
English year 5 and 6 The Mysteries of Harris Burdick Planning and Powerpoints Literacy year 5
A great collection for teaching this interesting topic.
You get powerpoints and planning.
Sample :
Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophes.
Use commas to mark clauses.
Group and classify words according to their type and meaning.
Read a variety of texts, commenting on the author’s choice of vocabulary.
Construct sentences which are punctuated correctly; including the use of commas, speech marks and apostrophes.
Use a range of connectives to join sentences.
Experiment with complex sentences.
Whole Class Shared Learning
Discuss pronouns (homework)
Define each type of word: Noun, adjective, verb and adverb. Build up a sentence as we go.
Show the children a picture on the whiteboard of a horse galloping and of a lightning bolt. Children to write down 3 (LA) or 5(MA and HA) important nouns from the picture. Share. On the left of the noun, children to write an adjective to modify or describe the noun. Share. After the noun, children to write a verb and then an adverb to qualify the verb.
e.g. The black horse galloped elegantly along the beach.
Praise the children on yesterday’s literacy work – they showed knowledge of the function of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs (HA showed knowledge of the difference between common, proper and pro nouns).
Children to name a range of punctuation – I record on the board (I do not add to it at this point).
Ask volunteers to illustrate uses of the punctuation named. Look on the punctuation pyramid – have we named any L5 punctuation? This is what we should be aiming at all the time.
Children to have a variety of sentences to up level punctuation on their whiteboards.
Come back to ‘The Mysteries of Harris Burdick’. Read through all of the captions and talk about ‘reading’ the illustration. Allow children time to talk about the ‘mystery’ – what do they think happened to Harris Burdick?
Choose a picture from ‘The Mysteries…’ and list all of the questions which it provokes. What do children think of the pictures? Do the captions answer any of the questions?
Talk about the settings in the pictures – often they are recognisable, familiar settings where things are not as they seem. Explain that we would call this ‘Stories in a familiar setting’.
Model the task.
Use PPT to study speech punctuation.
Use the pictures from ‘The Mysteries…’ to write some possible dialogue.
Model possible conversations, including synonyms for said and adverbs plus adverbial clauses. With correct punctuation.
Look at some of the pictures from ‘The Mysteries …’
Think / discuss some of the characters in the pictures. Use adjectives to describe them – give them names. From the pictures come up with verbs to describe what they are doing then add adverbs and adverbial clauses.

Shakespeare Week Lesson Plan For Year 6 Literacy Drama
Suitable for year 6.
Worked very well for me.
For instance the first day :
Grammar Starter
L.O: Know one of Shakespeare’s stories.
Success Criteria
Know some background information about William Shakespeare, his time and his work.
Describe the basic plotline of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’
Start to talk about the main characters; their hopes, desires and challenges.
Main teaching:
Who was William Shakespeare?
Use above website to read about his background – note that he wrote plays – his works were intended to be acted.
Use the above website to look at the list of plays – discuss terms tragedy, comedy and historical play.
Read ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ shortened, story version. Explain that this was written in 1595.

European Day Of Languages Powerpoints France Spain Italy
For the European day of languages, but can be used anytime.
Useful info on France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Germany, Sweden and Wales.
Brilliant for assemblies.
Great value as there is a lot of stuff.

RE Christmas lesson Four Powerpoint and Planning Catholic Flavour
Lesson four in my nice Christmas unit.
Please look at the others to get the idea.
Nice powerpoint ion this one.
Bundle Sale

Year 5 Mega bundle Maths English Science
A great bundle of work.
Loads of planning.
Please see the individual items in my shop for full details.

Spring Term Literacy Planning Year 5 s1 KS2
Great planning for year 5 for the Spring Term.
Jam packed with plans, ideas, powerpoints etc.
You get 200 mb of material, so great value. e.g. Persuasive writing, recounts, stories from other cultures, descriptive writing, model writing
Plus you get some year 5 Autumn planning I did in one school I taught in.
Bundle Sale

Mega Bundle Coins British European American Australian Maths
Mega bundle.
Please see my shop for individual listings and details.
Worksheets for people around the world.
Add the coins.
All answers provided.
Bundle Sale

Bundle 11+ Prep Antonym Synonym Letter Patterns Vol 1
Good value.
Please look at my shop for details.
Bundle Sale

Classics Bundle Roman Numerals Latin Wordsearches Aesop Fables Cloze Tests
Classics bundle
100 worksheets on Roman Numerals
500 Latin Wordsearches
108 Cloze tests on Aesops Fables.
See shop for full details.
Bundle Sale

Bundle 100 worksheets Roman Numerals & 500 Latin Wordsearches
Great for Classicists.
100 sheets that test knowledge of Roman Numerals.
500 Latin word searches.
See shop for full details
Bundle Sale

Bundle 500 French Wordsearches & 500 Latin Wordsearches
500 French Wordsearches
500 Latin Wordsearches
Please look at my shop for full details.
Bundle Sale

Mathematics Worksheets bundle KS2 Counting Coins Subtraction Division
A great bundle of worksheets I’ve made.
Please check my shop to see the individual desriptions.
Bundle Sale

Year 3 and Year 4 Complete Year's Planning Numeracy Literacy KS2 plus Mathematics Aesop Cloze Test Worksheets
Mega bundle.
Please look at my shop for full details.
Complete year’s planning for Year 3 and Year 4 plus:
Telling the time worksheets
Times Tables worksheets
Aesop close test worksheets
All answer sheets provided for worksheets.
Great value. Please be patient when downloading.
Bundle Sale

Year 4 Planning Complete Year's Planning Numeracy Literacy KS2 & Aesop Cloze Worksheets Bundle
Great mega bundle.
A complete year’s planning.
Plus great Aesop cloze worksheets.
Incredible value.
Please look at my shop for individual details.
Below is one as an example:
Planning for the Autumn term for year 4.
You get 160 mb of material so good value imo.
I taught mainly in Catholic schools so has a Catholic bent. But as we live in a multicultural society, this should be no problem.
You get planning for:
creative curriculum
P.E. (some)
Science (some)
R.E. (Advent etc)
Loads of great lessons to ease your Sunday afternoons. Just cut and paste into your school template.
Bundle Sale

Bundle Coins USA UK Europe Euro Adding up Worksheets
A bundle of all my coin worksheets.
Great value.
Add up the coins shown.
Loads of worksheets to keep pupils busy.
Bundle Sale

Bundle Math Literacy Year 5 Planning Algebra Aesop Cloze Test
A great bundle.
Please check my shop for individual details.
Bundle Sale

Bundle Year 5 Literacy Planning Autumn Term KS2 Greek Myths Big Write Plus Fractions Questions
A great bundle.
Year 5 Literacy planning.
And half a million Fractions questions plus equivalent fractions worksheets.
This is a zip file containing Literacy planning for a year 5 class (Autumn term).
It consists of 14 short term plans I designed. There is one Literacy lesson per day.
You will get 14 Microsoft Word documents. They are based on the Greek myths.
I’ve also included for free some extra teaching materials that you can use. I’ve included too 3 medium term plans , one for each term). These cover plans and ideas not just for Literacy, but other subjects as well.
I’ve also included an extra week from the next term. Feel free to use it to plug any gaps.
This will help you do your own planning. Feel free to cut and paste into your own school’s plans.
Ideal for someone who had to do a term’s supply like I had to do.
Please bear in mind:
every school is different. My plans assume you have the aide of a TA, but this is not essential. There is no differentiation in the planning. Everyone does the same thing to the best of their ability.
you may want to add your own detail. These are short term plans remember.
I have used walts and wilts. Your school may do something different.
A very few number of weeks have a small gaps for things like tests and inset days. Use the extra week one planning for the next term (included for free) if you wish.
Bundle Sale

Bundle Year 5 Literacy Planning Autumn Term KS2 Greek Myths & Coins Worksheets KS2
A great bundle.
This is a zip file containing Literacy planning for a year 5 class (Autumn term).
Plus great worksheets where pupils have to tot up the value of the coins. All answers provided.
It consists of 14 short term plans I designed. There is one Literacy lesson per day.
You will get 14 Microsoft Word documents. They are based on the Greek myths.
I’ve also included for free some extra teaching materials that you can use. I’ve included too 3 medium term plans , one for each term). These cover plans and ideas not just for Literacy, but other subjects as well.
I’ve also included an extra week from the next term. Feel free to use it to plug any gaps.
This will help you do your own planning. Feel free to cut and paste into your own school’s plans.
Ideal for someone who had to do a term’s supply like I had to do.
Please bear in mind:
every school is different. My plans assume you have the aide of a TA, but this is not essential. There is no differentiation in the planning. Everyone does the same thing to the best of their ability.
you may want to add your own detail. These are short term plans remember.
I have used walts and wilts. Your school may do something different.
A very few number of weeks have a small gaps for things like tests and inset days. Use the extra week one planning for the next term (included for free) if you wish.
Bundle Sale

Bundle Year 5 Literacy Planning Autumn Term KS2 Greek Myths & Maths Shopping Questions
A great bundle.
This is a zip file containing Literacy planning for a year 5 class (Autumn term).
Plus great sheets on calculating the cost of shopping items. All answers provided.
It consists of 14 short term plans I designed. There is one Literacy lesson per day.
You will get 14 Microsoft Word documents. They are based on the Greek myths.
I’ve also included for free some extra teaching materials that you can use. I’ve included too 3 medium term plans , one for each term). These cover plans and ideas not just for Literacy, but other subjects as well.
I’ve also included an extra week from the next term. Feel free to use it to plug any gaps.
This will help you do your own planning. Feel free to cut and paste into your own school’s plans.
Ideal for someone who had to do a term’s supply like I had to do.
Please bear in mind:
every school is different. My plans assume you have the aide of a TA, but this is not essential. There is no differentiation in the planning. Everyone does the same thing to the best of their ability.
you may want to add your own detail. These are short term plans remember.
I have used walts and wilts. Your school may do something different.
A very few number of weeks have a small gaps for things like tests and inset days. Use the extra week one planning for the next term (included for free) if you wish.
Bundle Sale

Bundle Year 5 Literacy Planning Autumn Term KS2 Greek Myths & Times Tables Sheets
A great bundle for year 5.
This is a zip file containing Literacy planning for a year 5 class (Autumn term).
Plus some great sheets on testing Times Tables.
Pupils have to fill in the gaps in various grids I have designed. All answers provided.
It consists of 14 short term plans I designed. There is one Literacy lesson per day.
You will get 14 Microsoft Word documents. They are based on the Greek myths.
I’ve also included for free some extra teaching materials that you can use. I’ve included too 3 medium term plans , one for each term). These cover plans and ideas not just for Literacy, but other subjects as well.
I’ve also included an extra week from the next term. Feel free to use it to plug any gaps.
This will help you do your own planning. Feel free to cut and paste into your own school’s plans.
Ideal for someone who had to do a term’s supply like I had to do.
Please bear in mind:
every school is different. My plans assume you have the aide of a TA, but this is not essential. There is no differentiation in the planning. Everyone does the same thing to the best of their ability.
you may want to add your own detail. These are short term plans remember.
I have used walts and wilts. Your school may do something different.
A very few number of weeks have a small gaps for things like tests and inset days. Use the extra week one planning for the next term (included for free) if you wish.