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Classroom Environment Checklist - multiple

Classroom Environment Checklist - multiple

An HSE resources customised to include checks for compliance with paragraphs 11; 12; 25; 26; 27 of the independent school standards within the classroom. This is to be used by a person responsible for conducting Health & Safety checks across the whole school.
Critical Incident Log - by type

Critical Incident Log - by type

Critical Incident Summary Log - this should be used in conjunction with the critical incident log sheet. It is a way for summarising incidents by type to make it possible to monitor trends. For schools that do not have a management information system that records critical behaviour incidents.
Contents of First Aid Boxes

Contents of First Aid Boxes

There is no mandatory list of items for a first-aid container. However, the HSE recommend that, where there is no special risk identified, there should be a minimum provision - it is outlined on this document.
Self-evaluation: Getting it Right

Self-evaluation: Getting it Right

Effective self-evaluation is a critical first step towards school improvement. Getting it right ensures a clear identification of a school’s strengths and areas for improvement. Armed with this information, school leaders can reinforce the practice that underpins the school’s strengths and outline actions and procedures to address areas for improvement. This guidance document outlines key strategies to get it right.
How to Ensure Consistent Compliance with the Independent School Standards

How to Ensure Consistent Compliance with the Independent School Standards

All independent schools in England must meet the independent school standards (ISS). It is a condition of their registration with the Department for Education (DfE) and the single most important piece of legislation for any independent school that aims to keep its doors open. The latest inspection statistics published by Ofsted (at the time this guidance was last updated) showed that approximately 27% of schools failed meet the ISS during standard inspections between September 2019 and March 2020. The same data showed that 58% of schools who had previously failed to meet the standards were unable to demonstrate compliance during follow-up progress monitoring inspections. We developed a 4 - step strategy which, if implemented effectively, will help school leaders ensure consistent compliance with the ISS. This strategy was put together specifically to address all the reasons schools fail to meet the ISS. Here are these 4 steps.