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Ash Wednesday Lent Teaching Resources Planning Powerpoints Worksheets Religion
I taught in Catholic schools for years.
Now happily retired, I have assembled all my planning for Lent.
Packed full of stuff. Powerpoints, planning, worksheets, masses etc etc.
This will really make your life easy.
Over 300 mb of stuff. Nearly 500 files.
Sample planning :
PRAYER Start with prayer, light candle, music – look at and reflect on the temptations of Jesus.
Read the text of the temptations of Jesus. Why was Jesus in the desert in the first place? What had just happened to him before this episode in his life?
Recall the three things the devil asked Jesus to do.
What was Jesus’ response on each occasion?
Why do you think these three things were chosen to tempt Jesus?
Jesus was as human as you and me, in all but sin, and yet at the same time he was Gods’ Son.
Do you really think it was difficult for him to say no to the devil? Why do you think it might have been difficult?
Look at the text again. Are there any indicators, which show that this was easy?
Imagine you are Jesus. Write a diary entry about the temptations and how it affected you.
LA to use writing frame
MA to work with partners and write a diary entry about the temptations and how it affected them.
HA to work independently and write a diary entry about the temptations and how it affected them. They will need to also discuss the different responses given by Christ.
Assistant to support LA group. TA n/a
Reflect on the temptations of Jesus in the desert.
End with prayer – reflect on Jesus’ response to the devil.
PRAYER Start with prayer, light candle, music – look at and reflect on
the temptations of Jesus.
Using the following:
read the text of the temptations of Jesus.
In groups, children to brainstorm the word “temptation” and create a mind map of associated words. What is it like when you are tempted to do something you shouldn’t?
How can we tell the difference between doing something that is right or wrong?
How can we resist the things that are wrong?
Children to write of a time when they resisted temptation or when somebody gave into temptation. Explore the consequences of the different actions.
LA to use writing frame
MA to work with partners and write of a time when they resisted temptation
HA to work independently and write of a time when they resisted temptation and when they gave into temptation. They will need to explore the consequences of the different actions.
Mr Mayor to support LA group
TA n/a
Reflect on the difference between doing something that is right and something wrong.
End with prayer – reflect on how we can resist the things that are wrong.

Year 6 Maths English Lessons One week Planning with Powerpoints Morpurgo
About a week’s worth.
Mixture of English and Maths with but on Remembrance Sunday.
Maths deals with area, English with journalistic writing.
Private Peaceful by Michael Murpurgo covered.
Display the image from the front of the book. What does the title of the book tell you? What could the book be about? Why do you think that? Introduce the title.
Children to identify what the book is about? What is the theme? Genre? What makes you think this?
Children to make predictions about the book in groups using the cover – share and discuss ideas.
Share extract from blurb ‘As young Thomas Peaceful looks back over his childhood from the battlefields of the First World War, his memories are full of family life in the countryside.’ 5ws and predictions modelled by CT.
What has changed? Why has your opinion changed? What questions and predictions can you make now?
Children to be reminded of the previous lesson. What did we learn? What do we think the text book is about? What happened in chapter one? Play BBC schools episode 1 -
Children are to be given the first paragraph of the book. What is the theme? What is the genre of the book?
Children to use talk partners and class discussion to list the characters involved in the first chapter and paragraph. Who are the characters we have met? What do we know about Tommo and his older brother Charlie? What is their relationship like? In this chapter, Tommo starts a new school – how would he be feeling about this? Look at the kindness of Molly – why does she act this way? Why doesn’t big Joe go to school? How would this be different today?

Big Write Big Writing Teaching Materials Lessons Planning Creative Writing
During my time as a teacher, I enjoyed doing a Big Write or Big Writing.
I’ve gathered all my materials together.
I liked it as it kept the children occupied all week, leading to a big write on Friday Mornings.
There’s some great ideas and powerpoints in here.
I’ve included a lot of Greek Myths stuff as I remember this as the best Big Write.
sample :
To understand the features of myths
Introduce the topic of Myths and Legends. Mind map any ideas about ‘myths’ children already have.
Explain that the class will be building up their own myth. With each group working on a different aspect of the myth. Show success criteria – list of features of a myth.
Read Theseus and the Minotaur, pick out the different features of the myth, evident in this story.
Each group will discuss and write ideas for each section.
LA (Supported by Ta)
Group 1: Describe the hero of the myth.
Group 2: Describe the monster of the myth.
Children will write ideas, words on post-it notes.
If this was a full lesson:
Put together all the different groups’ ideas to build a storyboard for the class myth.
As a class, decide on a title for our class ‘myth’.
Children can: identify all the features of myths
Features of a ‘myth’
· When and where is it set?
· A hero/heroine
· What is the problem?
· Does the hero have special powers?
· Fantastical beast
· The hero’s journey
· The conflict
· The solution
· How does it end?
· Is it interesting?
MA (Supported by ta)
Group 3: Describe the setting of the myth.
Group 4: Describe the journey the hero will make.
Children will write ideas, words on post-it notes.
HA (Supported by Ta)
Group 5: Describe the problem the hero will face.
Group 6: Describe the resolution to the problem.
Children will write ideas, words on post-it notes.

Year 5 Science Planning cc Einstein David Attenborough William Harvey Circulation
Save your Sundays!
Planning for Science year 5.
Lots of good stuff. Powerpoint, worksheets, planning
Topics covered:
Life Cycles
David Attenborough and Jane Goodall
William Harvey
Over 37 mb of material

Back to School Autumn Year 5 Literacy Planning Harry Potter Tales of the Beadle Bard
4 weeks great planning
Sample planning :
Share the learning outcome for the unit with the children; share the concept of the working wall. What is narrative? Fact or fiction? Ascertain that this unit is about fiction/narrative/stories. We have three weeks to achieve our learning outcome.
Ask children what they know about JK Rowling. Who is she? What is her job? (use correct terminology- she is an ‘author) Where is she from? (Born in Gloucestershire) Can children name any of her books? (Harry Potter series plus several supplements)
Activity One
Come back together, show children a picture of JK Rowling – does this help?
Children to move to next group’s poster and add any more info that they can now think of. Is there anything they agree/disagree with?
Lead into a class discussion on this famous children’s author:
Has anybody read any of her books?
What are her stories about? What genre do you think her stories are written in? (Clarify what we mean by ‘genre’ if needed). What is the purpose of narrative writing? (Display ‘to entertain and enthrall’ on the working wall).
Read first tale from ‘Tales of the Beadle Bard’ – The Wizard and the Hopping Pot. Discuss what is distinctive about this story (what does it remind you of?)
Activity Two
Recap on yesterday’s lesson. TTYP: What is the name of the author we were discussing? Can you name any of her works?
Which book did we start to read? What was the name of the tale from the book? Refer to working wall to prompt children’s memory. Refer to the likes and dislikes boards completed yesterday (to be displayed on the working wall).
Read another tale from ‘Beedle the Bard.’ ‘The fountain of fair fortune’ TTYP and discuss likes and dislikes when prompted. Refer to the likes and dislikes board scanned onto IWB. What would you put in each section? TTYP.
Read another tale from ‘Beedle the Bard.’ ‘The fountain of fair fortune’ TTYP and discuss likes and dislikes when prompted. Refer to the likes and dislikes board scanned onto IWB. What would you put in each section? TTYP.
Show children the story mountain which was used in last lesson’s plenary. Are there any similarities between the tales? Do they follow the same structure? As a class, complete a story mountain for this new tale.

Wolves in The Wall Planning Plus Literacy Arguments Neil Gaiman
Great 4 weeks planning for this Literacy topic.
Really nice powerpoints.
Plus free bonus. Plenty of argument planning using Olympics.
Example planning :
Identify and discuss the various features of a fiction text, including characters, settings, themes and dilemmas, the author’s intentions, the structure and organisation of the text and the way language is used to create effects on the reader.
Use the techniques of dialogic talk to explore ideas, topics or issues.
Creating and shaping texts
Set their own challenges to extend achievement & experience in writing.
Understanding and interpreting texts
Understand how writers use different structures to create coherence and impact.
Text structure and organisation
Use varied structures to shape and organise text coherently
Sentence structure and punctuation
Express subtle distinctions of meaning, including hypothesis, speculation and supposition, by constructing sentences in varied ways
Use punctuation to clarify meaning in complex sentences
To produce several pieces of writing based around the focus text.
To learn and identify the features of a formal/impersonal text and comment on occasions where this may be necessary.
To produce a formal letter, speech and broadcast using appropriate form, features and content.
Remind children of last week’s immersion into the focus text. TTYP – what did you think of the text? If you could talk to the author, what would you say to him? Ask him?
Display a ‘Likes/Dislikes/Patterns/Questions’ board on the whiteboard. Explain that we are going to focus on the ‘patterns’ section today.
Re-read the last few pages of the book and add ‘false endings’ to the patterns section.
Have some photocopied pages from the book in the centre of the tables (each table to have different pages).
Give groups ten minutes to note any patterns they see on whiteboards.
Come back together and note on the board to include:
False endings.
Lucy asking her Mother, Father and brother for advice, always in that order.
Adjectives for the noises she hears.
Alliteration and onomatopoeia.
Phrase “You know what they say…”
Appearance of pig puppet.
What effect do these patterns have on the reader? They give the text fluency, a rhythm almost like a poem. They make the text easier to read and digest. The repetition also mimics the repetition of Lucy’s pleas to her family to listen to her about the noises. They make the reader frustrated on Lucy’s behalf.
Have one child write a definition of ‘atmosphere’ on a sentence strip for the working wall. A general feeling or mood.
There are a few different atmospheres in this book. Discuss. List tension, frustration, relief etc on the board.

Back to School Autumn PlanningThere's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom Louis Sachar
Some great planning on this excellent book.
Worked a treat in year 4 but could be adapted up or down.
Sample planning :
Reading and Analysis
Revise comma splicing work. Choose three example sentences and punctuation to add. WALT: To be able to explore themes and issues in a text,
To be able to write in role to a character in the text.
Read extract showing Jeff changing. Note reactions at each point. (Reveal)
How is Jeff feeling? How do we know? How does Bradley feel now? Write an e-mail to Jeff using Extranet site. Advise him what to do based on events in chapter. Informal. Consider purpose. Share received e-mails. How should Jeff respond.
AF6 Wr Viewpoint of character RED
CT to support sentences and encourage completion.
Tues Consider e-mails and identify errors to correct. Check grammar and punctuation. Who is the audience? APP AF3 reading
WALT make deductions from a text.
Read ch 23-25.
WALT: interpret evidence to make deductions. All draw outline of Bradley showing his bad outside and his good inside. Write diary entry on behalf of Bradley showing feelings about Carla. R AF3 make deductions. Children are to show and explain there own choices and justify decisions. GREEN
Support sentence skills and grammar.
Recap word groups with examples of each in class. E.g. adverb and adjective. Improve using a thesaurus. Read next chapter to include list Bradley makes. What does it show us about him? Be imaginative. AF3 R How is it helping him to think? Why does he repeat some things? Create your own list in the style of Bradley. Check spellings and compare with a friend. What does it show about you?
WALT: Show empathy for a character.
Read and interpret lists as if you were Carla. What would she say? ORANGE
Support use of dictionary and thesaurus for ideas.
Grammar skills. Choose correct words to complete gap. Adjectives. Shared read next chapter with Bradley changing. How does he feel? Freeze frame alongside story telling. How does each character feel? Use outline of Bradley. Show goodness inside and badness outside. Use quotes and examples from the text. WALT: select evidence to support a view VERY WELL DONE! Share thought with a partner and with the class. Yellow
Share quotes. What do they show about his character?
List prepositions. Sort into order then create a paragraph. Teacher to model. Big Writing: SATs test example. Through the door. Apply skills of descriptions using prepositions. Planning time using boxing for paragraphs. AF1 AF7 Wr
WALT: write a description of a scary place. 3 Stars and a wish. Response partners. Blue: Extend ambitious vocabulary.
Tell me what you think/felt about…
What came into your mind when you read…
Have you come across anything like this before….? Tell me more…
Do you agree…?

Back to School Holes Louis Sacher Teaching Plans 5 Weeks Literacy Year 6
Great planning for Louis Sacher’s intriguing book Holes.
5 week’s short plans.
Plus great stuff on getting pupils to construct aruments. Two terrific pdfs.
Sample planning :
Spelling rules. Modifying e.
Cope … coping. In pairs write short speech for debate. Shared write persuasive language list. What connectives could be used to link ideas? What about repetition? WALT: organize views in a debate about homework. Debate “Should primary children have homework? All pairs to speak. Comment and question speakers. LA: TB to list points and useful language.
HA: to lead arguments
Add title paragraphs in example argument about Dogs in Parks. Review plan. Recap form. Read introduction through. Suggest strong openers for sentences and useful connective phrases from chart. Indiv write points for homework in Primary Schools. Paragraph – consider openings. WALT: write a balanced argument in a formal style.
Mr Pratt
Synonym Circus Recap plan and bullet points. Consider possible connectives to link to opposite view. (e.g. nevertheless) • All write points against - anticipating possible objections
homework to balance argument. Use paragraphs and strong openers.
Find passive voice in examples. Read example formal discussion regarding homework. Identify language. Useful terms. WALT: Write a formal letter of complaint. All children write complaining letter about a visit to a restaurant. LA: provide opening. Vocab list for feelings and connectives.
Example balanced arguments.
• the expression, sequence and linking of points
• the provision of persuasive examples, illustrations and evidence
• pre-empting or answering potential objections
• appealing to the known views and feelings of the audience;
T16 identify the features of balanced written arguments which:
• summarise different sides of an argument
• clarify the strengths and weaknesses of different positions
• signal personal opinion clearly;
T18 construct effective arguments:
• developing a point logically and effectively
• supporting and illustrating points persuasively
• anticipating possible objections
• harnessing the known views, interests and feelings of the audience
• tailoring the writing to formal presentation where appropriate;
T19 write a balanced report of a controversial issue:
• summarising fairly the competing views
• analysing strengths and weaknesses of different positions.

Advent Lesson Religious Education Year 5
A great lesson for the season of advent.
sample planning :
Begin the lesson by sharing the learning objective with the children. Give each table two different coloured post it notes and ask the children to write what they already know about advent, on one coloured post it, and anything that they would like to know about advent on the other. Children to share ideas and keep post its. If the question is not answered in the lesson they should put it in their RE book to inform the next RE lesson’s teaching.
CT and children to discuss the liturgical seasons of the year. What are they? How many are there? What is the first season of the liturgical year? Do we use colour with the liturgical seasons?
Ask the children to work on netbooks to research the meaning of the word Advent. Can they find out which language the word originates from? What does it mean?
Bring the children back together and ask them to feedback their findings to create a class mindmap. Children to then draw and complete a mind map in their books illustrating what they already know about the liturgical season of Advent.
Explore the duel meaning of the season: to prepare for the birthday of Jesus and to prepare for Jesus to come again.
Set up prayer partners for the period of advent

Year 4 Area and Perimeter Maths Lesson Plan Squares and Rectangles
Nice lesson.
Possible cross curricular links. Outside area planning.
Learning Objectives. Ma 1 Organising and explaining
Ma 3 Calculate perimeter/area of squares and rectangles.
• To explain methods and reasoning
• To solve mathematical problems, recognise and explain patterns and relationships.
• Calculate perimeters and areas of rectangles.
• Find the largest area that can be made with a rectangle that has a perimeter of 26 metres.
Success criteria.
• To be able to work out the area of a rectangle or square.
• To make different rectangles that all have the same perimeter.
• To recognise the largest area.
• To compare the relationship between the length of the sides and the area of the rectangle.
• To explain reasoning.
Mental/Oral. 10 mins. LSA to support LA children.
The answer is 16. What is the question?
Using the yes/no cards hold up the correct side in response to the question.
15 + 1, 10 + 4, 18 – 2, double 2 ……. (12 questions.)
Can we think of any more to add to the list?
Discuss any misconceptions as they arise, also the quick ways to add numbers mentally. Emphasis on bonds and doubles or near doubles.
With a partner, using InWB find as many questions as possible for the statement.
The answer is 24. What could the question be?
near double
Resources :-
Yes/No cards.
InWBs and pens.
Nice worksheets and powerpoint to do an investigation on the area and perimeter of squares and rectangles.
Possible cross curricular links. Outside area planning.
Learning Objectives. Ma 1 Organising and explaining
Ma 3 Calculate perimeter/area of squares and rectangles.
• To explain methods and reasoning
• To solve mathematical problems, recognise and explain patterns and relationships.
• Calculate perimeters and areas of rectangles.
• Find the largest area that can be made with a rectangle that has a perimeter of 26 metres.
Success criteria.
• To be able to work out the area of a rectangle or square.
• To make different rectangles that all have the same perimeter.
• To recognise the largest area.
• To compare the relationship between the length of the sides and the area of the rectangle.
• To explain reasoning.
Mental/Oral. 10 mins. LSA to support LA children.
The answer is 16. What is the question?
Using the yes/no cards hold up the correct side in response to the question.
15 + 1, 10 + 4, 18 – 2, double 2 ……. (12 questions.)
Can we think of any more to add to the list?
Discuss any misconceptions as they arise, also the quick ways to add numbers mentally. Emphasis on bonds and doubles or near doubles.
With a partner, using InWB find as many questions as possible for the statement.
The answer is 24. What could the question be?
near double
Resources :-
Yes/No cards.
InWBs and pens.

Music Planning Beethoven Greig Mozart Tchaikovsky Composer
Planning from my time in Primary Schools. PRUNING NEEDED!
Lots of music info.
Lots of great composers.
Sample :
TOPIC: Listening and Understanding Music KS1LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVENRESOURCES: dvd copy of Disney’s Fantasia; Beethoven/Pastoral sheet; pictures of orchestral instrumentsLESSON ONEWatch the Pastoral Symphony excerpt, and explain that this very old film uses music that is even older. The artists listened to the story in the music and created their story to fit it. Having watched the excerpt, ask the children what they noticed about how the music and the cartoon went together. Think about the peaceful music for the peaceful scenes; the angry music for the storm; the way the winged horses alight in time to the music etc.Watch a second time, pausing as appropriate to highlight the interaction of music and cartoon. Start to spot instruments.LESSON TWOListen to the Fantasia version of the Pastoral without the cartoon. Invite the children to recognise instruments. Show them pictures of the instruments as they name them, discussing how they are played, how their sounds differ from each other, and why they suit the different aspects of the music. Discuss the differing roles within an orchestra and look at the layout of the orchestra. Invite the children to draw a picture of their favourite instrument and explain why it is their favourite.LESSON THREEWatch the Fantasia excerpt again and remind the children that this story is the artists’ idea of the musical story. Explain that the artists used mythological characters because these were very popular in paintings at the time the music was composed (you could show them some). Invite the children to listen to the music and write their own story, or create their own picture either using the mythological characters or their own ideas.LESSON FOUR Explain that the class is going to listen to the story of the man who composed the Pastoral Symphony, and then write about him and his famous piece of music. Provide the children with paper to make notes should they wish, and the sheets to write up their findings when they are ready.

Worksheets to help times tables 2 to 12 Mathematics Tests B
Worksheets to help times tables.
The tables from 2 to 12 are tested
3 sheets for each one. You get 33 sheets.
Can be used for a quick easy to mark homework too.
These are test B. Tests A and C are also available.

Times Tables Worksheets 2 to 12 18 Worksheets Mathematics Revision Test C
Worksheets to help times tables.
The 2 to 12 times tables are tested.
3 sheets for each one. You get 33 sheets
The third sheet, for example, has a mixture of multiplication and division questions.
The preview has the sums not quite lined up for some reason. The downloaded sheets are fine so no worries there.
These are test C. Tests A and B are also available.

Year 3 Planning Summer Term Literacy Mathematics Ref A
Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle.
This is planning for year 3 for a Summer term.
Plenty of great material here that you can adapt and cut and paste into your own school’s model.
After decades of teaching I’m retired from teaching now. I’d like to help the younger generation so I’m putting my plans online. I hope your Sundays will be made a little easier by cutting and pasting allowing you more free time.
You get:
Literacy planning e.g. Adventure and Mystery Stories 4 weeks, Authors and Letters 4 weeks, Plays and Dialogues 3 weeks
Numeracy 9 weeks
Creative curriculum (a bit)
RE (a bit - I taught mainly in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this if you please)
Science (a bit)
You get 190 mb of material, which is good value in my opinion.
Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste.
Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.

Year 2 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B
Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle.
Planning for the Summer term for year 2.
You get 50 mb of material so good value imo.
Literacy. Non-Chronological reports 4 weeks, Character descriptions, Traditional tales, poetry planning etc
Numeracy 9 weeks worth Using and applying the four mathematical calculations to solve problems, Revision of the four main operations. rounding up and down etc
Creative curriculum (a bit) making scarecrows, Wizard of Oz
P.E. (a bit)
R.E. (a bit) St Paul. I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this.
Science 4 weeks. Plants and animals.
Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste.
Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.

Year 1 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy
Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle.
Planning for the Summer term for year 1.
You get 132 mb of material so good value imo.
You get planning for:
Creative Curriculum
I taught in Catholic schools so has a catholic flavour. Feel free to adapt, cut and paste into your school template and reclaim your Sunday evenings.

Year 1 Autumn Term Planning Literacy Numeracy
Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle.
Planning for the Autumn term for year 1.
You get 160 mb of material so good value imo.
I taught mainly in Catholic schools so has a Catholic bent. But as we live in a multicultural society, this should be no problem.
You get planning for:
creative curriculum
P.E. (some)
Science (some)
R.E. (Advent etc)
Loads of great lessons to ease your Sunday afternoons. Just cut and paste into your school template.

Year 5 Autumn Term Numeracy Mathematics Planning & Times Table Worksheets
Reclaim your Sundays!
Year 5 Autumn planning for Mathematics.
Plus great worksheets on Times Tables.
This is a different set of Maths plans from all my others that are on TES
Adapt them for your school. Cut ans paste and adapt to your needs.
Topics include
Handling data and measures
Securing number facts, understanding shape
Addition and Subtraction Methods.
and many more
Plus great worksheets that help pupils with their Times Tables.

Easter Resources Powerpoints Lessons PDFs Catholic Flavour Lots of Resources
I’ve combined all my planning from the schools I taught in.
I was in a few schools in the U.K., quite a few of them Catholic.
There is a massive amount of planning for you to sift through. Years range all the way through from 4 year olds to 11 year olds.
There’s some great powerpoints, lesson plans, sheets, even a play or two.
You’ll have to sift through them as I am enjoying my retirement too much to do that!
You get over 250 mb of stuff (300 plus files)

Anti Bullying Week Materials Citizenship Assemblies Powerpoints Word Documents
From my schools.
Anti Bullying week stuff.
Lots of powerpoints and word documents.
Great springboard for your ideas. Adapt for your school. Great for assemblies.