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Teacher of History from 11-16
Edexcel 9-1 Lesson 1 introduction to the American West

Edexcel 9-1 Lesson 1 introduction to the American West

This lesson can be used as an introduction to the Edexcel American West unit of work exploring the key themes the unit will address and the skills required by the exam board. The lesson provides students with the opportunity to give any pre-concieved ideas regarding the American West and address any misconceptions students may have
Edexcel 9-1 The USA conflict at home and abroad revision resources

Edexcel 9-1 The USA conflict at home and abroad revision resources

A complete revision lesson including content tables for each section of the USA conflict at home and abroad 1954-1975 module USA civil rights: Students read through each of the parts of the information table and using the evidence decide whether each aspect of the civil rights movement brought success or failure for the overall aims of the movement For Vietnam: students use the information to explain why aspects of the Vietnam war could lead to the overall American Failure in Vietnam
Edexcel 9-1 Lesson 9 The Fort Laramie Treaty

Edexcel 9-1 Lesson 9 The Fort Laramie Treaty

A completed lesson fitting into a scheme of work for the Edexcel module The American West DO NOW: As your DO NOW task please complete the questions on the document titled ‘recall questions lesson 8’ Task 1: Read through the information on slide 2 to understand the threats each group faced before using the information on page 27 to complete the questions on the document titled ‘conflict and tension between Plains Indians and Migrants’ to understand what tensions there were and why they took place Task 2: Read through the diagram on slide 5 to understand why the Fort Laramie Treaty to create an agreement between the Indians and White settlers was passed. Once you have read through this diagram using the document titled ‘Fort Laramie Treaty’ and the information on pages 28,29 and 30 to complete the diagram about the Fort Laramie Treaty Task 3: Using the diagram on slide 7 to see the consequences of the Fort Laramie Treaty. Once you have read this diagram you will need to answer the question explaining why this treaty would be significant. In order to do this make sure you consider what the impact would be for the white settlers and the Plains Indians. Task 4: Using the document titled ‘what were the consequences of the Fort Laramie Treaty’ you need to colour code the effects of the Fort Laramie Treaty for the White Settlers and the Plains Indians - both positive and negative Task 5: Using your knowledge of the Fort Laramie Treaty complete the question titled ‘explain two consequences of the Fort Laramie Treaty’
Edexcel 9-1 The American West

Edexcel 9-1 The American West

5 Resources
A lesson bundle the Edexcel GCSE topic The American West focussing on topic One The early settlement of the West c1835-1862 Lessons include: An introduction to the module The Plains Indians Society The US government Policy The Fort Laramie Treaty