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Back to School Autumn Planning Year 2 Massive Amount of Work Literacy Maths

Back to School Autumn Planning Year 2 Massive Amount of Work Literacy Maths

Short of ideas for year two Autumn term? Put my planning from different schools together. It’s all in the zip file. I’ve put some examples in the general upload but there is TONS more in the included zip file. Lots of different types of planning as my schools were all different. There’s lots of free stuff too that is adaptable e.g. year 1 work. Sample : Teacher to explain that they will be focusing their learning this week on an author called Beatrix Potter (in both English and Creative Curriculum). Teacher to introduce the story of Peter Rabbit to the class (PowerPoint- shared area). Teacher to pause shared reading at regular intervals to challenge thinking and AF reading skills. Q: Do you think this story is non-fiction or fiction? Why? – Group to discuss. Whilst reading, teacher to model how to break down tricky words using phonetic knowledge. Group to discuss the text together; thinking about the characters and setting. Teacher to scribe thoughts onto flip chart for class to refer back to throughout the week. Mild: I can recall the main characters from a given text and can describe them using appropriate adjectives. Spicy: I can use phonics to form a sensible sentence. I can add full stops and capital letters when writing a book review. Hot: I can sequence events of the story; identifying what happened in the beginning, middle and end. Extra Hot: I can write/draw a picture to show my favourite part of the story and can verbally give reasons as to why.
Back to School Autumn Planning Year 1 Massive Amount of Work Literacy Maths

Back to School Autumn Planning Year 1 Massive Amount of Work Literacy Maths

Short of ideas for year one Autumn term? Put my planning from different schools together. It’s all in the zip file. I’ve put some examples in the general upload but there is TONS more in the included zip file. Lots of different types of planning as my schools were all different. There’s lots of free stuff too that is adaptable e.g. year 2 work. sample : Today we are going to read ‘Titch’ together. Read Titch under the visualiser. Does this remind you something that has happened to you? Can children identify with the characters/settings and events? Discuss with talk partners and beach ball/bean bag ideas. Look at some cvc words; start with hen; who can spell this word on the IWB? What is the 1st sound? Get a child to write it down. Can you tell your talk partner some words that rhyme with this? Make a list. Robins/Bears [AA] Talk about how Titch might feel. Do they feel like that? Children to write sentence/s about how the children feel. Chicks/Giraffes [A] Talk about how Titch might feel. Do they feel like that? Children to write a sentence about how the children feel. Octopus [BA] Talk about how Titch might feel. Do they feel like that? CT/TA to scribe some sentences about how the children feel. Listen to sentences that children have came up with about the story. Can we suggest any other sentences about ‘Titch’. Teacher to scribe them on IWB and save them for later. Show chn the picture from the front cover of Lost and Found. Start up a discussion asking the question: Who are they? Depending on chns responses ask other questions – who, why, when, what, where, how. Show chn question hand – use this to remind chn of the types of questions we can ask. PUT HAND AND PICTURE ON WORKING WALL FOR CHN TO REFER TO. Model recording some responses to the questions asked on post it notes. Mild: Talk about the picture on the front cover Spicy: Think of questions that we could ask to find out about the story Hot: Share responses to the different questions asked Extra Hot: Write responses making phonetically plausible attempts. LA Activities Green MA Activities Orange and Red HA Activities Blue Adult pose a question about the picture. Adult to scribe responses on post it notes. Photograph for books. Chn to talk about the picture with partner- Chn to remember some of the questions asked earlier and write down their responses to the questions. Photograph for books. In pairs chn take it in turns to ask each other a question. Chn to write their responses on post it notes. Stick post its and a smaller version of picture in book.
Christmas teaching Resources From Uk Catholic Flavour For All Ages religion Math

Christmas teaching Resources From Uk Catholic Flavour For All Ages religion Math

I’ve retired from twenty five years teaching in the UK. I’ve gathered together my planning I did over the years for 4 to 11 year olds. There’s some great stuff there. Plenty of planning, powerpoints, worksheets, scripts for assemblies etc etc There is some stuff on Christmas in the world e.g. France There will be lots of things you can use to entertain the kids at this busy but wonderful time of the year. You get a massive of planning. 257 mb over 400 files Some caveats: I spent most but not all of my career in Catholic schools so everything has a Catholic feel. Lots of math stuff. I don’t have the time to sort everything so feel free to delete anything you regard as filler or irrelevant. You’ll need powerpoint and word to access most of it. Nearly everyone has that. there are some notebooks, flipcharts etc. I obviously can’t give you that so you have to get the free adobe reader and other free software to read some of the files.