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A* Psychology Non-Parametric Tests Summary
Concise, simple, easy to remember 5-sheet summary of non parametric tests: chi-squared, mann-whitney-u, binomial sign test, wilcoxon t test, spearman’s rank/rho. Includes when to use (type of design/level of data), significance levels and conditions.
For A-level OCR psychology but can be used for AQA/Edexcel/WJEC/CIE/Eduqas.
A-level Psychology Core Studies summary
Simple, well laid out summary table of each core study design and experiment type for the OCR spec. Can be used for AQA/Edexcel/CIE/WJEC/Eduqas also.
For the core studies exam but also needed if questions asked for research methods.
Great for easy revision!
A* A-level Environmental Psychology Summaries
A3/A4 summaries for the OCR A2 environmental psychology applied/options section. Useful also for AS and core studies revision for AQA/Edexcel/WJEC
Great for students’ revision/lesson plans for quickly going over studies!
Involves: 3 background studies, main study, practical applications for biological/social/cognitive. Includes Black and Black, Czeisler, Lord, Drews and Doig, Ulrich, Wells.
A* A-level Sociology Crime mindmaps
A-level A2 notes on the topic of crime for AQA but can be used for any OCR/Eduqas/Edexcel/WJEC spec.
Includes: ethnicity, gender, class, and corporate crime. Great as a summary before exams!
A* A-level Psychology core mindmaps
In depth, concise mindmaps on the AS content of OCR psychology (can also be used for AQA/WJEC/Eduqas/Edexcel). Great summaries for before exams.
Includes: biological, developmental, social, cognitive, individual differences areas. Also includes psychodynamic and behaviorist perspectives!
A-level Psychology Crime Summary Template
A3/A4 template for the OCR A2 criminal psychology applied/options section. Useful also for AS and core studies revision for AQA/Edexcel/WJEC
Great for students’ revision/lesson plans for making summaries of studies!
Involves: 3 background studies’ spaces, main study, practical applications
A-level Environmental Psychology Template
A3/A4 template for the OCR A2 environmental psychology applied/options section. Useful also for AS and core studies revision for AQA/Edexcel/WJEC
Great for students’ revision/lesson plans for making summaries of studies!
Involves: 3 background studies’ spaces, main study, practical applications
A* Psychology Mental Health mindmaps
Concise but detailed summary notes on psychology (a-level or A2) for the options OCR H567 specification, but can be used for any AQA / EdExcel / WJEC Eduqas.
3 mindmaps by an A* student on the medical model, biological explanations, cognitive, humanistic alternatives and the history of mental health.
A* A-level sociology family mindmaps - whole topic!
A* In depth, concise revision mindmaps on the AS/year 1 content of A-level sociology for the 7192 AQA topics in sociology (family).
Includes theories (Marxism, feminism, postmodernism, new right, personal life perspective, functionalism), childhood, couples, demography, family patterns, social policy.
A-level Sociology Education Checklist
Concise summary checklist of all topics for the paper 1 AQA education topic of sociology. Can also be used for OCR/Eduqas/WJEC.
Includes: theories, social policy, gender, ethnicity, and class (all internal/external factors) with key and 1-4 sociologists for each main point.
Easy to memorise and make notes/build on for revision!
A-level Sociology Beliefs Checklist
Concise summary checklist of all topics for the paper 2 AQA beliefs/religion topic of sociology. Can also be used for OCR/Eduqas/WJEC/Edexcel/CIE.
Includes: theories (Marxism/functionalism/feminism/postmodernism), secularisation, religion, renewal and choice, typologies, social groups, social change, ideology and science.
Easy to memorise and make notes/build on for revision!
A-level Sociology Family Checklist
Concise summary checklist of all topics for the paper 2 AQA family topic of sociology. Can also be used for OCR/Eduqas/WJEC/Edexcel/CIE.
Includes: theories, social policy, couples, childhood, family patterns, demography, family diversity and 1-4 sociologists for each main point.
Easy to memorise and make notes/build on for revision!
A* A-level English Streetcar/Malfi Comparison
A* / near full mark essay for English literature comparing ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ (Williams) and ‘The Duchess of Malfi’ (Webster).
On men and women/gender power struggles which is a central theme needed for any essay for Eduqas/WJEC!
Can also be used for AQA/OCR/Edexcel/CCEA/CIE.
A-level Literary Criticism Mindmap
A* concise summary mind map of different cultural/literary criticism theories such as postmodernism/new historicism/queer theory etc.
Useful for an easy grasp of new theories other than just Marxism/feminism for A-level English literature (Eduqas/WJEC/AQA/OCR/Edexcel/CIE/CCEA)
A-level Sociology Interactionism Mindmap
Concise mind map for A-level AQA interactionism/social action theory for the theory/methods section (paper 1 and 3). Can also be used for OCR/Edexcel/Eduqas/WJEC.
Easy to understand, bullet pointed theories (includes ethnomethodology/phenomenology/structuration theory) with key sociologists. Great for quick revision!
Christina Rossetti Context Mindmap
Concise mind map of literary, familial, social context (19th century Victorian era) for A-level English literature Eduqas WJEC. Can also be used for AQA/Edexcel/CIE/OCR/GCSE.
A-level Sociology Social Policy mindmap
A* level social policy (family) mind map on 1997-2010 (Blair New Labour) including theoretical perspectives on policies (functionalists, feminists, new right, Marxists) and why.
For AQA (can be used for OCR/Eduqas/Edexcel/CIE/CCEA/WJEC also)!
A-level Applied Psychology Studies Summary
Concise, bullet pointed summary checklist of crime and environment topics for the paper 3 OCR applied/options paper of psychology. Can also be used for AQA/Eduqas/WJEC/Edexcel/CIE.
Includes: background, study summary paragraphs, and applications for social/cognitive/biological.
Crime: Raine; Hall and Player; Memon and Higham; Dixon, Mahoney and Cocks; Wilson and Kelling; Haney and Zimbardo
Environment: Black and Black; Cziesler; Lord; Drews and Doig; Ulrich; Wells
Easy to memorise and make notes/build on for revision!
A-level Sociology Crime Checklist
Concise summary checklist of all topics for the paper 3 AQA crime and deviance topic of sociology. Can also be used for OCR/Eduqas/WJEC/Edexcel/CIE.
Includes: theories (Marxism/functionalism/feminism/left/right realism), class, age, gender, ethnicity, globalisation, state crime, green crime, crime control, punishment, surveillance etc.
Easy to memorise and make notes/build on for revision!
A* A-level Psychology Core Summary
In-depth summary of 20 core studies’ aims, samples, and results (quantitative and quantitative), 5 areas, for OCR - what’s mainly needed for exams.
Can also be used for Edexcel/WJEC/AQA/Eduqas/CIE such as the classic Bandura, Freud, Sperry, Milgram, Piliavin.