Created by a year six teacher (100% maths, 100% reading and 93% English at and above expected pass rate last SATs year), maths coordinator and deputy head. I am also a published author under the name Andrew Thomas. I have had my resources recommended by TES 3 times.
I've been teaching for years and love my job. My school is in Lewisham (London). My kids are engaged when the resources are good.
Created by a year six teacher (100% maths, 100% reading and 93% English at and above expected pass rate last SATs year), maths coordinator and deputy head. I am also a published author under the name Andrew Thomas. I have had my resources recommended by TES 3 times.
I've been teaching for years and love my job. My school is in Lewisham (London). My kids are engaged when the resources are good.
A great writing project to allow children to learn GPS while writing a wonderful story. Great for catch up and will last weeks. You don’t need the book as the PPT has it all.
38 slides (to accompany the book Journey). Each slide has a different focus.
A step by step approach that introduces all aspects of the writing assessment criteria including:
• creating atmosphere, and integrating dialogue to convey character and advance the action
• using a range of cohesive devices, including adverbials, within and across sentences and paragraphs sentences and paragraphs
• using passive and modal verbs mostly appropriately
• using a wide range of clause structures, sometimes varying their position within the sentence
• using adverbs, preposition phrases and expanded noun phrases effectively to add detail, qualification and precision
• using mostly correctly:
inverted commas
commas for clarity
punctuation for parenthesis
• making some correct use of:
• semi-colons to mark the boundary between independent clauses
• colons to mark the boundary between independent clauses
This was a real labour of love. Enjoy.
A set of three SATS style question Games based on Arithmetic, Roman numerals and problem solving questions found in the SATs papers - INCLUDES ANSWERS. Can be done as a independent revision activity or used in boosters.
Created by a year six teacher (97% maths at and above expected pass rate last year), maths coordinator and deputy head. Used on the afternoon before the 2018 maths SATS tests and updated in 2019.
The games allow the teacher to check the mathematics concept with a SATS style questions.
This is designed specifically for revision purposes as I have found my class sometimes fail to retain certain mathematical methods or struggle to use what they know to figure out what they don’t.
Requires dice and counters.
Please click on my name above for loads of maths, reading and writing resources that are aimed at getting the best out of your year 6 class.
Designed and used by a year 6 teacher with a 100% maths SATs score in the last tests.
Show, then have a go style.
A PowerPoint aimed at the fraction questions in the 2018 arithmetic test. It can be used as a teaching tool or a revision lesson just before they start the test. It also includes a rhyme to help the children to remember the basics.
Teaches pupils to:
Multiply fractions by fractions
Divide fractions by fractions
Multiply fractions by whole numbers
Divide fractions by whole numbers
Change mixed numbers to improper fractions to multiply and divide by fractions and whole numbers.
Tested in a year 6 class and worked very well.
Includes opportunities for pupils to apply what they have learnt and teacher to assess understanding.
This is a PowerPoint (that can be converted to a flip chart) that takes pupils through what is required to write a short story at the expected level and is a step by step guide. It is aimed at the criteria and framework and has produced some wonderful writing from my year 6 class. It shows the children where to include the punctuation, grammar and structure throughout a short story. There are 29 slides in total, each with a different focus which enables the children to include all of the skills they have learnt throughout the year. It is based on Eye of the Storm from the Literacy Shed (link included in the PPT).
This is the opening of the story, written by a lower ability child (typed out with no corrections):
As he stared into the sky, not worrying about his destruction from the mesmerising, raging storm, he gazed at the green lightening. His white, dragon like scarf waved in the sky. The black, silver lined coat shone in the sun’s omega light. The empty shell of a man thought that he could survive the storm. He kept his face hidden because he didn’t want to remember who he was. He turned his head slightly; he knew what he had to do.
The ship he was travelling on had a unique energy that was pure electricity. It looked like a war ship, ready for battle. A war to save a dragon, a war to save the world, a war to save everyone.
Terrifying memories of murder in his head. He had never found Martha…
A weeks worth of revision sheets. Created by a year 6 teacher who got 93% maths pass rate in last years SATs and progress that was in the top 10% in the country.
This helps revise a range of skills in a fun way and covers:
Money conversion
Journey time tables
Money word problems
All 4 operations
If you like this, please click my name at the top to visit my shop. It has everything from reading comprehension games to stand alone cover lessons.
Created by a year six teacher and maths lead with 93% pass rate in SATs maths last year.
This is a flip chart, plan and resources that covers all areas of maths for the reasoning papers and arithmetic paper. Aimed at a 3 week run in to SATS week. See the end of the description for full list of areas covered.
Get your class ready and save hours!
This complete set includes worksheets, links to all the materials you will need and a fun flip chart that has a wide range of activities.
Activities start at the register short brain warm up, move on to a starter, include a main lesson focus then has a plenary. All you need to keep the lessons fast paced, fun and exciting.
It covers:
Recite Tables/Prime numbers
Recite Tables/Prime numbers
Inverse operations
Square/Cube numbers
Recite Tables/Prime numbers
Ordering numbers
Closest to 10, 100, 1000
Simple algebra
Rotational Symmetry
Charts (pie/bar/line)
Diagrams (Carroll/Venn)
Recite Tables/Prime numbers
Greater than/less than/equal to
Word problems
4 operations (including inverse, decimals, brackets)
Protractor use
Designed and used by a year 6 teacher with a 93% maths SATs score in 2017.
This is a 2 week maths cycle that covers concepts for the SATs reasoning test in easy 10 minute starters.
This works perfectly to remind and embed all the concepts needed to do well in the reasoning paper.
Please check out my other resources by clicking my name at the top of the page.
SATs reading comprehension games
Reasoning Paper revision
Loads of English SATs based writing
These games are designed to making reading comprehension exciting and enjoyable.
2 more board games that make reading comprehension fun! The text is in the middle of the game board and the questions test a range of areas that will appear on the upcoming SATS. My year 6 class had a blast.
All you need is a die and some counters!
The lost world game is complete, it’s just a glitch on the picture.
Year 6 teacher? Please check out my other tried and tested resources.
A fun science experiment that shows what air pressure is, firwards and backwards mothion and Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws.
All you need is a 2 litre bottle, carrot, bike pump (a standing, large one works best) and a football inflation needle.
Have fun.
I put this together to help my class understand reflection questions. Would be good to start off a revision session. Please check out my other SATs revision bits by clicking my name above and visiting my shop.
25 questions on a colourful PowerPoint to test the general knowledge of your class. It includes questions on art, literacy, maths, history, science geography and more. The download includes an easy to mark answer sheet and answers at the end end of the PowerPoint. Enjoy.
Make a bookmark RE activity
Have you ever seen a mustard seed? The mustard seed was, at the time, believed to be the smallest of all seeds. It is so small that if you were holding one in your hand and you dropped it you would have a very hard time finding it because it is so hard to see.
Even though the mustard seed is so small when it is planted in the ground, it grows into a tree large enough for birds to stand on its branches and to make their nests in it.
When you look at this little mustard seed before
planting it in the ground, you might think it would
be impossible for a seed so tiny to grow into a tree.
But God turns that tiny seed into a wonderful place
for birds to come and rest and sing.
When Jesus told this parable He compared it to loving God. When children, like you, or adults begin to love Jesus, their love is like a tiny mustard seed before it is planted in the ground. It starts out very small at first. Then when you keep on listening to what Jesus says and obeying Him, then the love grows bigger and bigger. Soon it will grow like the big mustard tree.
You can also find this parable in Mark 4:30-32; and Luke 13:18-19.
These games are designed to make reading comprehension exciting and enjoyable.
2 more board games that make reading comprehension fun! The text is in the middle of the game board and the questions test a range of areas that will appear on the upcoming SATS. My year 6 class had a blast.
All you need is a die and some counters!
This is the second lot of games I have made.
click here for the original set:
Year 6 teacher? Please check out my other tried and tested resources.
Designed and used by a year 6 teacher with a 93% maths SATs score in 2017.
This is a 4 week maths cycle that covers all the areas needed for the SATs arithmetic test in easy 10 minute starters.
This works perfectly to remind and embed all the concepts needed to do well in the arithmetic paper.
Please check out my other resources by clicking my name at the top of the page.
SATs reading comprehension games
Reasoning Paper revision
Loads of English SATs based writing
This flipchart can be used as a whole class activity, printed out for small groups or used as a range of worksheets.
It helps children’s understanding of what algebra is and directly links the main concepts of letters as numbers and how to develop an understanding of formulae.
Created by a tear 6 teacher with 100% pass rate (in an inner city school) in SATs maths last year and 55% greater depth.
Please click on my name above to see my other resources. Everything from Guided Reading games to step by step writing at the expected level flipcharts.
A fun powerpoint about St Patrick that tests pupils memory with a quiz at the end.
This also includes a link to a video about his life.
Happy St Patrick’s Day!