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I am a KS2 teacher, Primary Maths Specialist, mum of two and music lover! Lots of maths resources with a sprinkling of English and music planning and display resources. Thank you for looking at my resources; I hope that they help you in some small way to take back the weekend!




I am a KS2 teacher, Primary Maths Specialist, mum of two and music lover! Lots of maths resources with a sprinkling of English and music planning and display resources. Thank you for looking at my resources; I hope that they help you in some small way to take back the weekend!
Maths Odd One Out Reasoning Display or Staff CPD Activity

Maths Odd One Out Reasoning Display or Staff CPD Activity

I created these ‘Odd One Out’ activities as part of a maths corridor display. It was designed for use by the whole school (Foundation to Y6) and the aim was the develop reasoning and raise the profile of maths in the school. This could also be used alongside my Developing Reasoning Powerpoint as an activity for staff to try during the session. As well as PDF, resource is provided in Word format for easy editing.
Resource Tray Labels

Resource Tray Labels

These can be printed and laminated to label up resource trays for your pupils. They fit standard school trays and can of course be edited to say whatever you like! Not ground breaking, but might save you a bit of time!
Michael Morpurgo Reading Display

Michael Morpurgo Reading Display

This display is all about the author Michael Morpurgo. Information is taken from the website michaelmorpurgo.com and consists of interview questions and answers. I used this in a Year 4 reading corner as he was a favourite author amongst this class. The resource also includes a picture of Michael Morpurgo and posters of some of his most well-known novels. The display is provided in Word format ready for you to edit and also PDF.
Ancient Greece - Prefixes and Suffixes Labels

Ancient Greece - Prefixes and Suffixes Labels

Labels of thirteen prefixes and suffixes commonly used today, which were derived from the Ancient Greek language. Provided in PDF format and also Word so you can edit or add to. Ideas for use: Add to working wall (some could go on maths working wall) with slips of paper and challenge pupils to add words that include these suffixes and prefixes. Lesson starter - how may words with the prefix ‘geo’ or ‘tele’ can you think of in 1 minute? Use as part of a spelling lesson to introduce the concept of prefixes and suffixes and the meanings that they convey. Provide as a stimulus for pupils when writing their own Ancient Greek Myths and Legends - can they use these suffixes and prefixes to inspire their character or place names? Build on this to explore prefixes and suffixes derived from Ancient Rome or Latin. Words included (with translation): geo hex hydro mega micro octo pente phone photo poly scope techne tele
Finding Fractions of Amounts Worksheet

Finding Fractions of Amounts Worksheet

Using the context of a dodgy car dealer, children must practise finding fractions of quantities to make sure that they get the best deal. Originally I used this with Year 4, but I think it could also work with Year 5 and less able Year 6 pupils. Resource is provided in PDF and editable Word format.
Written Calculation Methods - Addition and Subtraction

Written Calculation Methods - Addition and Subtraction

A simple PowerPoint with addition and subtraction calculation questions that provide pupils with the opportunity to practise their written methods. For the first activity the 10 questions get progressively harder and I used this as an assessment to identify gaps and group pupils accordingly for teaching input. I repeated these questions at the end of the unit to assess progress and next steps. The second activity includes 13 questions that are grouped in three categories of difficulty. There are two further reasoning activities to consolidate the learning.
Homophones and Commonly Misspelt 'W'-words Display

Homophones and Commonly Misspelt 'W'-words Display

A fun ‘Where’s Wally’ themed display with tricky ‘W’-words and matching example sentences. Pupils can refer to the display when they unsure and select the correct spelling. Word format provided, as well as PDF, for easy editing. Picture Credit - Wally and Woof pictures from http://freecoloringpages.co.uk/?r=wheres wally
Number and Algebra Baseline Assessment or Worksheet

Number and Algebra Baseline Assessment or Worksheet

I first used this resource with more able Year 6 pupils, who were working towards the then Level 6 SATs test. The maths curriculum has changed since then, but this resource is still very relevant to the statutory requirements of the Year 6 and Year 7 programmes of study. The resource includes nine multi-part questions and a pupil self-assessment table at the bottom. It is great way of analysing pupils’ strengths and weaknesses at the start of a topic and I like to repeat the activity at the end of the topic to see progress and set the next steps. Alternatively, it can just be used as a worksheet or one off activity to consolidate learning. Resource is provided as both a PDF and a Word document if you would like to adapt it at all.
Sentence Openers Display

Sentence Openers Display

Originally used in my Y6 classroom, this simple and clear resource consists of eight different ways of opening sentences with an example underneath each. I laminated these and displayed them permanently on my working wall for pupils to refer to when they were struggling to vary their sentence openers - particularly in narrative writing. Could be used across KS2 - particularly if each type of opener was introduced one at a time, or challenge pupils to include a particular kind of opener in their writing for that lesson. Both PDF and Word formats included. If this resources isn’t for you then maybe take a look at my octopus opener display and PowerPoint or Sentence Openers Display Bundle.
Party Planning Resource - Products and Prices

Party Planning Resource - Products and Prices

This resource is really useful for a fun end of term or Christmas maths or Enterprise activity related to planning a party. This is also great for honing team work skills as the pupils may have a strong difference of opinion and need to compromise. Simply choose a budget and send groups off to plan the best whole class party for their money. Pupils have to figure out whether the special offers are really that special and if the branded products are really worth the extra money. There are many ways that you could assess this activity, but I went round and talked to the children, asking them to justify why they had made certain choices. Maths Coverage Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals, Ratio Measures Money Problem Solving Reasoning Using a calculator (if desired) I followed this up with a discussion on healthy eating: what foods do we normal eat at parties? Are there healthier alternatives? This proved to be a really interesting and extremely worthwhile activity and resulted in a healthy end of term party. As well as PDF, the resource is provided in Word format to give you the opportunity to edit.
Worded Division Problems Worksheets - Differentiated for Years 5 & 6

Worded Division Problems Worksheets - Differentiated for Years 5 & 6

This resource includes two sets of worksheets providing pupils with the opportunity to practise solving worded division problems and written methods for division. The first set has a Fairground theme and includes three worksheets at different levels. The second has a space theme (created to fit in with our IPC ‘Mission to Mars’ topic) and also includes three worksheets at different levels. In each set the first sheet is aimed at middle ability pupils, the second at less able pupils and the third sheet is for higher ability pupils. Answers for all six worksheets are included. All worksheets require pupils to round their answers up and down, answer multi-step problems and to use written methods of division with decimal numbers. I originally did this with my Year 6 pupils, but it would also be suitable for Year 5 and Year 7 pupils. Resource provided in PDF format and also Word format for editing.
Mental Addition and Subtraction Strategies Display

Mental Addition and Subtraction Strategies Display

Supports the CPA approach to teaching mathematics (concrete, pictorial, abstract). Ready to go classroom display aimed at helping pupils to articulate what they have ‘done in their heads’ when adding and subtracting mentally. Encourages pupils to try different strategies and choose the most appropriate strategy for the calculation they are presented with. The resource includes nine thought bubbles with pictorial representations of the strategies and nine text boxes with the strategies in writing, as well as the title. PDF version is included and also fully editable Microsoft Word version (font is Sassoon Primary but can easily be changed). Suitable for use in both KS1 and KS2. This resource can also be bought as part of a package of mental addition and subtraction activities.
Relationships Display PSHE

Relationships Display PSHE

This display was used in a corridor between two Year 6 classrooms and was a real talking point amongst the pupils. It includes famous groups and duos that they will most probably be familiar with and descriptions of different types of relationships. It also has prompt questions to get pupils thinking and talking about their own relationships. Would also work well on display in the classroom, a quiet space or assembly hall. The pictures and questions could also be used as a prompt for discussing relationships during Circle Time or assembly.
The Human Brain and Multiple Intelligences Display (IPC 'Brainwave' Unit)

The Human Brain and Multiple Intelligences Display (IPC 'Brainwave' Unit)

This display was used whilst teaching the IPC ‘Brainwave’ topic to a Y6 class. It covers: The different kinds of intelligence. Interesting facts about the brain. Labels for different parts of the brain. I painted a large brain and put it in the middle of the display with the text added around it. For those that don’t have time to paint (!) I have added an image of the brain to the last page of the resource that can be scaled up to A3 or you could ask your pupils to draw one.
Number and Calculation Baseline Assessment - Year 5 & Year 6

Number and Calculation Baseline Assessment - Year 5 & Year 6

A sheet of questions to give to pupils when they enter Year 6 or Year 5 in September (or at the end of the previous year) to assess strengths and weakness and to inform planning. Comes with answer sheet and assessment tracker. Mathematics Covered: Read, write and order numbers to 3dp. Order mixed set of numbers to 3dp. Use tables to work with decimals. Use multiplication facts to devise square numbers to 12 x 12. Explain place value to 3dp. Add and subtract decimals to 3dp. Multiply and divide decimals by 10/100 and integers to 1000. Compare fraction by cancelling common factors. Work out simple % of whole numbers.
Characterisation Ideas Bank - Improving Narrative Writing in KS2

Characterisation Ideas Bank - Improving Narrative Writing in KS2

This was a bank of ideas that I put together for a very able Year 4 writer. It includes lots of techniques that pupils can use in their narrative writing to make their fictional characters more believable and three-dimensional. Perhaps most suitable for Upper Key Stage 2, but could be used with talented younger writers and with pupils in KS3 also. Resource is provided in PDF format and also Word format so that you can edit it. I have also provided it in black and white and full colour. Ideas for use: Provide pupils with a black and white A4 version to stick in their exercise books; when they have tried a technique in their writing they can colour in the bubble. At the beginning of a piece of writing encourage pupils to decide on a characterisation technique that they will try to include. Enlarge to A3 an display on working wall. Laminate and position in literacy toolkit or table trays; encourage pupils to go and grab it when they want to improve their writing or are struggling for ideas. Provide pupils with a black and white A4 version in their reading journal; when they spot that an author has used a particular characterisation technique they can colour in that bubble.
Maths Investigation - The River Crossing Problem (KS2)

Maths Investigation - The River Crossing Problem (KS2)

This is a great investigation that builds so many rich mathematics connections. It is easily differentiated as the entry point is simple but more able pupils can extend right into algebra. I did this lesson with my Year 6 class, but it could be accessed by pupils across Key Stage 2. It supports the CPA approach to teaching maths as pupils realise that physically moving the ‘people’ (or rubbers, pencil sharpeners or whatever!) across the river (concrete) or using marks on paper (pictorial) really helps with this investigation. Whereas the higher ability pupils can move into the more abstract realm of writing a formula to predict how many trips are needed for x amount of people. Includes lesson plan, a PowerPoint or SMART notebook file so that question can be displayed on the interactive whiteboard and a pupil sheet also with the question on. The lesson also has a starter activity, which is unrelated to the investigation but a nice starter nonetheless!
School Grounds Maths Trail (KS2)

School Grounds Maths Trail (KS2)

This is a maths trail that I devised for my pupils and involves them exploring the school grounds. It consists of two A4 pages of questions that can be really easily adjusted to suit your school grounds and the age/ability of your pupils. A great way for pupils to apply their mathematical skills and knowledge in context. The questions touch on many areas of maths including: percentages, measures (length), area, difference, calculation, time, shape, symmetry, reasoning and perimeter. I used this as a general baseline assessment at the start of the year and got lots of data to work with - not only from marking their work, but also from observing how confident they were with maths and listening to the things they were saying whilst going around the grounds. The resource is provided in WORD format as well as PDF so that you can adjust to suit your school grounds or the ability of your pupils if necessary. Ideas for use: Moving Up Day: get to know the personalities and mathematical abilities of your new class before September. End of year fun outdoor activity - no prep but can stretch out for a whole afternoon! Small guided group activity or assessment opportunity. Make it a team building exercise by using mixed ability groups and introducing a prize for the first team back with the answers! Baseline assessment at the start of a new school year. Activity to be left with a supply teacher or a group of pupils who are staying behind from a school trip/residential.