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Anna jordan's Shop

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10 BALL GAMES: SUBVERSIVE TEACHING IN 21ST CENTURY. We innovate, constantly. We see the extraordinary in the everyday. We know that real education is about feeding the soul, not just passing exams. We sometimes see children with problems, we don't see children as problems. We re-draw the boundaries of the possible. We survive, despite the slings and arrows of outrageous policy. Freely sharing resources gives us time to do these things. Please help yourself, and play on.




10 BALL GAMES: SUBVERSIVE TEACHING IN 21ST CENTURY. We innovate, constantly. We see the extraordinary in the everyday. We know that real education is about feeding the soul, not just passing exams. We sometimes see children with problems, we don't see children as problems. We re-draw the boundaries of the possible. We survive, despite the slings and arrows of outrageous policy. Freely sharing resources gives us time to do these things. Please help yourself, and play on.
Elizabeth A2 Notes

Elizabeth A2 Notes

Framework of notes for A2 students on ELizabethan Foreign Policy and on the religious settlement. Activity on the religious settlement notes - students are provided with key arguments and have to substantiate, explain and analyse as appropriate, using pages 1-13 of the handout.
Y8 SOW Unit 1 Is absolute power possible?

Y8 SOW Unit 1 Is absolute power possible?

Half a term’s planning with resources. My y8 are investigating the theme of ‘power and protest’ this year (y7 is ‘lives of ordinary people’ and y9 is ‘conflict and resolution’ - these are the themes i have chosen in line with the new KS3 national programme of study). This is the introductory unit. so far my students are loving it. its not content heavy, as it allows for much discussion in class. am pursuing the ‘do less, more effectively’ concept with my planning this year!
Y8 SOW Unit 4 - What makes protest effective?

Y8 SOW Unit 4 - What makes protest effective?

4th half termly unit in Y8 scheme of work, looking at variety of different protests. Designed to prompt students to see effective protest as context specific. assessment is drawing of political cartoon and writing the accompanying interpretation - GCSE style


Activities and notes for teaching Wolsey (written as part of the English Reformation unit but could be used more widely). Teacher notes included.
Henry VIII Foreign Policy  1539-1547

Henry VIII Foreign Policy 1539-1547

Complete notes for AS students to use as pre-reading/revision. Plus lesson activity: Students use chronology on paper slips to create a huge graph across the desks. This graph (and obviously the discussion which goes with it) answers 2 questions: was foreign policy in this period a success or a failure?; what factors influenced foreign policy in this period? Lesson plan and photograph of student graph included for reference.
Hitler's foreign policy - kinaesthetic mnemonic

Hitler's foreign policy - kinaesthetic mnemonic

I always find it difficult to create activities for kinaesthetic learners, but devised this with my students to help remember Hitler's foreign policy aims, and steps that he took to achieve those aims, in the correct order. easily adaptable - you could easily show this to your students and have them adapt it so it resonates with them
Why did the Schlieffen Plan fail essay writing activity (no writing involved!)

Why did the Schlieffen Plan fail essay writing activity (no writing involved!)

This activity is designed to help students think about the construction of an effective essay (Nat Curriculum Skill 5 - organising and communicating ideas). The instructions are at the end of the document and hopefully should be clear. It requires some teacher prep in photocopying and cutting up sets, but is truly effective. I have used the same style activity with all age groups, as it is easily adaptable to different topics. With Key Stage 4, i have made it more difficult by presenting 2 different explanations to end each paragraph- one basic, one more analytical. For Key Stage 5, I have included analytical links between paragraphs. Please email me at jordansnotes@yahoo.co.uk if the instructions are not clear! You will see the difference in students writing style immediately. I have also attached a literacy exercise that can be done after this to consolidate understanding of the reasons why the SP failed.
How to write an essay

How to write an essay

How I help students write essays, from KS3 to 6th form. I've tried to make it as much a step by step guide as I can. It is quite detailed, but has examples to clarify.
Russia GCSE

Russia GCSE

Full resources with teachers notes for teaching Lenin and Stalin’s Government. First activity in Stalin pack is adapted for GCSE from an A-level Thinking History activity.
Life in the Trenches

Life in the Trenches

60 minute carousel: 6 x 10(ish) minute activities. All could be used as standalone activities, however. Objective is to introduce students to range of key information- what the trenches were like, the difference between the German and English, casualty rates, weaponry, who fought in the trenches, war at sea - without labouring over 'life in the trenches'
How to decode a history question

How to decode a history question

Guide for students to help them work out what is being asked in a history exam question and recognise the basic structure of the answer required. [to help them write the answer, see 'how to help students write essays' on TES]
Effective A Level Discussions

Effective A Level Discussions

This is an outline of a lesson structure I use all the time to create more lesson time for developing understanding, rather than knowledge transmission, and to encourage students to become more independent in their arguments.


Full SOW with resources, assessment and teacher notes. Covers Norman Conquest, Hundred Years War, Wars of the Roses. Main skills focus is understanding causation. Also includes interpretations work on Bayeux and Richard III.
Nazi Soviet Pact

Nazi Soviet Pact

6 clues to help students work out the reasons why Stalin and Hitler signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact. Most clues not very complicated but obviously they are clues, so will require some working out and teacher scaffolding to point students in the right direction
Y8 Unit 3 SOW: Terrorist or Freedom Fighter?

Y8 Unit 3 SOW: Terrorist or Freedom Fighter?

Title: Whats the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter? Uses EISW as content. Half a term’s work. Assessment built in with AFL worksheet Please leave a comment if you use this resource, or email me if you can think of any improvements! Thanks
From Schlieffen Plan to Stalemate

From Schlieffen Plan to Stalemate

Dice-based game. Objective of the game is to 'be Germany and avoid stalemate'. Students will explore how stalemate developed and counter-factual alternatives and, therefore, be able to identify turning points. Follow up activities provided
Y8 Unit 2: Utility of Gladiator film

Y8 Unit 2: Utility of Gladiator film

Full title: How useful is the movie Gladiator for investigating the power of the Roman Army ? Extended source evaluation really. Half a term’s work (at 1.5hrs per week approx). Students look at the opening scenes of gladiator and identify the interpretation within the movie. They study the Roman Army and then compare their findings to the movie, concluding with a formal answer to exam style question on reliability/utility (adaptable).