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Gandhi  Four Weeks Literacy Lesson Matilda Roald Dahl Grammar Year 6

Gandhi Four Weeks Literacy Lesson Matilda Roald Dahl Grammar Year 6

Four Weeks Gandhi work. Plus stuff on Roald Dahk Matilda. All on word documents. lots of great ideas. A few other goodies thrown in for good measure. Plenty of grammar as well with some great powerpoints. the zip file contains loads. I have uploaded a few examples too so you get the feel. sample planning : L.O: Understand who Mahatma Gandhi was. Success Criteria  Use limited information to deduce and infer.  Describe why Mahatma Gandhi was so well known and influential.  Consider what you would like to find out about him. Start by showing the phrase ‘An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.’ In table groups discuss what you think this means and what type of person you think may have said it. Feedback, discuss and put on working wall. Reveal that it was a man called Mahatma Gandhi who said this. Show the trailer to ‘Gandhi’ DVD (1982). All groups to complete a KWL grid. What do I know? What do I want to know? What have I learnt? APP links: L.O: Use L5 adjectives to analyse a real character from history. Success Criteria  Take useful notes on a subject.  Generate L5 adjectives and phrases.  Use alliteration if possible. Use PowerPoint to discuss Gandhi’s life further – children to make notes in SODA books. Give each pair a minute to decide on one fact they think should be on working wall. Make notes on working wall about his life to include: Helped free Indian people from British Rule Non violent protest based on courage and truth Different ways of protesting Started in South Africa then India Governments were forced to listen to him and negotiate Encouraged people to make their own resources rather than buying British. Used fasting as a protest and a penance Spent time in prison Is known as the ‘Father of the Nation’ Birthday is a public holiday in India. Children to have a picture of Gandhi in the middle of their page. Annotate with L5 adjectives and phrases to describe him. Fire group (AA): Extended by CN to include alliterative phrases that could be newspaper headlines of his life. Water Group (A): Working independently. Air group (BA): Supported by assistant.
Remembrance Day Powerpoints with PDFs Worksheets info etc.

Remembrance Day Powerpoints with PDFs Worksheets info etc.

10 powerpoints on Remembrance day that you can adapt to suit your class. Plus a dozen or so short pdfs and worksheets to do with Remembrance. Plus an assembly. Adapt by putting in your kids names in the class. There’s something for ks1 and ks2 kids here. I have adapted the powerpoint so you can choose ks1 or ks2.
Science Interdependence Adaptation  Food Chains Planning Year 5 and 6

Science Interdependence Adaptation Food Chains Planning Year 5 and 6

Massive amount of planning. Over a dozen powerpoints. More than six documents. More than a dozen word documents. Example planning : Pose the question – when we go into the supermarket, how can you find the things you want to buy? Lead into a discussion about how similar things are put together. If you want apples, you go to the fruit and veg section; if you want ice cream you go to the freezer. It saves time and makes the shopping easier. Scientists do a similar thing with living organisms. There are so many varied plants and animals, scientists need to keep dividing them into smaller groups to identify them. How would they do this? What would they look for? Explain that they look for similarities and differences to put the plants and animals into groups. Explain that we talk about the ‘plant kingdom’ and the ‘animal kingdom’. Animal Kingdom – how many different species of animals do the children think are on Earth? Take estimates. 800 000 They can be broadly broken into Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Vertebrates have a backbone. Invertebrates do not. What group do humans fit into? Activity One Use PowerPoint to talk through each group and their characteristics.
Religion Story of the People of God Lots of Planning Catholic Flavour

Religion Story of the People of God Lots of Planning Catholic Flavour

Lots of great planning. The unit covers: Start to understand the structure of the Bible. Research some different styles of writing found in the Bible. Discuss some of the important figures in the OT and understand why and how they had a special relationship with God. Analyse The story of the fall. Know the story of Cain and Abel. Relate the story to our relationships with friends and family. Know the story of Manna from Heaven. (Exodus 16: 1-18) Understand why God provided for the needs of his people. Empathise with all involved. Explain how we can show our love for God through our obedience of the ten commandments. Sample planning : Introduce the new unit to the children and explain that, through this five week unit of RE, we will be learning about some of the different styles of literature found in the Bible. We will also be learning about some significant people from the Old Testament and their relationship with God. Introduce the LO. Display the word ‘ancestors’ on the board and children to TTYP and discuss the meaning of the word. Take feedback from class. Share meaning and address any misconceptions. Children to think about stories that they know about their family and the ancestors that went before them. Talk about people who research their family tree – they are researching their ancestors. The people who came before them. Discuss the program ‘Who do you think you are?’ on BBC 1. Show the opening credits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCeWuSgiqHI Discuss the title of the program. Don’t these celebrities already know who they are? They know their own names, their dates of birth, their parents’ names: what else are they looking for? Discuss how a knowledge of where we have come from, might help us to understand or plan where we need to go to. Bring this back to the Bible. The Bible is a library of books which gives us information about our ancestors – the people of God. Explain to the children that the Bible contains the story of the Jewish people in the Old Testament and is the foundation of the story of the Christian people in the New Testament. Revise work from Year 4 about the Bible being a library of books rather than just one book. (Use the ‘books of the Bible’ slide on PPT). Ch to count up how many books in the Bible – 39 in OT, 27 in NT – 66 in total
Science Year 5 or 6 Complete Year's Planning Powerpoints Worksheets

Science Year 5 or 6 Complete Year's Planning Powerpoints Worksheets

A complete year’s planning for year 5 or year 6 science. A complete year’s planning for Science for 10 year olds. Tons of powerpoints, word documents, planning, info etc. Topics include Interdependence and adaptation, micro organisms, dissolving, life cycles, magnetism, etc etc You get over 900 files. They are all in the zip file. Plus I’ve put a few examples up for you
British Science Week Planning Great Resource Primary School All Years  year 4 esp

British Science Week Planning Great Resource Primary School All Years year 4 esp

If you are thinking of running a Science week, this is for you. A plan on how to have a whole week of Science for all Primary years. Great hyperlinks and you can adapt for your school. This will save you a lot of time. I have great Science units. Please have a look. Science Week Why are we running the event? For fun and to motivate children and staff Raise the profile of science Inform parents Encourage involvement in science Celebrate the science of the school Raise awareness of practical science activities related to the national curriculum. Promote outdoor learning When and for how long will the event be? Science week will take place during afternoon sessions from Monday 10th June – Friday 14th June, but any links to morning sessions of Numeracy or Literacy are encouraged! What will the theme of the event be? INVENTIONS AND DISCOVERY Inventions are important factors in our everyday lives. Children need to understand that without people thinking of better ways to do things, or making contraptions to make work easier, life would be much different for us today and in the future! Discovery This part of our theme will allow children the opportunity to answer ‘what if?’ questions! Discoveries are something new! Something we didn’t know about before. So they are, of course, important because they bring something new into society; it could be new knowledge, a new invention, a new scientific concept, a new idea, anything!! Possible Activities: • Demonstrations/hands on workshops for children • Challenges for the children to tackle at home or in school • Outdoor learning – Encourage opportunities for outdoor learning • Enquiry investigations Children are given an opportunity to focus on a full scale enquiry, without the worries of teaching, but the emphasis is on being a scientist, and enquiring. • Quizzes Paper based quiz for children to research at school or at home or a treasure hunt around school to find the quiz questions, with answers appearing later. • Problem solving activities Using science knowledge to overcome a problem • Displays Display photos of activities as they take place. Where possible create interactive displays in common areas that all children can explore. • Joint planning Year groups can plan joint activities that link with science topics.
Back to School Year 6 Complete Year's Planning Literacy Roald Dahl

Back to School Year 6 Complete Year's Planning Literacy Roald Dahl

A great set of planning. Three terms. Loads of planning and powerpoints and great topics. Zip file has the lot. I’ve put some sample ones in the general load so you can look. Includes : Biography and Autobiography Cross curricular history & literacy Fiction Genres Roald Dahl Poetry Journalistic and persuasive Sample :