Bundle Sale
Bundle Coins USA UK Europe Euro Adding up Worksheets
A bundle of all my coin worksheets.
Great value.
Add up the coins shown.
Loads of worksheets to keep pupils busy.
Year 3 Planning Summer Term Literacy Mathematics Ref A
Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle.
This is planning for year 3 for a Summer term.
Plenty of great material here that you can adapt and cut and paste into your own school’s model.
After decades of teaching I’m retired from teaching now. I’d like to help the younger generation so I’m putting my plans online. I hope your Sundays will be made a little easier by cutting and pasting allowing you more free time.
You get:
Literacy planning e.g. Adventure and Mystery Stories 4 weeks, Authors and Letters 4 weeks, Plays and Dialogues 3 weeks
Numeracy 9 weeks
Creative curriculum (a bit)
RE (a bit - I taught mainly in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this if you please)
Science (a bit)
You get 190 mb of material, which is good value in my opinion.
Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste.
Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.
100 Sudoku Puzzles Plus Answers Easy level Maths Logic Fun Critical Thinking
100 Sudoku puzzles plus answers.
Sudoku is a popular and fun puzzle that can be used with math classes to reinforce logic and problem-solving skills. Each puzzle grid contains 81 cells, divided into 9 blocks made up of 9 cells. The grids are presented with only some cells filled with numbers. To solve the puzzle, each block must contain the numbers 1 through 9. In each block, each number can only appear once in a column, row or block. Then across all blocks, within the larger puzzle, each 9 cell column and 9 cell row can have a number appear just once.
Easy refers to the number of cells already filled in.
1000 Questions Word Problems Multiplication
1000 questions
Answers provided.
Pupils have to read the instructions, work out the sum, then write it in.
Great for pupils who can multiply but get confused by the word element.
Year 5 English Maths Planning kr
Gathered up my pland for year 5 from a great academy school.
Mainly English and maths.
To use multiplication methods to multiply TU × U or HTU × U.
On the board have a question: 76 x 4=?
On their whiteboard ask the children to solve this. If they don’t know this then they don’t need to worry as I will be teaching them. Highers do 675 x 3=?
On the progress board tally how many can do this.
Teach them how to use the multiplication method. They follow in their yellow books.
To use written methods to divide whole numbers.
Ask the children who can divide 87 by 3? Highers do 87 by 4?
Fill in the progress chart.
Show them the chunking method. Hayley takes SEN out to show them how to use the number line to divide.
Children follow in their yellow rough books. If the children understand it they carry on independently. Those that don’t sit there and follow until they understand.
Ask the children who thinks they can achieve their targets now at the beginning of the lesson? Ask those who can’t remember them to look now in the front of their book.
To know the key features of arguing a point of view.
Link the reading with the work the group has been doing for the last two weeks.
Introduction _ Explain that this week the group will be looking at another context for persuasive writing – presenting an argument in a letter.
_ Discuss what the children have found out about persuasive texts.
_ Read children their target for the week: ‘I am learning to organise my writing to present information clearly.’ Today they are going to see how one writer has done this.
_ Explain that when reading ‘What a rip off’ you want the group to think about two things: (1) how the argument is structured, and (2) the language features.
Read What a Rip Off.
Bundle Sale
Year 6 Mega Bundle Loads of Teaching Resources Maths English
Loads of resources.
Tons of planning.
Please look at the shop for individual details.
Plenty of Maths and english. Take the stress out of planning your lessons.
Bundle Sale
Year 4 Super Bundle Masses of Planning Worksheets Literacy maths Arts
Super bundle for year 4.
Loads of resources. See my shop for details.
Start your school year with loads of planning that you can adapt for personal use. Take the strain out of Sunday planning.
Back To School Autumn Short Term Lesson Plans Reception to Year 6
14 weeks of short term plans
Great for cutting and pasting into your own personal school timetable.
I’ve included a sample week in the visible upload. The zip contains the lot.
sample year 2. Register Activity
Chn finish work from Meet Your New Teacher day.
9am: Input: Welcome the children to their first day of year 2! Talk about how we were feeling before coming into school, did we get very much sleep last night? Share with the children how you were feeling too!
Introduce the chn to the text of the week: First day jitters by Julia Danneberg. Read the story together and discuss the twist at the end. (Ask questions throughout)
T focus for morning: x2 groups of 6
L.O. To use features of a non-chronological report
I can…
Include a heading
Use subheadings to organize my writing
Talk about the difference between facts and fiction
(All about me) Chn create a 3D profile, including a self-portrait drawing of their head, to be used for display. Chn complete section boxes all about their family, friends, hobbies etc. Cut out the sections and arrange them inside the folded top. Put together the body parts on colored backing card, ready for the head to be attached later. Label with name sticker.
9am: Input: Quickly recap the story for this week and remind ourselves of the main character, how she was feeling and why?
Introduce class bear, explain that he was also feeling very nervous about meeting new chn and starting year 2. Display a page from (bear’s) diary, ask the chn to highlight the adjectives they can see. (perform an action when they hear an adjective word)
T to highlight them in a colour as they read.
Explain the independent challenge is to match up the adjective words to the different emotion cards.
T focus for morning: x2 groups of 6
L.O. To use adjectives
I can…
Use capital letters and full stops
Use first person
Use commas between adjectives
Check my sentences make sense
(Writing it in the present tense) Chn to write a short diary entry about how they were feeling the night before they came back to school, include adjectives to describe how you were feeling.
*Have Monday’s 3D profiles out on a table to finish off.
TA focus for first thing: To assess SPP chn against current targets, make notes and set up folders for works to begin.
Bundle Sale
Literacy Great Bundle Masses of Planning Ideal for Supply Teaching
A massive bundle.
Tons of resources over a wide range of years.
Brilliant for supply teachers.
Look at my shop to see details of the individual resources.
Back to School Morning Resources Powerpoint Maths Year 4 Year 5 Set 2
Some material that can be displayed on the board as they enter for registration.
10 simple questions per day
Three weeks worth. Watermark not on full product
sample ;
Double 24.
Half of 28 is 14. What is ¼ of 28?
What is an apple likely to weigh:
1g, 10g, 100g, 1kg, 10kg?
A garden path is 10m long. Half of it is weeded, how
much is still to be weeded?
How many grams are there in 1kg?
How many 10’s are there in 265?
How many 100’s are there in 265?
Which of the following are even?
12, 9, 6, 14, 17, 5.
Read these numbers to your partner 562, 784, 90, 106.
Write these numbers in figures, two hundred and seven, six hundred and twenty six, fifty.
Bundle Sale
History bundle World war 20th Century John Lennon Vietnam War
Nice good value bundle.
Please look at shop for details
Bundle Sale
Back To school Bundle Nice Price Loads of Resources Years 1 to 6
Get your term kick starting with a mega bundle of resources at a bargain price.
Full of a bit of everything.
A wide selection. Have a good look at the individual things in my shop.
An incredible 31 set of different resources.
Bundle Sale
11+ Grammar School Prep Worksheets Bundle Maths Puzzles Synonymn Literacy
Great value bundle.
Great preparation for the grammar school exams.
Ideal for parents or tutors.
All answers provided.
You’ll never run out of material with this great bundle!
11+ Grammar School Antonym Questions Literacy Worksheets
11+ Grammar School Synonym Questions Literacy 100 Worksheets with Answers
11+ Verbal Reasoning Decoding Vol 1 Maths KS2
11+ Verbal Reasoning Decoding Vol 2 Maths KS2
11+ Verbal Reasoning Questions Letter Patterns Vol 1
11+ Verbal Reasoning Questions Letter Patterns Vol 2
Bundle Sale
Bundle Coins UK and European Plus Maths Adding Up etc
A great value bundle.
Worksheets on adding up UK coins.
Plus Euro ones.
Plus some general maths stuff.
Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Coins KS1 Teachers Counting KS1 KS2
Euro Coins European Worksheets 500 Questions with answers Counting KS1 KS2
1000 questions Mathematics KS2 Multiple Addends 2 Digit Numbers
11+ Verbal Reasoning Questions Letter Patterns Vol 1
Bundle Sale
Bundle Coins Worksheets and Multiple Addens and Multiplication
A bundle.
Worksheets on Coins plus multiple addends and multiplication
Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Coins KS1 Teachers Counting KS1 KS2
1000 questions Mathematics KS2 Multiple Addends 2 Digit Numbers
1000 Questions Multiplication Mathematics KS2 Calculator Use
Bundle Sale
Bundle Coins Worksheets KS2
100 Worksheets on counting coins
Plus questions on Pythagoras and addition
Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Coins KS1 Teachers Counting KS1 KS2
100 Questions on Pythagoras Answers Provided
100 Worksheets Addition Maths Easy at Start Hard at the End
Bundle Sale
Bundle Coins plus Across Down Subtraction and Addition
A bundle.
Coins worksheets plus ones on acoss down puzzles (subtraction and addition)
Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Coins KS1 Teachers Counting KS1 KS2
KS2 Mathematical Puzzles Across Down Subtraction
Maths Puzzles Across Down Addition 100 Puzzles Plus Answers
Bundle Sale
Bundle Coins Worksheets plus fractions
A bundle.
Questions on Coins plus fractions.
Good value.
Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Coins KS1 Teachers Counting KS1 KS2
Equivalent Fractions 100 Worksheets with Answers Maths
Half a million (500000) Fractions Questions Worksheets KS2 Mathematics Maths
Bundle Sale
Bundle Coins Worksheets Plus Addition KS2 Shopping Numeracy
A bundle.
Worksheets on coins plus ones on addition.
You add up the coins and write the answer on the sheet.
Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Coins KS1 Teachers Counting KS1 KS2
1000 Questions Addition Mathematics KS1 Adding Up
1000 Questions Advanced Addition Maths Mathematics KS2
Bundle Sale
Bargain Bundle Maths Puzzles Across Down KS1 KS2
Bargain bundle
across down puzzles addition
across down puzzles addition and subtraction
100,000 questions on numeracy