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Geography homework booklet - Geography Skills and Maths for Geographers

Geography homework booklet - Geography Skills and Maths for Geographers

I’ve put together a homework booklet focusing on the Maths and Statistics skills needed for the 9-1 GCSE Geography courses. There are 13 different homework’s that I’ve been setting and then using as a discussion to start the lesson. There are homeworks on the following topics - Bar Charts Compound Bar Charts Pie Charts Scatter Graphs Interpreting and Using Data Maps and Grid References Population Pyramids Averages Thank you for taking the time to look at my resources, please feel free to leave any feedback, all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks Shaun
Does giving aid work?

Does giving aid work?

Two / three lessons on international aid, depending on length of lesson or ability of group. What are the main types of aid? Why do we give them? Is it only to benefit the recipient? Notes and activities, delivered by myself over two lessons. Please browse the other resources I've listed to see if these paid resources are what you're looking for, they're of a similar quality, thanks.
Natural Hazards Case Studies (Hurricane / Cyclone / Earthquake / Exam Questions)

Natural Hazards Case Studies (Hurricane / Cyclone / Earthquake / Exam Questions)

I’ve put together a revision booklet for my Year 11s looking at the case studies for their Unit 1 Edexcel Specification B Unit 1 exam. Each case study is three plus pages looking at both before and after the natural hazard. Contained within - Hurricane Katrina Cyclone Nargis Mount Pinatubo Mount Kilauea Haiti 2010 earthquake Tohoku 2011 earthquake 3 exam longer answer exam questions QR codes that link to Youtube revision videos Glossary Tectonic revision images Any feedback is greatly appreciated, both positive and negative, let me know how you’d improve the resources if they’re not to your liking. Thanks for taking the the time to read this. Thanks
Rivers and Coasts Case Studies (Swanage / River Severn / Storm Hydrograph)

Rivers and Coasts Case Studies (Swanage / River Severn / Storm Hydrograph)

I’ve made this booklet for my Year 11 in preparation for their Unit 2 exam this summer. Contained within it is - 6 page case study on Swanage with revision notes on coasts 6 page case study looking at the River Severn and the Twekesbury flood with revision notes on rivers 3 longer answers exam style questions Strom hydrograph question Thanks for taking the time to read this, any feedback is greatly appreciated, either positive or negative, just let me know.
Ageing Population / Aging Population & Population Pyramids

Ageing Population / Aging Population & Population Pyramids

Lesson 1 - introduction to an Ageing Population - looking at the causes, issues and benefit of a population that is going grey. Case study to look at the actions that France have taken - aimed at a higher ability class - may need some work to differentiate. Two brief exam questions to finish lesson. Lesson 2 - population pyramids - what do they show and how can we use them to make judgements on a nation and its development? Data included to discuss and draw pyramids for both the UK and Gambia. Lesson is sequenced after learners have an understanding of GDP, HDI, Gini, literacy rate, birth rate etc. Homework - how does migration impact on a nation's population? Introduction to Push / Pull factors. Both lessons revolve around a key question.
Do TNC do more harm than good?

Do TNC do more harm than good?

One off lesson looking at the impact that TNCs can have on developing countries, focusing on the multiplier effect and leakage. One of the activities is based around my local town so will need adapting.
Introduction to Globalisation

Introduction to Globalisation

Introduction lesson Globalisation, discussing concept with Slazenger example, activity for learners to complete on research on a product that is globally sourced.
Population Change

Population Change

Notes and exam questions driven lesson on population change; what it is, how its measured and the reasons for this.
Measuring Development GDP HDI Gini and Social Measures

Measuring Development GDP HDI Gini and Social Measures

Lessons introducing and developing the themes of development of nations and how we can compare them. First lesson looks at GDP, GDP per capita and HDI - what they mean and what this tells us about the nations - all based around a key question. Visual starter game included. Gini Coefficient homework - worksheet to read and questions to start the next lesson. Second lesson is more notes based, reintroducing some key terms with the use of images to help develop learner's understanding. Scatter graph question - helping tick a numeracy box -great way to demonstrate learning. Exam style questions to finish the lesson off. Any questions please let me know - check out my free resources for a more simplified versions of my lessons.
What are the Consequences of Poverty?

What are the Consequences of Poverty?

Investigation into the impact of Poverty on people in the developing world. How is it possible to survive on $1 a day? What impact does this have on people and their development? What impact does illiteracy have? Is the worst thing in the world? How would your life be different? Videos looking at life in North Korea - why does living in dictatorship impact on people's lives? Recap activities looking at migration and the USA - why to the USA? Differentiated questions and map activity at the end of the lesson.
Causes of Inequalities

Causes of Inequalities

Why are some countries richer than others? Introduction to some countries that have a low GDP or are considered by learners to be 'poor' - why are they not as rich as us? Four case studies for learners to research with reasons that have negatively impacted on their ability to develop. Two links to videos on Migration - one showing the the journey of an a girl from El Salvador and the other showing the reasons why UK subjects wanted to leave the UK - focusing on the impact of migration. Exam question - drawing and interpreting a chart looking at the distribution of wealth in four different nations.
Social Costs and Benefits - Ethical Shopping

Social Costs and Benefits - Ethical Shopping

Looking at the cost and price of different products - how our products are made and whether we truly care where they come from. Comparison of cheap and cheerful products to ethically made products. Interviews, successfully, for my current job with lesson and set of resources. Contains, videos, images, discussion pieces and British values stop and check points.