50 page Bundle of worksheets, activities and exam questions linked to GCSE 9-1 The reigns of King Richard I and King John, 1189-1216. Useful for revision of the unit, as well as individual lessons throughout the unit. There are practice 4, 12 and 16 mark questions included with mark schemes.
The British Sector on the Western Front - Historic Environment study
GCSE Edexcel 9-1
First World War - Evacuation Route
Who treated the sick? The Evacuation Route. Problems with terrain.
Use soldier cards to complete decision making game to see how the evacuation route worked, to learn about each of its stages and to analyse how effective it was for injured soldiers on the Western Front.
Source practice and a 4 mark question
Revision Bingo Game GCSE History The American West 1835-1895
For use with students studying Edexcel 1-9 GCSE.
Bingo game that helps revise key words and concepts connected to the course. Can be used as a starter or plenary task or as part of revision at the end of the course or in preparation for exams or mocks. Can be easily adapted.
30 different bingo cards provided which can be laminated so that they can be used over and over. 79 key words covered with questions and answers provided for the ‘Bingo caller’.
A lesson on the Nazi control and influence of attitudes through Propaganda. This is suitable for teaching Life in Nazi Germany at Key Stage 3 or with GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939.
It begins with a retrieval activity which can be easily adapted.
It gives key words and their meanings relevant to the topic - Aryan, Censorship, Propaganda.
There are source style questions asking students to identify if something is censorship or propaganda or both as well as an inference source question, like the ones featured on the Edexcel GCSE paper.
The main task asks students to complete source analysis looking at 10 types of censorship and propaganda including the press, art, architecture, posters, film, music, sport (including the Berlin Olympic Games) , rallies etc.
This resource can be used when teaching about Weimar and Nazi Germany. It supports the teaching of both The Golden Years and The Lean Years 1924-1929. It can be used when teaching the EdExcel Germany GCSE unit and features inference(4 mark), explain (12 mark) and usefulness (8 mark) questions along with techniques to help students to remember how to answer the different question types. It can be used alongside the Pearson textbook. It also features an empathy task and a colour coding activity with 2 attached worksheets provided.
Revision materials to help support the learning of The American West 1835-1895 GCSE Unit.
Sheets are ready to print and then just need laminating and a whole punched in the corner and they are ready to attach a key ring. I have found them very popular with students and I have given as presents for Study Leave! They are graet for use in lesson too.
Revision tasks that could be used as starters or plenaries. Tasks require students to identify the connections between the key terms and images and explain them. Great for retrieval and revision of the GCSE unit on Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939. Easily adaptable. 3 different connection walls and answers provided too.
Revision retrieval tasks to accompany the GCSE unit on Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939.
Variety of tasks which can be used as starters, plenaries and homework including Connect 4 activity, using mnemonics to recall key information and matching key events and dates. Easily adaptable too.
Revision Bingo Game GCSE History The Historic Environment: The British Sector on the Western Front 1914-1918: Injuries, Treatment and the Trenches.
For use with students studying Edexcel 1-9 GCSE.
Bingo game that helps revise key words and concepts connected to the course. Can be used as a starter or plenary task or as part of revision at the end of the course or in preparation for exams or mocks.
30 different bingo cards provided which can be laminated so that they can be used over and over. 62 key words covered with questions and answers provided for the 'Bingo caller'.
Revision worksheets and answers on:
Treaty of Versailles
League of Nations
Origins of the Second World War including Hitler’s steps to war, Appeasement and the role of the Spanish Civil War
Variety if tasks including gap fills, exam questions, sources, retrieval quizzes, key words sheets with answers included. Great for students working on revision independently.
Useful for OCR GCSE (9-1) History A