Elementary science

KS1 Habitats Worksheets
Worksheets to prompt writing for habitats topic.
Suitable for Ks1, Kindergarten.
Habitats included are: Rainforest , Arctic, Coral reef, Ocean and Desert

Five Senses ppt and worksheets KS1
For use in KS1 or kindergarten.
Introduction to senses ppt
Worksheets include:
Taste: Draw and describe favourite foods.
Touch: Sense of touch hunt.
Hearing: Go on a sound walk.
Smell: Smells search.
Sight: Sight hunt.

Materials Properties Waterproof Experiment
KS1 or Kindergarten Materials and their properties.
An experiment to test waterproof materials based on keeping a bear nice and dry!
PPT included to introduce the topic, predictions worksheet and a worksheet to record the results of the experiment.