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Beowulf Teaching Materials Planning Powerpoints Anglo-Saxons Poetry Year 6 Literacy

Beowulf Teaching Materials Planning Powerpoints Anglo-Saxons Poetry Year 6 Literacy

You get 48 files. Include a dozen powerpoints. All in zip. Some in the genr=eral upload. Some nice free bonus stuff on History, jewellery and ship making. Sample L.O. To use knowledge of quest myths and the Vikings to create a character profile for the main character and hero of our own Viking quest myth story. I can use my knowledge of quest myths and the Vikings to create a character profile for the main character and hero for my own Viking quest myth story. Beowulf Lesson 4 STARTER – adjectives Look at text and highlight in pairs adjectives that describe Beowulf, then using post –it notes in pairs, begin to generate more words form pictures displayed on the IWB of Beowulf in various positions/battles and write some of their own powerful adjectives. These can then be ‘magpied’ by the children during the independent work. Main activity Hot seating – Beowulf and the King Use the questions generated on Wednesday as interview questions. Choose children that would like to play those parts – use a sword and shield if we have one This will hopefully give the children an idea as to what these main characters are like, their personality and how they think and react to different situations that happen in the story. Teacher to explain/demonstrate how the profile needs to be complete. Discuss what the words – appearance and personality mean and how they are different. Independent work Character profile – Beowulf the hero of their quest myths Using ‘My Viking Quest Myth Ideas Planning Booklet’ create a character profile for their Beowulf hero by labeling the picture, answering the questions in detail and adding descriptive words and phrases to describe his personality and appearance. Plenary Discuss the difference between appearance and personality of a character and what does it mean by special qualities? Because he isn’t a super hero!
Year 3 Planning Autumn Term Literacy Numeracy Ref A

Year 3 Planning Autumn Term Literacy Numeracy Ref A

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. This is planning for year 3 for a Autumn term. Plenty of great material here that you can adapt and cut and paste into your own school’s model. After decades of teaching I’m retired from teaching now. I’d like to help the younger generation so I’m putting my plans online. I hope your Sundays will be made a little easier by cutting and pasting allowing you more free time. You get: Literacy planning e.g. Stories with a familiar setting 3 weeks , Instruction 3 weeks, Reports 3 weeks, Sentence structure recap 3 weeks, shape poetry 2 weeks Numeracy planning 13 weeks worth Creative curriculum (a bit) Tudors, Heroes RE (a bit - I taught mainly in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this if you please) Science (a bit) Pirate Day Planning You get 75 mb of material, which is good value in my opinion. Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste. Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.
Year 2 Spring Term Planning Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B

Year 2 Spring Term Planning Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Year 2 planning for the Spring term. You get 70 mb of info which is good value imo Literacy 12 weeks plans. Fantastic Mr Fox, Different Stories by the same author etc Numeracy 13 weeks Securing number facts, understanding shape etc Creative curriculum (bit) Great Fire of London, E Safety P.E (a bit) Science (a bit) materials, electricity R.E. (a bit) Marriage. I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch.
Year 2 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B

Year 2 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Planning for the Summer term for year 2. You get 50 mb of material so good value imo. Literacy. Non-Chronological reports 4 weeks, Character descriptions, Traditional tales, poetry planning etc Numeracy 9 weeks worth Using and applying the four mathematical calculations to solve problems, Revision of the four main operations. rounding up and down etc Creative curriculum (a bit) making scarecrows, Wizard of Oz P.E. (a bit) R.E. (a bit) St Paul. I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this. Science 4 weeks. Plants and animals. Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste. Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.
Year 1 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy

Year 1 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Planning for the Summer term for year 1. You get 132 mb of material so good value imo. You get planning for: Creative Curriculum Literacy Mathematics Science R.E. I taught in Catholic schools so has a catholic flavour. Feel free to adapt, cut and paste into your school template and reclaim your Sunday evenings.
Photosynthesis Unit Science Biology Powerpoints Planning worksheets

Photosynthesis Unit Science Biology Powerpoints Planning worksheets

Thus unit deals with Photosynthesis for year 6. Plus other Science topics. 8 nice powerpoints plus planning plus worksheets. Example planning : To understand that green plants need light in order to grow well To know that green plants make their own food using light in a process called ‘photosynthesis’ Sc1 To make careful observations of plant growth and explain these. To make simple oral predictions PUT CHILDREN IN GROUPS Begin lesson by showing ch. 2 plants; a green plant that has been kept in the dark for several weeks and a healthy plant. Give ch. time with talk partners to discuss the differences they observe and why these might be. Also ensure ch. can name all the parts and functions of the plant. Lead these observations into a discussion about what plants need to be healthy. Take suggestions and write on board. Ensure ch. understand that plants need light, water, air, warmth and minerals. Explain to ch. that plants need light the most of all the above to be able to grow well but seeds don’t need light to germinate. Why? Lead ch. into discussion about plants needing light to feed themselves and if they don’t get light they won’t grow just like if we don’t eat properly we won’t grow. Ask ch. to talk to talk partners about how plants feed themselves. Introduce term on board ‘PHOTOSYNTHESIS’ Explain that ‘PHOTO’ means light and ‘SYNTHESIS’ means making something. Explain how photosynthesis works and demonstrate through ppt. (See below) Ensure ch. understand the leaves are vital for photosynthesis and then pass around some leaves so ch. can observe the detail. Ask the ch. to make oral predictions about what would happen to the un-healthy plant at the beginning if it was left on the widow-sill for a few weeks. Ask the ch. what would happen to the healthy plants leaves if they were covered. Plenary Explain to ch. that we are now going to leave the un-healthy plant on window-sill and observe what happens over a period of the week. Take a photograph of it and allocate somebody the job of taking a photograph of it every day. At the end of the week, show photos on board as a slide show and ch. can write an explanation of what has happened. Discuss however that the plant will also need water, warmth and minerals. (Use a geranium plant as these perk up quickest when exposed to more light) Ask ch. to discuss what minerals are. Explain that next lesson we will be discussing the need for good minerals to aid growth.
Year 5 to Year 6 Transition Materials Primary School Ideas Last Day

Year 5 to Year 6 Transition Materials Primary School Ideas Last Day

Ideas for that tricky day. Word doucument with loads of ideas. Lovely powerpoint to guide you into year 6. Plus some other bits and bobs such as French lessons etc sample: Transition day – Year 6 9am – 9.30am: Whole school assembly. 9.30am – 10.45am: Circle time. Worries, concerns, hopes and dreams. Gather children’s thoughts on moving to year 6. Discuss how they are feeling. Discuss with children it is natural to be feeling apprehensive. Send children to table groups to complete table of things in year 6 they are looking forward to and things they are worried about. Discuss as a class and complete class table to refer back to after 1st week. Go through our expectations of them for year 6 and the rewards and sanctions they will receive. Discuss. Also mention Sats and Confirmation. Discuss their personal targets for year and ask them to think of one thing they really want to improve on and aim for in year 6. Reinforce idea of a fresh start. Discuss how we are all going to turn over a new leaf and send ch. to places to do so and write personal target for year on a leaf template. Place anonymously in time capsule. Discuss what one is and how they work. Discuss we will not open until end of year 6. Talk about Year 6. TTYP what are your main thoughts? Come back together and discuss SATs, Confirmation, Easter fair and residential. Star activity. 11am – 11.30am: Class rules 11.30am – 12pm: Expectations, rewards & sanctions. Spare time = ‘Billionaire Boy’.
Year 2 planning Autumn Term Literacy Mathematics Ref B

Year 2 planning Autumn Term Literacy Mathematics Ref B

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Planning for the Autumn term for year 2. 60 mb of info which is good value imo. You get: Literacy planning 12 weeks. Performance poetry, Stories with familiar setting etc. Maths 14 weeks Measuring, Money etc Creative curriculum (a bit) the Police R.E (a bit) I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this. Science (a bit) Forces and Motions, Health and Growth Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste. Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.
Year 4 Literacy and Maths Planning

Year 4 Literacy and Maths Planning

Gathered together my planning for year 4. Mainly Literacy and Maths. Spread over a number of years. You get 690 files. The zip has the lot. I’ve put some in the general download to give yoiu a flavour. Sample planning : Explain to chn that this work for this unit will be based on stories set in imaginary worlds. The Borrowers by Mary Norton is set in a miniature world under the floorboards in an old house. Have chn read any other books (or seen films) set in imaginary worlds, eg Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, etc. These are fantasy settings that authors have created in their minds, as maps or as drawings, etc. Tolkien drew maps for The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings, Mary Norton used small everyday objects as furniture and tools, and J K Rowling had the idea for Harry Potter when on a long & boring train journey. Read 2 versions of the same setting one without some details, description & adjectives and the other in full. After the first reading ask chn if they can picture the classroom clearly in their heads, then ask the same question after the full extract and compare answers. How is the light described? Dim & crimson. How would the atmosphere in the room change if the adjectives used were yellow and bright? Word sentence level Remind chn that an adjective is a word that describes somebody/thing. They come before nouns or after verbs such as: be, get, seem, look, eg the frail old woman or she looked old and frail. Overuse of adjectives is as bad as not using any! Show class a passage which adjectives could be removed from this passage? Which are most effective adjectives to be left in the passage?
Literacy Year 5 or 6 Stories from Other Countries 3 Weeks Planning Ahmed's Secret  Heide

Literacy Year 5 or 6 Stories from Other Countries 3 Weeks Planning Ahmed's Secret Heide

Great planning for year 5. Plenty to keep you going for three solid weeks. Powerpoints, planning, worksheets etc etc The zip has the lot. I have put up some on the ordinary download so you can look. Sample planning : Genre: Narrative Unit 3 – ‘Stories from other cultures’ Focus Texts: ‘Abela’ by Berlie Doherty (class reader), ‘The day of Ahmed’s secret’ by Florence Parry Heide, ‘Stories from around the world’ Usborne books. Objectives Primary Framework Phase 1 • Create roles showing how behaviour can be interpreted from different viewpoints • Know and apply common spelling rules • Infer writers’ perspectives from what is written and from what is implied • Compare different types of narrative and information texts and identify how they are structured • Experiment with different narrative form and styles to write their own stories Adapt sentence construction to different text-types, purposes and readers Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophes. Learning/Writing outcome for unit: Write a story from a different character’s point of view. Reflect on writing critically and edit it against success criteria. LO: Whole Class Shared Learning Guided and Independent Activities: Plenary: M Understand and use the word ‘culture’. Begin to recognise the features of a story from another culture. Show the words ‘narrative’ and ‘fiction’. Children to TTYP and talk about what they mean. Come back together and elicit that they are words for ‘story’. We are going to be studying a narrative unit for two weeks. Briefly recap the five structural features of a story. What types of stories have we studied so far? (Myths, legends and stories by a significant author). Show the word ‘culture’. Children to TTYP and discuss. Come back together and explain that a culture refers to “the attitudes and behaviour that are characteristic of a particular social group.” Emphasise that we are not necessarily talking about different religions or even other countries – there are a lot of different cultures even within one country. Lead to class discussion. Provide children with copies of ‘The Day of Ahmed’s Secret’ – explain that this story is from Africa. Ahmed lives in a city called Cairo – the capital of Egypt. Show on a map. Have we heard anything about Cairo in the news recently? Read half of the story and then challenge children to discuss on their tables: The features of the story. Their predictions about Ahmed’s secret. Come back together, read the rest of the story and discuss. How is Ahmed’s life different from your lives? In his culture it is perfectly normal for children to be working very hard and taking over the family business from his Father. What does his pride at being able to write his own name suggest about his level of education? About his place in society? Create a working wall list of features to include: Capital letters used at the start of each sentence and full stops at the end.
year 6 Literacy Fiction Genre To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story

year 6 Literacy Fiction Genre To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story

4 main weeks’s work. Plus powerpoints and resorces. Great for year 6. Sample planning. Learning/Writing outcome: To plan, draft, write and improve an engaging short story in a particular genre using appropriate language and organisational features. Introduce the words ‘fiction’ and ‘genre’. TTYP and discuss the meaning of the word ‘genre’. At this point, introduce the new and improved writing journals where children can make notes during lessons, can jot down words they wish to magpie, jot words that they have generated but which aren’t suitable for the task in hand and can jot questions/things they are unsure about. Explain that I will prompt to use these for the first couple of days but then children need to become more independent. Prizes for most effective use! Ensure the children understand the difference between fiction ‘narrative’ and non fiction ‘non narrative’. Activity One Come back together and do class mind map for working wall. Ask children to think of any titles of books which could fit with any of these genres. Ask children to discuss their preferences and discuss our preferences with them. Activity Two Talk about how they sorted the books in activity two. What clues were you looking for? Talk about words which suggest different genres. Explain activity three. Activity One In lit books complete quick mind map of different types of fiction genre. Activity Two Children to work in table groups. Children to be given a wide range of fiction books from class/school library. Children to sort the books into fantasy, historical, science fiction and mystery by scanning the book, looking at the front cover and reading the blurb. Activity Three Children to have a selection of pictures from books (front covers and insides) and blurbs from a variety of fiction books. Ch to decide which genre they think they book comes from and justify their opinion by highlighting the key words or annotating the pictures. SEN: () to work as a group on this task. MA: In pairs. With teacher to work with ‘Quality Question Marks’ (both groups). HA: Independently. Plenary: What have we learned? What is narrative? Non narrative? What is a genre? Name some genres of narrative? What is your favourite? Why? Least favourite? Why? Does this link to visual literacy (i.e. do films and TV programs split into genres?)
33 Worksheets for Guided Reading Questions Year 5 Roald Dahl etc

33 Worksheets for Guided Reading Questions Year 5 Roald Dahl etc

33 worksheets I have used for guided reading. Please look at the piccie to get an idea of the books used. There’s Roald Dahl. It;s important that kids have some written record of what they have done in guided reading. This is good evidence I’ve linked them to app targets. Feel free to adapt. Just cut and paste the text questions.
Display Materials For Primary School Collection Maths English

Display Materials For Primary School Collection Maths English

Looking for a big set of display material for the new academic year? I have collected together all my collection from decades in teaching Primary school level. Aimed a little at the top end as that is where I spent most years. Lots of stuff. Vcop stuff Maths stuff. RE stuff Art. Over 400 files. Word, pdf, excel etc
Year 3 Literacy and Maths Planning

Year 3 Literacy and Maths Planning

Gathered my lessons for year 3 together. Mainly Literacy and Maths plus bits and bobs. In the zip you find the lot. Included some examples in general upload. Sample planning : Introduction Explain will be looking at different ways of writing poetry using special words and shapes as stimulus. ‘calligram’ means beautiful writing. Show examples. S&L Children discuss with response partner why they think words are presented in these ways. Teacher draw children back together. After discussion, ask children to choose most effective calligram, justifying choice. Draw out understanding that the meaning of words inspires the shapes in a calligram. Teacher demonstrate use of ICT programs to produce calligrams and own drawing as alternative. Draw up a list of suitable words for choices. Word/Sentence Activities Use IWB store range of suitable words for calligrams. Can children classify word types: nouns, adjectives, adverbs etc. YEAR 3 LITERACY LESSON PLAN 16th Monday Whole Class Shared Learning Before reading; ask the children what they think ‘Autumn’ poem will look like. Show poem. Ask them to decide where you should begin reading and then read the poem. Read two more examples of shape poems. Add appropriate actions. Class repeat. S&L Encourage the children to say how similar and different the three poems are. Invite them to say which poem is most effective visually. Which poem do they prefer? Discuss why the poets have chosen these shapes, and how the shape affects the content of the poems. Practice with RP saying preferred poem aloud. Word/Sentence Activities Rehearse spellings for Word Wall words. Challenge children to find other words with same phonemes
Advent Lesson Religious Education Year 5

Advent Lesson Religious Education Year 5

A great lesson for the season of advent. sample planning : Begin the lesson by sharing the learning objective with the children. Give each table two different coloured post it notes and ask the children to write what they already know about advent, on one coloured post it, and anything that they would like to know about advent on the other. Children to share ideas and keep post its. If the question is not answered in the lesson they should put it in their RE book to inform the next RE lesson’s teaching. CT and children to discuss the liturgical seasons of the year. What are they? How many are there? What is the first season of the liturgical year? Do we use colour with the liturgical seasons? Ask the children to work on netbooks to research the meaning of the word Advent. Can they find out which language the word originates from? What does it mean? http://projectbritain.com/Advent.html Bring the children back together and ask them to feedback their findings to create a class mindmap. Children to then draw and complete a mind map in their books illustrating what they already know about the liturgical season of Advent. Explore the duel meaning of the season: to prepare for the birthday of Jesus and to prepare for Jesus to come again. Set up prayer partners for the period of advent
50000 Questions American U.S.A. Coins Adding Up Worksheets

50000 Questions American U.S.A. Coins Adding Up Worksheets

50,000 questions on American coins. The worksheets contain visual images of coins. Pupils have to add them up and write the number of cents on the side. All answers provided. I have tried to vary things as much as possible. e.g. different number of coins some heads some tails This is a big file so please be patient whilst downloading. There are over 16,000 pages (questions plus answers) Happy teaching!