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EDUQAS Media Studies GCSE Introduction to Music Videos KS3/4
This resource comprises of two powerpoints, each powerpoint planned for a duration of 80 minutes. These powerpoints are only suitable for Year 9 and above, and you are welcome to change the music video examples and adapt it to your students. The lessons explore: media language, codes and conventions, simple theories, representations, group work and independent work.

Fortnite Industries and Audiences
This resource comprises of three PowerPoint lessons. Two of which explore industry thoroughly, with a range of actvities, key media terminology and application; a wealth of information. The third lesson focuses on audiences. Support sheets (embedded in slides) for low ability and challenge questions for more able students. Each lesson has 10-20 slides and planned for a duration of 120 each, an entire SOW.

Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation
This resource comprises of Two lessons (each lesson duration time is 80 minutes, thus two double lessons). Both lessons explore Industry and Audience in AC3L and explore theories and application of theories.

Teen Vogue AQA A-level
This lesson focuses on the theoretical framework of media language, representation and industry in relation to Teen Vogue. This lesson is planned for a duration of 5-6 hours. It also includes contexts, theoretical approaches and activities.

AQA A-level Exam Prep
The resource looks at exam prep for the following CSPs:
Blinded by the light
Ghost Town

Advertising Eduqas Media A-level (WaterAid and Tide)
This comprises of four consecutive lessons, looking at both Media Language and Representation.
Please note that some images have hyperlinks to some videos

Minecraft Revision Powerpoint OCR Media
This resource includes a thorough and detailed exploration of Industry, Audiences and Contexts in relation to Minecraft.
The lesson comprises of:
DO NOW (Starter activity of key terminology)
Game features
Independent Media Production
Video Game Production
History of Gaming
Video on gaming industry
Shirky’s End of Audience Theory
Exam Question
Exam Question
Examiner’s report
Exam Question
Jenkin’s Fandom Theory
Exam Question
Mark Scheme

GQ Magazine (industry only) AQA A-level
This lesson focuses on theoretical framework of industries in relation to the GQ magazine. The lesson is planned for a duration of 1-2 hours and covers the following:
online presence
distribution and circulation

OCR GCSE Media Radio Revision: BBC Live Lounge
This resource comprises of one powerpoint exploring Industry and Audience, specifically looking at remit and The Uses and Gratifications theory.
The resources includes:
A DO NOW activity with a challenge ( a quiz that has questions on the different set texts)
Answers to both the DO NOW and challenge activities
Information on the BBC 1 Radio and 1XTRA remit
Video link to Clara Amfo interview with Taylor Swift accompanied with questions about how the remit is met
Suggested answer and students self assess
Uses and Gratification work
Answers to U&G work
Video link to AJ Tracey performing live accompanied with some questions
Exam questions, each worth four marks

EDUQAS A-LEVEL Media Studies Newspapers
This resourse comprises of two lessons, each lesson planned for 160 minutes, thus four single lessons in total. The first lesson explores political contexts, representations of political context and the difference between a Tabloid and Broadsheet. The second lesson explores media language, codes and conventions and exam questions

OCR Media A-Level Jungle Book Quick Revision
This resource consists of a lesson planned for the duration of 160minutes, focusing on the economic contexts, historical contexts and industry in regards to Jungle Book 1967 and 2016.
The lesson includes:
DO NOW quiz
DO NOW quiz and challenge answers
Historical contexts
The influence of historical contexts on JB
Historical contexts questions
Historical contexts answers
Economic contexts
The influence of Economic contexts on JB
Economic contexts questions
Exam questions

EDUQAS Media Studies Newspapers Introduction and Media Language
This resource comprises of four powerpoints (one differentiated ppt), each powerpoint planned for a duration of 80 minutes. The lessons explore: Media langugae,language devices, differentiated PPT for low ability, political and economical contexts, exam questions, sentence starters, some industry knowledge.

Beyoncé Formation Media Language, Representation and Contexts
This resource explores how contexts shape Media Language and Representation in Beyonce’s Formation music video. This lesson should be used after an introduction to the video. This lesson is for a double.
Lesson outline:
Application of Todorov’s theory
Exploration of contexts, eurocentric, creole, colourism, historical burden on black artists,
Application of semiotics
Group scene by scene analysis
Exploration of colour scheme
Application of Baudrillard’s Post modernism
Exam question
Application of Gilroy’s Postcolonialism theory
Exam question
Long essay questions

OCR and AQA MEDIA A-LEVEL Deutschland 83 Practice Question
This lesson comprises of the following:
DO NOW activity on D83
Key, basic facts on D83
Marketing, difference between US and UK trailer - representations
Hesmondshalgh’s cultural theories and appication with worksheet
Exam practice question
Social contexts
Judith Butler’s performativity theory application

OCR A-level Newspapers Paper 1 Question 3 Industry
This resource comprises one PowerPoint revision lesson on Paper 1 Question 3. Exploration of the AO (assessment objectives), key words in the question, planning and structuring a level 3 response.

The Voice Revision Quiz AQA A-level
This resource includes an overview of what your students need to know in preparation for the exam. This resource covers the theoretical framework (media language, representations, industry and audience, contexts and academic theories) in relation to the Voice CSP for the AQA A-level specification.
This is a PowerPoint lesson, a quiz for the duration of 65 minutes. Give your students 30 seconds to answer the short response questions and 1:30 minutes for the long response questions. They should be using a whiteboard in groups of 3/4 to answer the questions.

Score Print Advertisement AQA A-level
This lesson looks at the theoretical framwork of media (media language and representation) in relation to Score print advertisement. The lesson is planned for the duration of 3-5 hours and there are 26 slides in total. The lesson looks at the following:
historical contexts
social and cultural contexts
codes and conventions of print advertisement
denotation and connotation
rule of thirds
z line
representation of ethnicity
representation of gender
representation of setting
laura mulvey male gaze application
bell hooks feminist theory application
van zoonen feminist theory application
exam questions on contexts and media language
production activity

Old Town Road AQA A-level
This lesson focuses on media language and representation in relation to the Old Town Road music video. It also includes theoretical approaches, some contexts and exam prep.