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Area of rectilinear shapes Core

Area of rectilinear shapes Core

Use this worksheet to help children develop their understanding of an area by counting the squares. The worksheet is aimed at those working at age expected. In this worksheet, children use the strategy of counting the number of squares inside a shape to find its area. Ask, What can you do to make sure you do not count a square twice? How can you make sure you do not miss a square? Does your knowledge of times-tables help you to find the area? Can you use arrays to find the area of any shape? Includes answer sheet.
Lond Division with Remainders

Lond Division with Remainders

This sheet is aimed at those working at age expected. Children practice long division with reminders. They are challenged with a division word problem. Answer sheets attached.
Improper fraction to Mixed Numbers differentiated worksheets

Improper fraction to Mixed Numbers differentiated worksheets

The first worksheet is aimed at those working towards age expected. Children add fractions and convert the improper fractions to mixed numbers. Pictorial representations support their work. The second worksheet is aimed at those working at age expected. Children add fractions greater than 1 . They convert the improper fractions to mixed numbers. Includes some pictorial representations. The third worksheet is aimed at those working at greater depth. Children add fractions greater than 1 to a mixed number where the denominators are not direct multiples of each other and record the answers in their simplest form. They convert the improper fractions to mixed numbers. Answer sheets attached.
Lond Division with Remainders

Lond Division with Remainders

2 Resources
There are two worksheets featuring long division pf 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. The first worksheet is aimed at those working age expected. The second worksheet is aimed at those working at greater depth.
Thousandths as Decimals with increased challenges

Thousandths as Decimals with increased challenges

The worksheets increase in challenge. The first worksheet is aimed at those working towards age expected. Children write thousandths as decimals. Includes numbers smaller than 1 and some place value counters to support. The second worksheet is aimed at those working at age expected. Children write thousandths as decimals. Includes some numbers greater than 1 and zero as a place holder… The third worksheet is aimed at those working at greater depth. Children write thousandths as decimals. Includes numbers greater than 1 and improper fractions.
Decimals as Fractions 3 worksheets with answers

Decimals as Fractions 3 worksheets with answers

The worksheets increase in challenge. The first sheet is aimed at those working towards age expected. Children convert decimals to fractions without simplifying. Some pictorial representations support their work. The second sheet is aimed at those working at age expected. Children convert decimals to fractions and mixed numbers. Includes some fractions in their simplest form. The third sheet is aimed at those working at greater depth. Children convert decimals to mixed numbers. They match and compare decimals to fractions in their simplest form. Answer sheets attached.
Decimals as Fractions Core

Decimals as Fractions Core

The worksheet is aimed at those working at age expected. Children convert decimals to fractions and mixed numbers. Includes some fractions in their simplest form. Answer sheets attached.
Decimals as Fractions Higher

Decimals as Fractions Higher

The worksheet is aimed at those working at greater depth. Children convert decimals to mixed numbers. They match and compare decimals to fractions in their simplest form. Answer sheets attached.
Thousandths as Decimals Core

Thousandths as Decimals Core

The worksheet is aimed at those working at age expected. Children write thousandths as decimals. Includes some numbers greater than 1 and zero as a place holder… Answer sheet attached.
Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers Easy

Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers Easy

The worksheet is aimed at those working towards age expected. Children add fractions and convert the improper fractions to mixed numbers. Pictorial representations support their work. Answer sheets attached.
Thousandths as Decimals Easy

Thousandths as Decimals Easy

The worksheet is aimed at those working towards age expected. Children write thousandths as decimals. Includes numbers smaller than 1 and some place value counters to support. Answer sheet attached.
Decimals as Fractions Easy

Decimals as Fractions Easy

The sheet is aimed at those working towards age expected. Children convert decimals to fractions without simplifying. Some pictorial representations support their work. Answer sheets attached.
Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers Core

Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers Core

The worksheet is aimed at those working at age expected. Children add fractions greater than 1 . They convert the improper fractions to mixed numbers. Includes some pictorial representations. Answer sheets attached.
Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers Higher

Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers Higher

The worksheet is aimed at those working at greater depth. Children add fractions greater than 1 to a mixed number where the denominators are not direct multiples of each other and record the answers in their simplest form. They convert the improper fractions to mixed numbers. Answer sheets attached.
Adding and Subtracting  Mental strategies Easy

Adding and Subtracting Mental strategies Easy

The worksheet is aimed at those working towards age expected. Add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers. In this worksheet, children recap and build on their learning from previous years to mentally calculate sums and differences using partitioning. They use their knowledge of number bonds and place value to add and subtract multiples of powers of 10. If they know that 3 + 4 = 7, then 3 thousand + 4 thousand = 7 thousand and 3,000 + 4,000 = 7,000. Children need to be fluent in their knowledge of number bonds to support the mental strategies. How does knowing that 6 + 3 = 9 help you to work out 60,000 + 30,000? “How can the numbers be partitioned to help add/subtract them?” "Are any of the numbers multiples of powers of 10? " “How does this help you to add/subtract them?”
Inverse operation to check answers Easy

Inverse operation to check answers Easy

The worksheet is aimed at those working towards age expected. In this worksheet, children explore the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. Addition and subtraction are inverse operations and addition is commutative and subtraction is not. Bar models and part-whole models are useful representations to help establish families of facts that can be found from one calculation. Children use inverse operations to check the accuracy of their calculations, rather than simply redoing the same calculation and potentially repeating the same error. Ask: What are the parts? What is the whole? Given one fact, what other facts can you write? What does “inverse” mean? What is the inverse of add/subtract
Area of rectilinear shapes Easy

Area of rectilinear shapes Easy

The worksheet is aimed at those working towards age expected. Use this worksheet to help children understand an area by counting the squares. The worksheet is aimed at those working towards the target. In this worksheet, children use the strategy of counting the number of squares inside a shape to find its area. Ask, What can you do to make sure you do not count a square twice? How can you make sure you do not miss a square? Does your knowledge of times-tables help you to find the area? Can you use arrays to find the area of any shape? Includes answer sheet.
Equivalent Fractions Easy

Equivalent Fractions Easy

The worksheet is aimed at those working towards age expected. In this worksheet, children develop their understanding of equivalent fractions within 1, mainly through exploring bar models. Children begin by finding equivalent fractions by splitting up models into smaller parts in a range of different ways. The key learning point is that as long as each of the existing parts are split equally into the same number of smaller parts, then the fractions will be equivalent. A common misconception is that children believe they can only split up existing parts into two equal sections, which limits the number of equivalent fractions that they will find. Children begin to use fraction walls to help create equivalent fraction families. Includes: Foundation worksheet - with answer sheet
Add and Subtract Fractions Easy

Add and Subtract Fractions Easy

The worksheet is aimed at those working towards age expected. Use this worksheet to help children develop their understanding of adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator, and denominators that are multiples of the same number. The worksheet is aimed at those working towards age expected. This worksheet includes a challenge to help deepen children’s understanding and problem-solving skills. Answer sheet attached.