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Masculinity In Macbeth

Masculinity In Macbeth

‘How does Shakespeare explore ideas of masculinity in Macbeth?’ A lesson designed to help students plan and write a response to the question above.
An Inspector Calls - Eva Smith

An Inspector Calls - Eva Smith

How does Priestly use Eva Smith to present poverty in An Inspector Calls? A lesson designed to help students plan and write an essay answering the question above.
Macbeth as a Tragic Hero

Macbeth as a Tragic Hero

‘Starting with this speech, explain how far Shakespeare presents Macbeth as a tragic hero.’ A lesson designed to help students plan and write a response to the question above.
Equivocation in Macbeth

Equivocation in Macbeth

‘Explain how the theme of equivocation is explored in Macbeth.’ A lesson designed to help students plan and write a response to the question above.
An Inspector Calls - Final Speech

An Inspector Calls - Final Speech

‘How does Priestley present his political views through the Inspector’s final speech?’ A lesson designed to help students plan and write a response to the question above.
An Inspector Calls - Gender

An Inspector Calls - Gender

‘How does Priestley present female characters in An Inspector Calls?’ A lesson designed to help students plan and answer the question above.