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Year 4 Year's Planning Maths English Humanities subjects Especially R.E.

Year 4 Year's Planning Maths English Humanities subjects Especially R.E.

A big value set of planning. For year 4. Loads of material here. Give your planning a real boost. Excellent for filling in gaps in the curriculum and making your Sundays easier. Concentrates on Maths and English, but plenty of other subjects, especially R.E. in there. The zip contains loads of files. I’ve included a FEW in the general upload to give you and idea of the planning.
Year 3 Literacy and Maths Planning

Year 3 Literacy and Maths Planning

Gathered my lessons for year 3 together. Mainly Literacy and Maths plus bits and bobs. In the zip you find the lot. Included some examples in general upload. Sample planning : Introduction Explain will be looking at different ways of writing poetry using special words and shapes as stimulus. ‘calligram’ means beautiful writing. Show examples. S&L Children discuss with response partner why they think words are presented in these ways. Teacher draw children back together. After discussion, ask children to choose most effective calligram, justifying choice. Draw out understanding that the meaning of words inspires the shapes in a calligram. Teacher demonstrate use of ICT programs to produce calligrams and own drawing as alternative. Draw up a list of suitable words for choices. Word/Sentence Activities Use IWB store range of suitable words for calligrams. Can children classify word types: nouns, adjectives, adverbs etc. YEAR 3 LITERACY LESSON PLAN 16th Monday Whole Class Shared Learning Before reading; ask the children what they think ‘Autumn’ poem will look like. Show poem. Ask them to decide where you should begin reading and then read the poem. Read two more examples of shape poems. Add appropriate actions. Class repeat. S&L Encourage the children to say how similar and different the three poems are. Invite them to say which poem is most effective visually. Which poem do they prefer? Discuss why the poets have chosen these shapes, and how the shape affects the content of the poems. Practice with RP saying preferred poem aloud. Word/Sentence Activities Rehearse spellings for Word Wall words. Challenge children to find other words with same phonemes
Back to School Year 3 Planning Literacy plus Maths R.E. History P.E. Geography

Back to School Year 3 Planning Literacy plus Maths R.E. History P.E. Geography

Spread out over the three terms, some nice lesson planning, worksheets, powerpoints. It concentrates on Literacy but there is far more. Numeracy, linked to the Abacus system, is useful even if you do noit have abacus. Just condense and adapt them You get a chunk of Science RE PE Soda activities Geography I’ve also included some nice year 2 stuff that you can use. The zip file has the lot. I’ve included a few examples in the ordinary download. Sample : Introduction Recap idea of creating atmosphere in setting: happy, calm, peaceful, angry, afraid, busy etc. Read ‘Mousehole Cat’ extract. S&L Children discuss with response partner first impressions about the setting and the atmosphere. Which senses have been used in the description? Activity Create list of settings the children are most familiar with in their own lives:home, school, playground, seaside, countryside, park etc. Teacher model writing powerful descriptive sentence. Make changes, improve, edit etc. Word/Sentence Activities (see groups)Use IWB store ideas. Can children classify word types: nouns, adjectives, adverbs etc. YEAR 3 LITERACY LESSON PLAN TUESDAY Whole Class Shared Learning Introduction Read opening extract ‘The Mousehole Cat’. Ask the children if they think the atmosphere is calm, threatening, angry or peaceful. Display the text and highlight the words and phrases that give a) a threatening feeling and b) a calm feeling, using different colours. Activity Children work with a partner and plan a short mime of this scene from The Mousehole Cat. One child takes the role of The Great Storm Cat and the other the role of Mowzer. Show characters’ feelings through mime. Explain going to change atmosphere to a calm one. How? The Great Storm Cat is a metaphor for the wind. Explain term and revise simile also. Model own sentence, discuss effect and technique. Word/Sentence Activities Challenge children to find words for the Dustbin and Wow areas from the text. Guided and Independent Activities Work with a partner and discuss an event. It might be something Charlie sees happening, or does himself. Independent Group to start After Activity Decide on a problem for Charlie to solve, and write it down. Work with a partner and discuss an event. It might be something Charlie sees happening, or does himself. Teacher to start After Activity Decide on a problem for Charlie to solve, and write it down. Work with group and discuss an event. It might be something Charlie sees happening, or does himself. AR (TA) Support Group After Activity As a group decide on a problem for Charlie to solve, and write it down.
back to School Year 4 Literacy and Numeracy Planning Plus Humanities ICT

back to School Year 4 Literacy and Numeracy Planning Plus Humanities ICT

Plans for lessons in English and Maths/ Plenty to choose from. You may wish to merge a few together in your own lesson planning. Cut and paste and ease your planning load. Plus a bit of things like RE, ICT and Geograpghy. The zip file has the lot. I’ve included some in the general download to give you a flavour. sample : L.O. To read stories about other cultures and identify differences in place and customs. Explain to the chn that today we are going to continue to look/share stories from a different culture. Can they find clues that will help them to work out what country/culture the stories are about? Read an extract from ‘Gregory Cool’ [up to when Gregory stomps off on the beach] without showing the chn the cover or title. Where is it set? When? Through whose eyes is the story told? Mood? H/A • Give chn a copy of the text for the first part of the book. Chn to discuss in groups and write each clue they find onto a separate slip of paper e.g. his cousin had to look after the goats. • Ext. Are there any details e.g. characters’ feelings which seem familiar? • Each group to be given an opportunity to present their findings to the class and state where they think the story is set • A.R. to support Milne group Show chn the cover of the book and read to end of story. Where is Tobago? Look at map. Do the chn know anything about the Caribbean? M/A Success Criteria • To read stories about other cultures and be able to identify differences in place and customs.
Year 4 Numeracy Planning lots of lessons Powerpoints pdfs Notebook files

Year 4 Numeracy Planning lots of lessons Powerpoints pdfs Notebook files

Some great planning you can use throughout the year for year 4 Maths. I’ve divided it into 9 blocks. sample planning : Partition, round and order four-digit whole numbers; use positive and negative numbers in context and position them on a number line; state inequalities using the symbols MA2 L3 How many _ in each number? Children recognise how many Th, H, T & U are there WALT – Order and partition 3 and 4 digit numbers WILF – knowledge of place value Well organised work Pupils to be reminded of place value. Which column to we go to first to see which the bigger number is? What does it mean to partition a number? Children work though a couple of t. led examples. MA – 4 digit number sheet (MT) A – 3 digit number sheet (Indep) LA – partitioning 2 digit numbers. Discuss what each number is made up of - which is the biggest number in a group. Q? What happens if we swap the t & u around? (JH) Prep for Tue – do any children remember the rule for rounding. Discuss in talk partners and report back Partition, round and order four-digit whole numbers; use positive and negative numbers in context and position them on a number line; state inequalities using the symbols How many _ in each number? Children recognise how many Th, H, T & U are there WALT – round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 WILF – rounding numbers accurately Mental addition of 2 digit nos Well organised pencil procedures Remind pupils of the findings from yesterday’s plenary. How do we round to the nearest 10? What about to the nearest hundred. Children put rule to the test using whiteboards to assess understanding. Children will be asked to add two numbers mentally and round the answer. Which mental strategies could we use? Ch discuss best way. MA to use pencil a paper proc with bigger numbers. Differentiated worksheets MA – ind A – MT less able JH Investigation. What is the highest and lowest numbers that will round to 4000. What is the difference? Multiply and divide numbers to 1000 by 10 and then 100 (whole-number answers), understanding the effect Children to use whiteboards – 10 x = Division Q? For MA WALT – multiply divide whole numbers by 10, 100 WILF - Understanding of the process Well organised work Moving onto decimals Mental maths methods What happens to a number when you multiply it by 10? Key points Children will know that add a 0 is not the correct answer. Decimal point stays in the same place. All children start by demonstrating their knowledge of mult by 10 and 100 then dividing by 10 100 MA – working with a mixture of whole and decimal numbers (JH) A – using whole numbers only LA – multiplying by 10 JH Who can explain the rule? Pupils are given 3 minutes to come up with the rule for multiplying by 10 or 100. Feedback to the rest of the class
Numeracy Maths Year 4 Planning Angles Protractors Perimeter Area

Numeracy Maths Year 4 Planning Angles Protractors Perimeter Area

Some nice planning and worksheets for year 4. Nearly 3 mb of stuff. sample plannimng : Draw rectangles and measure and calculate their perimeters; find the area of rectilinear shapes drawn on a square grid by counting square Perimeter, names of 2d shapes Addition Total Mentally adding 4 numbers (single and two digit) WALT – draw find the perimeter and area of a rectangle WILF – accurate measurements Knowledge of what perimeter is Knowing what area is and how to calculate Good mental methods Children will know how to find the perimeter of a rectangle. Pupils will also need to be reminded of units of measure that we may need to use – mm/cm. Target maths P82 In real life situations, when would you need to know the perimeter of something? What unit of measurement might we need for the suggested things?
Christmas Planning Year 5 Three weeks worth English Maths

Christmas Planning Year 5 Three weeks worth English Maths

Three weeks of planning. Plus you can use other planning included for free from different years. Example To analyse and create a character and setting description for 23 Degrees 5 Minutes North. I can express verbally what a character may be feeling, thinking or doing I can explain why I think a character may feel, think or do something I can describe a setting using figurative language Starter 5 mins Pen portrait of key characters in 23 Degrees 5 Minutes North: Children mind map/annotate information about the key characters that they know so far around an image of The Adventurer and Professor Erit. They add information about the internal feelings, thoughts and emotions within and the external information such as physical description, or known facts Activity 1 5-10 mins Use key questions and discussion in groups to think about answers to questions such as: When is this story set? Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here? Will I be able to find Professor Erit? How will I find him? Emphasise the importance of chn giving evidence to support their opinion when they give a response to these questions. Activity 10 mins Return to image of the Adventurer and Professor Erit. Using a different coloured pencil, chn should add information about these characters Main 20 mins Give chn an image of the setting and ask them to mind-map descriptive words, phrases or sentences they could use to describe the narrative setting. Model using the different kinds of sentence-types to record a setting description, using the vocabulary recorder in the mind-map. Chn use sentences to build suspense if they can.
Money Week Year 5 Year 6 Finances Banks Shopping

Money Week Year 5 Year 6 Finances Banks Shopping

A nice little unit on financial planning. Some calculations required for better financial knowledge. Introduce ‘My Money’ week to children. Explain that we are going to spend all week discussing money, using mathematical operations, setting a budget and thinking about how we will deal with money in the future. Activity One Come back together and allow groups to share mind maps. Lead into a discussion on what money is; use online dictionary to look for definition. Come to the conclusion that it is a medium of exchange; we exchange money for goods or services. Make a list on the IWB of things which people use money for. Separate the list by highlighting things which people need and things that they want. TTYP – what is the ‘currency’ of the UK? Explain that it is called sterling and it is split into pounds and pence. Use PPT to check that children recognise all notes and coins of sterling. Activity One Children work in groups to mind map ‘money’. Each group to have three colours –create a key to show things they know, things they think they know and questions they have. If I gave you £1000 right now, what would spend it on? What might you wish you had spent it on in the future? Can the children name any currencies of other countries? (Euro, US dollar, Aus dollar, Yuan China, Rupee India etc)
Spring Year 6 Maths Planning 13 weeks 36 page pdf

Spring Year 6 Maths Planning 13 weeks 36 page pdf

36 page pdf. Maths for each of 13 weeks. sample : LO: To reflect shapes across a horizontal or vertical mirror line. KEY QUESTION: DO I NEED TO USE A MIRROR TO REFLECT A 2D SHAPE? Review the term reflection with the children. How would the children reflect a simple shape like a square across a mirror line? Show the children a more complex shape. How would the children go about reflecting this shape? Explore the use of a mirror using a large version of a shape on the working wall. If you hadn’t got access to a mirror, how would you go reflect the shape? Focus on process of identifying vertices within shapes, counting to the mirror line. DS: Supports Triangles during teaching. AG: Supports Squares during teaching. LO: To draw and reflect a shape across a 45 degree mirror line. Show the children a shape and have them model how to reflect across a vertical and horizontal mirror line. Show them a mirror line that is set at 45 degrees. Discuss possible strategies for carrying out the task of reflecting across the mirror line. Make sure the children stay on the grid lines and follow to the mirror line, then away from the mirror line to make a right angle. MW: target high Focus Children within teaching. Check during lesson. LO: To reflect a shape that crossing a 45˚ mirror line. KEY QUESTION: HOW CAN I REFLECT A SHAPE THAT CROSSES THE MIRROR LINE? Address misconceptions from previous lesson. Give the children an enlarged version of a triangle that crosses a diagonal mirror line. As a class, identify way in which the shape can be reflected across the mirror line. Take each point and reflect across a perpendicular set of gridlines. Model the use of start and end points. Whatever is in the upper part of the mirror line needs to be in the lower, vice versa. DS: Supports triangles during lesson. AG: Supports Circles during lesson.
Area Perimeter maths Net Cubes Compound Shapes Year 5

Area Perimeter maths Net Cubes Compound Shapes Year 5

Work out the area an perimeter of cubes etc. You can print out shapes and give to pupils. Learning Objectives. Ma 1 Organising and explaining Ma 3 Calculate perimeter/area of squares and rectangles. · To explain methods and reasoning · To solve mathematical problems, recognise and explain patterns and relationships. · Calculate perimeters and areas of rectangles. · Find the largest area that can be made with a rectangle that has a perimeter of 26 metres. Success criteria. · To be able to work out the area of a rectangle or square. · To make different rectangles that all have the same perimeter. · To recognise the largest area. · To compare the relationship between the length of the sides and the area of the rectangle. · To explain reasoning. Model the way to answer the question referring to work of a few weeks ago on perimeters. How many different sized pig pens can be made using only 12 fencing panels? Discuss how the children think they could solve this problem. The Problem. We want to make a school garden and grow vegetables. At night time the rabbits and deer will come and eat them. To stop them we need to put a fence around the area. However we can only afford to buy 26, one metre long panels. Find the largest area we can fence off to make a rectangular vegetable patch? Remember it can only have a perimeter of 26 metres. Vocabulary. add subtract multiply dividedouble half equals rectangle square area perimeter cm2 Resources:- multi-link. L/A rulers. Squared paper. Home work:- if applicable. Assessment. Children exceeding the objectives.
Year 6 English Maths Planning Gunpowder Plot

Year 6 English Maths Planning Gunpowder Plot

Lots of planning for all three terms. Maths and English mainly but arts stuff and History too. sampl: Text: The Gunpowder Plot Genres covered in this unit: • Predictions • Inference (How? Why?) • Newspaper features • Journalistic writing • Letter writing Key teaching input/texts/questions/ clips etc BOOKS Display an image from the front cover of the book and discuss what children already know. What does it look? What do you think will happen? What can you see in the picture? Share and discuss, make notes for working wall. Show children the entire cover of the book. Identify the 5Ws; who? What? Where? When? Why? What is the title? What do you think will happen? Note 5ws for working wall. Show children the grid for likes, similarities and puzzles, Identify one for each section and explain why I chose it. Whole class discussion of extra hot challenge. Resources: Book cover Images from book cover Grid sheet JOTTERS Review previous learning – refer to working wall. What do you think will happen? Who will be involved? Where will it happen? Why does it happen? When does it take place? Share predictions. Introduce the text to the children. Read first 4 pages and ask questions linked to the text. Children to read through/skim read to identify the 5Ws – record for the working wall and compare with predictions. Was anyone close with their prediction? Why might this be? Share video with children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YptNONmnXH0 Discuss key events. What do you think will happen next? Make predictions in jotters and share.
Year 3 Literacy Maths Planning 19 English 17 Maths Short term plans

Year 3 Literacy Maths Planning 19 English 17 Maths Short term plans

Lots of planning for Maths and English year 3 sample: Text: ARCHIES WAR – Marcia Williams Genres covered in this unit: 2 weeks - character descriptions – to include descriptive settings Letter writing, information texts and propaganda posters. (Propaganda posters are covered in the topic books) Children have white boards. I will describe a person and you must draw them From the twits Roald dahl(Mr Twits). Children share ideas from the first opening paragraph. What made this so visual. LANGUAGE Look at a series of images. Witch, doctor, pirate. Look at the features, are there similarities. Elaborated pictures of people. Famous and non famous. Discussion and focal point. Play head band with the children. They have to describe the person they are holding and the partner has to guess who it is. Expanding on words to describe Starter - Use facial pictures for images. What may they be thinking? Do they look different now you out them in the picture. What about when they are wearing a certain clothing. Build the character in stages. Describe the physical appearance and the mental one. What may they be thinking? We can see their face and if they are smiling. Do they look different in different surroundings?
Year 5 Planning English Maths Geometry Haiku

Year 5 Planning English Maths Geometry Haiku

Planning from an academy. Spread over the three terms. Lots of planning. Worksheets. Powerpoints. Mainly English and Maths. Zip has the lot. ive included plenty in the general download to give you an idea of content. sample : Explore children’s understanding of the term angle and record on working wall. Where have they seen angles? What do angles look like? What are they measured in? Following knowledge harvest, explain that this term will focus on measuring, drawing, classifying angles. Ensure children can identify the key features of a protractor. Use enlarged version and annotate key features on WW. Ensure that the children can explain angle types and their properties. This will be useful when checking measurements. Explore strategies for measuring angles using enlarged models and enlarged protractor. Have the children measure angles to the nearest 10, 5 and degree. Identify difficulties when alignment is inaccurate. Model the use of known angle types to check accuracy of measurement. Discuss with pupils what they now know about the structure and style of a haiku poem. Model for pupils a haiku poem based upon the topic of water (links to Rivers topic, Finding Nemo setting and this week’s setting work) Then re write after making changes. Pupils to share their completed work Steps to Success Mild- to record ideas for a Haiku poem about water Spicy- present poem in the form of a Haiku Hot- to read over my own work and propose changes to grammar and vocabulary, spelling and punctuation ( CAGS 3 / 4) Extra Hot- selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary and understand how such choices can change and enhance meaning. ( CAG 5/6)