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Why do people migrate?

Why do people migrate?

***FULLY RESOURCED LESSON*** For all GCSE exam boards. Looks at types of migration and reasons for migrating. Includes GCSE exam practice - student guidance slide shows how to structure answer and gain full marks.
Using photographs in Geography

Using photographs in Geography

Students will identify and describe geographical features in a photograph, label and annotate a photograph, and interpret and infer information from photographs.
What is the potential of cities, mountains and coasts?  An introduction to tourism.

What is the potential of cities, mountains and coasts? An introduction to tourism.

Fully resourced lesson introducing the key types of tourist destination - cities, mountains and coasts. Ideal for KS4 or KS3. Students will locate popular city, mountain and coastal tourist destinations, describe the features of appeal for cities, mountains and coasts, and explain why different groups of people find city, mountain and coastal destinations appealing.