on the social stratification and differentiation unit. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 7 slides on the power point. All resources are provided. Included: Title page - 4 2 mark questions for students to answer, all based on the straf/ diff unit. Large mind-map of the whole unit- students are advised to mind- map/ summarise the unit on an A3 piece of paper whilst teacher goes through main content on the board. Practice short answer exam questions- provided on a separate worksheet. Mark schemes provided on the power point. Strat / diff game (may need printing for students to play). Provided on the power point.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/EDUQAS]- Education. Ethnic differences Lesson 2. Internal factors.

GCSE sociology [WJEC/EDUQAS]- Education. Ethnic differences Lesson 2. Internal factors.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson based on the education unit. This lesson is lesson 2 of ethnic differences which focuses on internal factors. The lesson is designed to last a 90 minute lesson and there are a total of 9 slides on the power point. Challenge questions provided throughout. Included: Starter- methods recap. Unscramble the key words. (answers on pp) Title page- encouraging students to think about how schools/ teachers may be unconsciously racist. Quick recap of ethnic differences lesson 1. Includes, who performs better in education, also material and cultural factors. Explanation of how racism can lead to underachievement. Explanation of how institutional racism can lead to underachievement. Explanation of how labelling and low expectations can lead to underachievement. Explanation of how the ethnocentric curriculum can lead to underachievement. Consolidating knowledge task. Students to complete the mind-map using all the information they have learnt about ethnic differences. The mindmap has been started, students too add as much information as they can. Attached as a separate document. 15 mark practice exam question. Students have the option of two questions focusing on ethnic differences. Example structure provided.
GCSE Psychology [edexcel]- Memory revision

GCSE Psychology [edexcel]- Memory revision

This is a GCSE psychology lesson which focuses on revising the memory unit in preparation for summer examinations. The session is designed to be used as a revision session and should last 60 minutes. This lesson comes with a power point and worksheet. There are 7 slides on the power point. Included: True or false activity, answers included. Key terms (not all of them, just some of the harder/ main ones) - answers on the pp slide, students to fill in their sheet. Mind-map which covers key terms/ content from the unit. Teacher could explain these in more detail. Students to add to their sheet. Practice short answer exam questions from past papers, mark schemes included.
GCSE Sociology- The Feminist view of education

GCSE Sociology- The Feminist view of education

This is a lesson based on GCSE Sociology Eduqas, The Feminist view of education. It contains four different worksheets: a true or false starter activity, a feminist view of education fill in the gaps, a 15 mark exam style question, the exam question planning sheet. The lesson consists of 11 slides, students should be able to answer the exam style question at the end based on their knowledge of the three structural theories.
GCSE psychology- memory, issues and debates- holism and reductionism

GCSE psychology- memory, issues and debates- holism and reductionism

This is lesson 9 of the memory topic, the lesson focuses on issues and debates. For this topic, the focus is on Holism and Reductionism. This powerpoint consists of 16 slides and is designed to fill an 100 minute lesson. This lesson can be used alongside the memory booklet available in my shop. Or it can be purchased individually as the worksheet pages are also attached and included in this lesson. The starter of this lesson is based on the social influence topic, it acts as a retrieval practice task. By the end of this lesson all students will be able to explain and evaluate both reductionism and holism. The lesson then leads students to complete a 9 mark exam question- the question and mark scheme is included.
GCSE sociology [ Eduqas/ WJEC ]- The Marxist perspective of the family

GCSE sociology [ Eduqas/ WJEC ]- The Marxist perspective of the family

This is a GCSE sociology lesson (WJEC/ EDUQAS) based on the Marxist perspective of the family. The lesson is designed to fill 90 minutes and it consists of 11 power point slides with two worksheets. Included: -starter activity whereby students need to unscramble key concepts. -recap of the Functionalist view of the family. -explanation of Marxism as a conflict theory. -explanation of how families serve the interests of capitalism. -Zaretsky ‘the cult of private life’. This includes a fill in the blanks activity for students to complete. -explanation of Zaretsky’s view that the family benefits capitalism. -evaluation of the Marxist perspective. -worksheet whereby students are encouraged to compare the Functionalist and Marxist perspective. -poster activity, students consolidate their knowledge about Marxism. They may need to use the GCSE wjec textbook to support them with this task. -plenary- questioning activity. Questions based on different difficulty levels, students to choose which ones they can level.
GCSE Sociology [eduqas/ WJEC]- Family diversity.

GCSE Sociology [eduqas/ WJEC]- Family diversity.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson (eduqas/ WJEC) which focuses on family diversity and the reasons for this change in family types. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and has a total of 12 slides. Included: -starter activity. Sociology bingo. Students to pick nine words from the list, teacher reads out a definition, students cross off the key term if they have it on their grid. Prizes may be needed to reward winners. -explanation of different types of family today. Particular reference to extended families (horizontal, vertical and modified) -explanation of the Rapoports and their view on the family. -explanation of Chester- view of the family. Evaluation of the Rapoports theory. -statistics to demonstrate what Chester suggests about the family. -links to theory- Postmodernism. Introduce the theory and explain what they say about the family. -explanation of ethnic minority families, link to The Rapoports. -reasons for the change in family types explained. Links to; changes in the law, social changes, changes in the position of women and secularisation. Student activity: draw a grid- add the statements off the power point slide under the correct heading (reasons for the change). Answers included on the power point. -key legal changes: The divorce reform Act, Equal pay Act and Marriage (same sex couple) Act. Encouraging students to think about how these changes in legislation may have influenced the changes in family structures. -plenary- true or false. Answers on the power point. Challenge/ extension questions throughout to support higher ability students.