Bundle Sale

Bargain Bundle Worksheets Lots of Maths year 5 Maths
Mega bundle.
Loads of worksheets with answers.
Please look at the shop.
Thousands of questions plus answers.
Bundle Sale

Literacy Great Bundle Masses of Planning Ideal for Supply Teaching
A massive bundle.
Tons of resources over a wide range of years.
Brilliant for supply teachers.
Look at my shop to see details of the individual resources.
Bundle Sale

Literacy Bundle Masses of Planning and Worksheets Primary Level
Massive bundle.
20 groups pf resources.
A wide range of levels so something for everyone.
Please look at shop for details of individual listings.
Bundle Sale

Year 5 Super Bundle 20 Items Loads of Planning Maths English Humanities Worksheets
A super bundle.
Tons of planning.
Please look at individual items in the shop to get an idea of what’s on offer.

Back to School Year 5 Literacy Greek Myths Worksheets Planning Powerpoints
Great worksheets from the last school I taught in.
Write your own Greek Myth over the term.
Perhaps a half term to keep it compact and snappy.

Back to School Autumn Planning Year 5 Literacy Myths
Loads of great planning :
Genre: Traditional stories, fables, myths, legends.
Focus Texts: Robin Hood (Legend), Hercules (Myth) and Pandora’s Box (Myth).
Primary Framework 7. Understanding and interpreting texts
Compare different types of narrative and information texts and identify how they are structured
Explore how writers use language for comic & dramatic effects
8. Engaging with and responding to texts
Compare the usefulness of techniques such as visualisation, prediction and empathy in exploring the meaning of texts
11. Sentence structure and punctuation
Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophe
Learning/Writing outcome for unit: Children can write a new version of a legend, identifying their audience and adapting their writing to suit this audience.
Children can reflect on their own performances.
Children can reflect critically on their own writing and edit and improve it.
Introduce the new unit and look at the writing outcome displayed on the working wall – explain that we have three weeks to achieve this.
Allow children two minutes to TTYP and talk about the new unit – do they have any ideas about myth, legends or fables?
Introduce the LO for today.
Work through the PowerPoint on the features of a myth.
Activity One
Come back together and create a ‘post it’ note checklist for the working wall, to include:
A myth is about gods and goddesses
It is set in ancient times
It features danger/revenge
It includes use of magical powers
It uses powerful imagery
Characters are heroes
Explains a strange/important happening
It features strange, frightening creatures
Read the following version of ‘Pandora’s Box’ and compare & contrast:
Activity Two
Recap on what we learned yesterday. What did you think of the texts we looked at?
Remind the children of ‘Pandora’s Box’.
Who is it aimed at? Why? What is the story about? Children to summarise the main points in pairs.
Discuss the features of a myth.
Activity One
Come back together and discuss the activity.
Explain that we are now going to identify the features of a fable:
Introduce and discuss ‘Aesop’s fables’
A fable is a complete story
Quite short
Uses animals as main characters
Treats animals as people
Includes a moral at the end
Create a checklist for the working wall.
Bundle Sale

Classics Bundle Roman Numerals Latin Wordsearches Aesop Fables Cloze Tests
Classics bundle
100 worksheets on Roman Numerals
500 Latin Wordsearches
108 Cloze tests on Aesops Fables.
See shop for full details.
Bundle Sale

Bundle 100 worksheets Roman Numerals & 500 Latin Wordsearches
Great for Classicists.
100 sheets that test knowledge of Roman Numerals.
500 Latin word searches.
See shop for full details
Bundle Sale

Bundle 500 French Wordsearches & 500 Latin Wordsearches
500 French Wordsearches
500 Latin Wordsearches
Please look at my shop for full details.

Roman Numerals 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths Classical Civilisation
I’ve designed 100 sheets where pupils have to put the Arabic numeral to the Roman one.
All answers provided.
At least 20 questions per sheet. Later ones have 100. Lots of differentiation so the sheets start easy and get hard.

Latin Word Search Freebie plus answers Cambridge Latin Course
A freebie.
A Latin word search.
If you like this one, I have 500 for sale in my shop.

500 Latin Wordsearches Word Searches Cambridge Latin Course
500 word searches on the first book of the Cambridge Latin course.
Answers provided.
The block of text has different shapes. There’s even some colour ones if you are feeling extravagant and can afford the ink!
Great for rainy Friday afternoons.