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Anna jordan's Shop

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10 BALL GAMES: SUBVERSIVE TEACHING IN 21ST CENTURY. We innovate, constantly. We see the extraordinary in the everyday. We know that real education is about feeding the soul, not just passing exams. We sometimes see children with problems, we don't see children as problems. We re-draw the boundaries of the possible. We survive, despite the slings and arrows of outrageous policy. Freely sharing resources gives us time to do these things. Please help yourself, and play on.




10 BALL GAMES: SUBVERSIVE TEACHING IN 21ST CENTURY. We innovate, constantly. We see the extraordinary in the everyday. We know that real education is about feeding the soul, not just passing exams. We sometimes see children with problems, we don't see children as problems. We re-draw the boundaries of the possible. We survive, despite the slings and arrows of outrageous policy. Freely sharing resources gives us time to do these things. Please help yourself, and play on.
GAME - Henry VIII and the English Reformation 1529-1534 (Wolsey's fall to Act of Supremacy)

GAME - Henry VIII and the English Reformation 1529-1534 (Wolsey's fall to Act of Supremacy)

Inspired by the idea of learning grids (See Outstanding teaching Engaging Learners by Andy Griffith and Mark Burns, p38), this game contains all the key events of the period from 1524-1534 - the King's Great Matter (quest for an annulment) to the Act of Supremacy. Rules for the game are included. The objectives are to recap key events and to link ideas together. A summary of events in the years 1524-1534 (pertinent to the annulment/supremacy) is also included.
Marksheets for key skill areas

Marksheets for key skill areas

There are 2 versions of these marksheets - one levelled for teachers and one for photocopying for students. They have been designed around the key skills of the National Curriculum - chronology, knowledge & understanding, interpretations, source work and organising é communicating ideas. The students will not see the levels (although you could easily add them in if you wanted). The idea behind this is that students will focus on the comments made so they can improve rather than becoming complacent/despondent about the level achieved. there is opportunity for student comment and reflection on their work also.
Edward VI - spaced learning overview activity

Edward VI - spaced learning overview activity

Although this is all on one powerpoint, I used it in 2 halves, as an intro to Somerset and then as an intro to Northumberland. Spaced learning works on the principle of repeating an activity to enhance recall. I do the first run through explaining the content. then there is a 5 minute break for juggling (or simon says, or…) then we repeat - they give as much info as they can and I clarify through questions or reminders break 3rd and final run through they have to give me all of it - I sometimes run this as a competition ‘me vs. them’ - every time I have to tell them something they lose a point from a starter of 10 and I gain one from a starter of 0. Lastly they need to test themselves independently - you can do this by a written ‘quiz’ or by giving them a copy of the ppt slides and requiring them to annotate them
Henry VIII Foreign Policy 1527-end 1538

Henry VIII Foreign Policy 1527-end 1538

Students use chronology on paper slips to create a huge graph across the desks. This graph (and obviously the discussion which goes with it) answers 2 questions: was foreign policy in this period a success or a failure?; what factors influenced foreign policy in this period? Photograph of student graph included for reference. Lesson plan (mirrors activity for foreign policy 1509-1527 available on TES) plus key notes for students revision.
Henry VIII foreign policy 1509-1527

Henry VIII foreign policy 1509-1527

Complete notes for AS students to use as pre-reading/revision. Plus lesson activity: Students use chronology on paper slips to create a huge graph across the desks. This graph (and obviously the discussion which goes with it) answers 2 questions: was foreign policy in this period a success or a failure?; what factors influenced foreign policy in this period? Photograph of student graph included for reference.
How to measure significance

How to measure significance

A P4C style lesson exploring the concept of historical significance and offering KS3 students ways of measuring it. Very detailed lesson notes on first couple of pages
Bloody Sunday aftermath

Bloody Sunday aftermath

Straightforward matching exercise - matching events that occured post bloody sunday with the significance of those events. then prioritising greatest threat (for discussion purposes to check understanding)
League of Nations Abyssinia

League of Nations Abyssinia

Poem about the Italian invasion of Abyssinia plus additional factual material. Activity designed to generate knowledge about the Italian Invasion of Abyssinia, one of the 3 principle failures of the League in the 1930s (along with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria and the failure of the Disarmament Conference). Also included exam-style cartoon interpretation[Please note that any classification of this resource as related to the USA is generated by TES not me.]
Why did William want to conquer England. Essay structure work

Why did William want to conquer England. Essay structure work

Another in the series of essay sorts to help students understand how to construct essays. Involves no writing, just thinking, and leaves students with a takeaway product they can use as a model for future extended writing on causation. Builds on a prior lesson where ‘William’ makes a speech to the class about his reasons for wanting to conquer England. also attached
Habits of Mind strategies for teachers

Habits of Mind strategies for teachers

easy to include strategies for teachers to help children develop particular behaviours, broadly based on Costa's Habits of Mind. So far, strategies posted for Metacognition, Managing Impulsivity, taking a Responsible Risk and Persistence (including thinking flexibly) jan 2012 - communication added april 2012 - curiosity added
Role Play Overview of the relationship between Church and State

Role Play Overview of the relationship between Church and State

I use this activity in Year 7 to help students to understand the relationship between church and state. Christianity is what I think of as the ‘big idea’ for Year 7 studies, and is the context within which most of the medieval period can be understood. I think it is important for students to be able to comprehend the political nature of the church in this period, and the symbiotic relationship between spiritual and secular powers. So this is one of the first activities I do in Year 7. Of course, it can be done in Year 8 before studying the Henrician Reformation instead, but if done in Year 7 students still remember it in Year 8. Having the photographic record also helps students’ recall.