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How is Nigeria's population structure changing?

How is Nigeria's population structure changing?

***FULLY RESOURCED GCSE LESSON FOR NEW AQA SPEC*** Meets criteria for Unit 2: Changing Economic World case study of Newly Emerging Economy (NEE). This lesson is about how and why the economic structure of Nigeria is changing. Includes video and photo resources and links to online news articles. The lesson focus is on how Nigeria's oil and cement industry has influenced the growth of the country's economy. Built in exam practice question lined to new GCSE specification requirements. Success criteria of lesson: Students will describe how Nigeria’s economy is changing, describe the industrial structure of Nigeria, explain the importance of oil and manufacturing to Nigeria’s economy, and apply their knowledge and perspective to an exam question.
China's One Child Policy: Exam Practice

China's One Child Policy: Exam Practice

Fully resourced GCSE follow up lesson to China's One Child Policy. PowerPoint recaps main aspects of the policy and links to two example 8-mark exam questions. Guidance for answer indicative content included within PowerPoint.
UK Landscapes

UK Landscapes

Fully resourced lesson identifying, describing and mapping the UK's Glaciated, Upland and Lowland landscapes. Ideal for use at KS3 or introduction at KS4. Direct links with new GCSE 9-1 specifications.
UK Connections with the World

UK Connections with the World

Complete and fully resourced lesson mapping the UK's connections with the rest of the world. Includes main trading partners for imports and exports. All tasks includes extension activities to stretch higher ability students, assessment task and marking feedback proforma. Could be used at KS3 or GCSE. Excellent introduction for new GCSE 9-1 spec.
Opportunities in Hot Desert Environments

Opportunities in Hot Desert Environments

Fully resourced lesson ready for new GCSE 9-1. Aimed at AQA but could be used for OCR and Edexcel too. Lesson focus is on case study of Western Desert, USA. Students will locate the Western Desert area and describe and explain opportunities for development, including mineral extraction, farming, tourism and energy. Resource includes lesson PowerPoint, information sheet, modelled work and exam practice with writing frame and mark scheme.
Urban Challenges in Lagos

Urban Challenges in Lagos

3 Resources
Three lessons suitable for new 2017 GCSE Geography specifications. Location of Lagos and case study of Challenges in an LIC. Challenges include: -Problems resulting from an informal economy -Problems of living in squatter settlements -Problems in Lagos’ water supply -Problems caused by traffic congestion -Challenges facing Lagos in the twenty-first century Exam practice included with writing frame and mark scheme.
Landscapes of the UK

Landscapes of the UK

4 Resources
Series of 4 lessons identifying and locating examples of upland, lowland and glaciated landscapes of the UK. Lessons on each of the types of landscapes describing their key characteristics and climatic conditions. Includes map and photograph work, climate graph and exam practice. Ideal to meet requirements for the new GCSE specifications.
Tourism Lessons Bundle

Tourism Lessons Bundle

10 Resources
Bundle of 10x lessons about Tourism. Includes growth of tourism, Butler Model, mass tourism in Jamaica, community tourism in Jamaica, case study of growth of Torquay as a coastal resort and management strategies to ensure tourism in Torquay remains sustainable. Ideal for GCSE. Could be easily adpated to use at KS3.