After achieving an A* in 2017, I am sharing my quality revision notes, essays, templates and tactics to help ambitious students reach their goals. These resources have proven a hit across the globe with students and teachers alike - download yourself to see why!
Chat with me on twitter @astarlevels or just drop me an email... happy revising!
After achieving an A* in 2017, I am sharing my quality revision notes, essays, templates and tactics to help ambitious students reach their goals. These resources have proven a hit across the globe with students and teachers alike - download yourself to see why!
Chat with me on twitter @astarlevels or just drop me an email... happy revising!
A complete set of notes for child language acquisition full of theorists, linguists, facts, stats, examples, application and more. I used these notes only alongside practice questions to achieve an A* in 2017.
Why they work:
Easy to learn, concise, bullet point revision notes
Show different lines of arguments that can be used to ‘evaluate’ an idea which is crucial to enter the top bands
Omitted endless details on methodology and results
Replaced these with meaningful comments on each study to form the basis of your argument in the exam (crucial to enter top bands!)
Summary sheet includes:
The stages of acquisition
Different things to pick out in a transcript given in the exam & what to say about them
Nativist approach
Nurture approach
Cognitive approach
Notes for written & multi modal language acquisition
Full revision for Paper 1
Model essays for all topics in A Level English Language, including child language
Check out my shop for more:
7x summary sheets, loads of practice 16 mark questions for every sub topic and a revision checklist for the whole of A Level Psychology.
7 summary sheets covering everything you need to know for relationships. The summary sheets have been arranged according to the specification and include every topic you could be asked… no surprises in the exam!
The paper 3 essay planner includes a 16 mark question for every topic (across every module), therefore is a chance to plan for every type of essay you may be asked to write.
Revision checklist also included that covers the entire module.
Everything you need to revise relationships! Tried and tested by an A* student… chat with me on twitter @astarlevels
Complete revision for accent & dialect. This resource includes the revision NOTES so you can revise the theory and then an example student ESSAY so you can see how to tackle the exam. Produced by a student who achieved an A* in 2017.
Why they work:
Easy to learn, concise, bullet point revision notes
Essays show how to structure a top band response
Feel confident for your exam
Chat with me on Twitter @astarlevels
12 pages of practice essay questions for the new psychology paper 3 AQA A level.
Despite many students being able to recite key studies and theories by Milgram, Singh or Kohlberg, without plenty of practice putting these theories into essays and linking up ideas, they often fail to reach the top marks.
However this resource provides students with multiple essays for each topic in the specification and that could appear on their paper. It has a checklist encouraging them to plan the essay to pick the most relevant ideas, then write it and most importantly get it marked for feedback.
When preparing for A Level Psychology some of the most crucial preparation is practice and this resource gives realistic, challenging and invaluable suggested questions.
There are loads of 16 marker essay questions for every topic in the new specification meaning students can plan and practice a response to almost every possible question they could be asked since I spent a lot of time creating questions that cover all of the specification.
Check out my shop for more:
A fun lesson starter for A Level students introducing some 'new words' that they will definitely want to remember as examples in their essays and articles. Great way to show the basic idea that the language is not static (in an entertaining way).
A great overview of key points in the different theories of romantic relationships.
Should help students clearly differentiate between them and avoid any confusion in the exams!
Check out my shop for more:
This is a collection of exam questions for the new AQA Psychology specification (2016) focused on the topic of attachment.
The questions are usefully grouped so that once you have revised the topic you can test yourself on a range of questions that have appeared in the past, giving you ample opportunities to get familiar with the types of questions the exam board have asked in the past and no doubt will again.
Even students who can recite their notes off by heart may struggle to achieve the top grades because they have poor exam technique, but this workbook is the ideal resource to improve exam technique simply by practicing!
I have meticulously gone through past papers for the old specification and carefully selected the most relevant questions to the new spec, allowing students to prepare for exam questions that are likely to reappear.
I also have these workbooks for cognitive, social psychology and psychopathology-
Disaster risk equation
Defining hazards
Why are hazards increasing but deaths decreasing?
Global warming as arguably the biggest hazard
Geophysical hazards
Types of plate boundary
Hydro meteorological hazards
Climate change
Evidence of climate change
Natural causes of climate change - orbit, solar output, meteor, volcanoes
Human causes of climate change
Impacts of climate change
Coping with climate change
Kyoto Protocol
The future challenges of our world
Shrinking world - why
TNCs - defined, good and bad points
Trade Blocs
What makes a global winner
What makes a global loser
Pros and Cons of globalisation
Solutions to negative impacts
Demographic transition model
Dependency ratios
Migration in Europe
World Cities
This is a collection of exam questions for the new AQA Psychology specification (2016) focused on the topic of psychopathology.
The questions are usefully grouped so that once you have revised the topic you can test yourself on a range of questions that have appeared in the past, giving you ample opportunities to get familiar with the types of questions the exam board have asked in the past and no doubt will again.
Even students who can recite their notes off by heart may struggle to achieve the top grades because they have poor exam technique, but this workbook is the ideal resource to improve exam technique simply by practicing!
I have meticulously gone through past papers for the old specification and carefully selected the most relevant questions to the new spec, allowing students to prepare for exam questions that are likely to reappear.
I also have these workbooks for attachment, social psychology and cognitive-
This is a collection of exam questions for the new AQA Psychology specification (2016) focused on the topic of social psychology/ social influence.
The questions are usefully grouped so that once you have revised the topic you can test yourself on a range of questions that have appeared in the past, giving you ample opportunities to get familiar with the types of questions the exam board have asked in the past and no doubt will again.
Even students who can recite their notes off by heart may struggle to achieve the top grades because they have poor exam technique, but this workbook is the ideal resource to improve exam technique simply by practicing!
I have meticulously gone through past papers for the old specification and carefully selected the most relevant questions to the new spec, allowing students to prepare for exam questions that are likely to reappear.
I also have these workbooks for attachment, memory and psychopathology-
A useful table that summarises key differences between obedience and conformity
Page 2 then gives more detailed explanations of these integral behaviours in social psychology.
Check out my shop for more:
A checklist of all the research methods content needed for the year one and year two exams (AQA). It is split into what is needed for first year and second year for your convenience :-)
Check out my shop for all the revision resources i used to get an A*:
Detailed summary sheet makes this summary sheet suitable for students aiming for an A* in AQA A Level Psychology
Concise and easy to learn style makes it beneficial for all abilities
Everything you need for this topic right here!
Challenging set of AQA style questions on page 2 that relate to the summary sheet and directly to the specification.
Easy to mark the questions as answers are on summary sheet…
Best used as a handout in class or for revision. The brilliant set of questions means students can reinforce what they’ve learnt with specific questions, meaning they are well prepared for the exam.
Specifically includes:
The evolutionary explanations for partner preferences, including the relationship between sexual selection and human reproductive behaviour
Detailed summary sheet makes this summary sheet suitable for students aiming for an A* in AQA A Level Psychology
Concise and easy to learn style makes it beneficial for all abilities
Everything you need for this topic right here!
Challenging set of AQA style questions on page 2 that relate to the summary sheet and directly to the specification.
Easy to mark the questions as answers are on summary sheet…
Best used as a handout in class or for revision. The brilliant set of questions means students can reinforce what they’ve learnt with specific questions, meaning they are well prepared for the exam.
Specifically includes:
Top down approach (including organised and disorganised types of offender)
Four stages of constructing an FBI profile
Bottom up approach (including investigative psychology and geographical profiling)
Key variables of BU
Venn diagram to compare and contrast the two approaches [fantastic knowledge to enter exam with!]
Detailed summary sheet makes this summary sheet suitable for students aiming for an A* in AQA A Level Psychology
Concise and easy to learn style makes it beneficial for all abilities
Everything you need for this topic right here!
Challenging set of AQA style questions on page 2 that relate to the summary sheet and directly to the specification.
Easy to mark the questions as answers are on summary sheet…
Best used as a handout in class or for revision. The brilliant set of questions means students can reinforce what they’ve learnt with specific questions, meaning they are well prepared for the exam.
Specifically includes:
Psychological explanations of offending behaviour: Eysenck’s theory of the criminal personality; cognitive explanations; level of moral reasoning and cognitive distortions, including hostile attribution bias and minimalisation; differential association theory; psychodynamic explanations.
Detailed summary sheet makes this summary sheet suitable for students aiming for an A* in AQA A Level Psychology
Concise and easy to learn style makes it beneficial for all abilities
Everything you need for this topic right here!
Challenging set of AQA style questions on page 2 that relate to the summary sheet and directly to the specification.
Easy to mark the questions as answers are on summary sheet…
Best used as a handout in class or for revision. The brilliant set of questions means students can reinforce what they’ve learnt with specific questions, meaning they are well prepared for the exam.
Specifically includes:
3 Factors affecting attraction in romantic relationships: self-disclosure; physical attractiveness, including the matching hypothesis; filter theory, including social demography, similarity in attitudes and complementarity.
The answer to the question. Download for free to access. Good luck in your exams :-)
Follow my twitter to stay updated with more essential free resources and news - @astarlevels
Everything I think that I did, that others might not have, that helped me achieve an A* in 2017. Techniques and advice, student to student, to make revision effective, efficient and relevant to the exam. I truly believe that anyone can do well with the right approach. So here we go!
My article links you to other free resources i have, like mock exams, templates and essays, which can be downloaded with a TES account.
I have written five pages that explain my unique approach to:
saying something useful about studies/ theories
analysing data/ grammar
getting AO3 marks
planning essays and using these to hack the exam <-- game changer!
reducing workload
memorising theory
Follow my twitter @astarlevels and check out the linked resources at the end that will no doubt help you revise.
Good luck you can do it!!! :-)