Multiplication /division Year2
In this lesson children recognise the multiples of 2,5 and 10 and record multiplication facts for 5. This is followed by relating multiplication with division using arrays.
3D Shapes
LO: to identify and describe the properties of 3D shapes.
Students will learn about 3D shapes and use clues to identify the properties of 3D shapes. A set of lesson for the complete week.
Fractions- LO : to find 1/4 and 3/4 of a number
Students learn to find the 1/4 and 3/4 of a number
Sucess Criteria
Figure out the fraction of the objects by drawing a grid of how many objects
Draw the objects in the grid to see visually the fraction amount.
Split the fraction into correct number of groups to find the Half 1/2 and quarter1/4
Split the fraction into correct number of groups to find the half 1/2,quarter 1/4 and three fourth 3/4
Figure out the fraction of the objects using known multiplication facts
LO: Use arrays to solve multiplication
Year 2 math lesson on using arrays for multiplications
Place value - LO- read 5 to 6 digit numbers
LO - be able to read 5 to 6 digit numbers