Barclayfox's Shop. Ready to use KS3 & KS4 lessons.
Average Rating4.41
(based on 76 reviews)
No preparation required! Physics, Chemistry, Biology also Maths
Complete and ready to use high quality science lessons that automatically navigate you and your class expertly through the lesson and activities.
All answers are built in.
No preparation required! Physics, Chemistry, Biology also Maths
Complete and ready to use high quality science lessons that automatically navigate you and your class expertly through the lesson and activities.
All answers are built in.
A complete, and ready to deliver, KS4
For USA - this lesson is for use between 8th to 10th grade.
Lesson objectives:
Students investigate the effect of :
* varying the force on the acceleration of an object of constant mass
* varying the mass of an object on the acceleration produced by a constant force.
This carefully crafted lesson is over 30 slides long, and is full of learning activities as below:
* Notes to help the teacher.
* Support sheet (can be given to all, or only to those need it).
* Starter - simple task where students self-assess against the objectives.
* Activity sheet (unique - results and questions) print for each student.
* This lesson is based around a Practical / student experiment.
* Questions – all answers are provided.
* Differentiated questions – all answers are provided.
* Peer marking / self marking opportunities.
* Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’).
* Play ball - you can do this on any of the questions…
* Paired work opportunities – all answers are provided.
* Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt.
* Extension activities – just in case additional activities are required.
Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources.
Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review.
This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series:
0. Bundles – contain 3 or more of these lessons at a discounted price (however please note not all my series are bundled).
1. Vectors and scalars.
2. Forces between objects (contact / non-contact and Newton’s 3rd law).
3. Forces and Newton’s third law (N3L).
4. Resultant forces, free body diagrams.
5 to 12 - please see list in this powerpoint
Thank you, and happy teaching!
Energy stores and transfers activity (new GCSE 9-1). Get a FREE resource! Details below. This is a high quality, differentiated, easy to use and ready to use practical activity.
Tes is littered with energy resources teaching to the old spec. it would be wrong to use these to teach with today (some even say they are new spec. 9-1 – but they not). Please don’t risk teaching your classes incorrectly ! This resource is an engaging energy circus practical experiment for students. It allows students to learn the subject properly and clearly with differentiated and unique activity sheets you cannot get anywhere else.
Many many hours of effort went in to writing these unique and accurate resources
Tried and trusted, differentiated and complete. You can rely on this activity to give an accurate and superior learning experience.
High ability activity sheet – for use during the circus practical.
Medium/lower ability activity sheet – for use during the circus practical.
Answer sheet.
Equipment list (to give to your technicians)
Teach the students about the 8 stores and the 4 transfers and then let them do the highly engaging and accurate to 9-1 spec activities as the main part of your lesson.
Then self or peer mark the sheets (answers provided).
Energy stores and transfers 9-1 spec
Activity for ages 11 to 16 where ever you live (so KS3/KS4 and USA grades 6 to 10).
There are lots more great time saving lessons in my tes shop:
Barclayfox’s shop
Or, perhaps have a glance at some of my other high quality lessons…
Specialised cells - KS3 bio
Exothermic and endothermic - KS4 Chemistry
Happy teaching!
Gravity, weight and mass. Gravitational field strength on other planets. Complete KS3 lesson. Gravity is lesson 4 in a series of 6 high quality lessons that fully and expertly delivers all the points within BOTH the NEW KS3 Department for Education ‘Space Physics’ National Curriculum and the AQA KS3 specification / syllabus sections ‘3.7.2 Universe’ and ‘3.1.2 Gravity’.
NO PREPARATION REQUIRED ! Simply print the worksheet (or you could project it) the PPT carefully leads you step by step through the lesson so no preparation required.
By the end of the lesson students will:
* Know what gravity is, and which direction it acts in.
* Understand the factors that affect gravitational field strength.
* Understand the difference between mass and weight.
* Be able to calculate weight and mass on the earth.
* Be able to calculate weight on other planets.
Pupils will start the lessons by thinking and working in pairs in a race to unscramble key words and work out what today’s lesson is about. After discussion that leads to revealing the title and lesson outcomes, students then self-assess against their current understanding of this lesson.
This lesson is chunked into discrete sections to support learning and engender positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. All points of the specification are addressed.
There are various student activities such as: calculations with answers, gap fill, matching, paired work, literacy activities, focused questions with answers and differentiation, word unscramble, homework activity sheet (unique), mnemonic MATTHEW, self-assessment opportunities, peer assessment opportunities etc. This good variety of activities keeps pupils focused and happily learning.
In the plenary activity pupils complete questions and then peer assess to uncover how much they have learnt during the lesson. They then self-assess themselves against the lesson outcomes. Students who need further support set themselves additional homework to enhance learning of today’s lesson.
These are provided just in case any group requires them.
All resources are included in this excellent lesson, there is nothing for you to do but photocopy the activity homework sheet and deliver the lesson.
Thanks for looking, your positive feedback would be very much appreciated :)
1. Solar system, stars and galaxies and the universe.
2. Geocentric and heliocentric solar system models.
3. Seasons.
4. Gravity, weight and mass.
5. Exploring and observing the universe.
6. The moon’s phases.
For more lessons that meet the new KS3 and KS4 specifications please type Barclayfox into the tes resources search engine to see all my lessons.
Happy teaching !
A complete and ready to deliver high quality KS4 / GCSE lesson from Barclayfox. Updated 20th October 2017.
This is a complete lesson from start to end. You do not need to spend a huge number of hours carefully planning it and writing differentiated resources, I have already spent those hours creating this great lesson. Furthermore it has been improved time and again after each use - it is tried and tested, you will not find better.
There is nothing for you to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it.
Lesson objectives - I can:
*Describe the structure of the atom (Protons, neutrons, electrons: charges, masses and locations).
* Explain the history of our model of the atom (billiard ball model, plum pudding model, nuclear model, planetary model, quantum mechanical model).
* Describe Rutherford’s experiment which led to the discovery of the nucleus
This carefully crafted lesson is over 40 slides long, has differentiated activity sheets (with answers), and is full of learning activities as below:
* Simple starter - self assess vs objectives
* Matching task - answers are provided.
* Differentiated activity sheets - support, medium ability, high ability.
* Activity sheet - answers.
* Sequencing activity.
* Gap fill activity - all answers are provided.
* Quiz with answers.
* Questions – all answers are provided
* Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’).
* Video clip links (carefully selected – this alone can save you 20+ minutes of searching).
* Paired work activities – answers are provided.
* Homework worksheet
* Scientific literacy activities.
* Plenary formative / summative assessment quiz / activity.
* Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – learners judge for themselves how much they have learnt.
As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your friends and family by purchasing more lessons created by “Barclayfox” once they appear on TES. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources.
Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review.
This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available not all my series are bundled)
1. Atoms, history of the atom and discovery of the nucleus. THIS LESSON.
2. Isotopes and Mass number and Atomic number.
3. Alpha, Beta and Gamma – ionising radiation.
4. Changes in the nucleus – decay equations
5 to 14 Please read the list in the powerpoint.
Happy teaching !
Yours, Barclayfox.
Half life - complete KS4 lesson
Lesson objectives:
* Do a physical practical to deepen understanding of half life and decay.
* Be able to plot and explain a decay curve.
* Find half lives from a decay curves.
half life half-life
* Notes to help the teacher.
* Starter - simple task where students self-assess themselves against the objectives.
* Gap fill activity - all answers are provided.
* Quiz with answers.
* Questions – all answers are provided.
* Up and about activity.
* Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities,
* Practical in groups – with scaffolding text and results table blank and expected results (as required)
* Equipment list – to give to your technicians.
* Kinaesthetic activity – to aid recall.
* Differentiated questions with answers.
* Play ball
* Paired work activities – answers are provided.
* Scientific literacy activity.
* Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt.
Thank you, and happy teaching!
A complete and ready to deliver high quality GCSE lesson.
This is a complete lesson from start to end, you do not need to spend many hours carefully planning, creating and resourcing this lesson – I have already spent those hours preparing this lesson for you.
There is nothing to do – if you don’t have time to have a quick look through it in advance the PPT will guide you smoothly through the whole lesson !
Lesson objectives:
* Understand key terms e.g. sterilisation, diagnosis, treatment, tracer, gamma camera, radiotherapy etc.
* Explain how and why radiation is used in sterilisation, and medical diagnosis, and treatment.
* Be able to explain radiotherapy in detail.
This carefully crafted lesson is over 40 slides long, and is full of learning activities as below:
* Notes to help the teacher.
* Starter - simple task where students self-assess themselves against each objective.
* Matching task – answers are provided.
* Paired work activities – answers are provided.
* Scientific literacy activity
* Homework, you choose whether your learners need to do it (if a worksheet answers are provided).
* Questions – all answers are provided.
* Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’).
* Video clip link (carefully selected – this alone can save you 10 to 20 minutes of searching).
* Gap fill activity - all answers are provided.
* Sequencing activity.
* Up and about activity.
* Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt.
As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by “Barclayfox” once they appear on TES. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources.
If you like this lesson please leave a review.
This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available not all series are bundled)
1. History of the atom, discovery of the nucleus, Thompson and Rutherford.
2. Isotopes and Mass number and Atomic number.
3. Alpha, Beta and Gamma – ionising radiation.
4. Changes in the nucleus – decay equations
5. Half life, radioactivity and decay.
6. Activity and half life practicals
7. Dangers and precautions
8. Nuclear radiation in medicine (uses in medicine)
9. Nuclear fission and chain reactions (nuclear power).
10. Electricity from nuclear power.
11-14 Please see list in this powerpoint
Link to the bundle - 50% discount!
Thank you, and happy teaching !
A complete, and ready to deliver, high quality KS4 / GCSE lesson from Barclayfox.
This is a complete lesson from start to end. You do not need to spend a huge number of hours carefully planning it and writing differentiated resources, I have already spent those hours creating this great lesson. Furthermore it has been improved time and again after each use – it is a tried and tested excellent lesson.
There is nothing for you to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it.
Lesson objectives:
* I can use the rate of change of momentum equation F = (mv-mu)/t.
* I know what impulse is and can complete calculations.
* I can explain how seat belts, airbags and crumple zones etc work.
This carefully crafted lesson is over 40 slides long, and is full of learning activities as below:
* Notes to help the teacher.
* Starter - matching names, symbols and units.
* Starter - simple task where students self-assess against the objectives.
* Matching task - answers are provided (this is the starter).
* Activity sheet - differentiated GOLD and PLATINUM.
* Answers are provided.
* Quiz with answers.
* Differentiated Questions in the powerpoint – all answers are provided.
* Peer marking
* Self marking
* Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’).
* Play ball.
* Video clip link (carefully selected – this alone can save you 20+ minutes of searching).
* Paired work activities – answers are provided.
* Homework
* Plenary formative/summative assessment quiz / activity.
* Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt.
As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by “Barclayfox” once they appear on TES. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources.
Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review.
This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all my series are bundled)
1. Momentum.
2. Conservation of momentum, collisions, elastic and inelastic.
3. Momentum, impulse, crumple zones and safety.
Thank you, and happy teaching!
UPDATED AND IMPROVED. Have lots of fun this Christmas with these fun, entertaining and engaging Christmas quizzes and activities.
Based on xmas throughout and split into 4 interesting and fun rounds as noted below. Great fun ! Ready to use – nothing to do. Students lead (if you want them to) so you can focus on whatever or whoever needs your attention, or even, whisper this :-) , RELAX for a change !
Christmas Physics AND * Christmas Thinking AND * Christmas Observation AND * Bonus Round.
Contains over 80 pages of fun:
Christmas quiz questions.
Up and about game – Christmas Physics.
Christmas thinking skills.
Christmas observation skills.
Christmas cracker jokes.
Huge numbers of high quality Christmas images.
Videos (carefully selected).
Music (carefully selected).
Up and about games.
You’re fired.
Surprise bonus round !
Can be used for all abilities and age groups from 8 to 18
To see all my Christmas resources please type
barclayfox Christmas into the tes search engine.
Happy Christmas, and most sincere best wishes of the season to you all !!! :-)
Happy teaching,
SEARCH WORDS - does this help people who are searching?
Christmas Physics, thinking, observation, pop music, Holidays, Santa, fun, Christmas, Christmas quiz, literacy, numeracy, Christmas activities, Christmas assembly, Noel, Navidad, advent, music, nativity, Xmas science, Christmas maths, Christmas English, Christmas Geography, Navidad, Noel, advent, Santa Clause, Reindeer, sleigh, snow, snowman, xmas lights, mince pie, turkey, trimmings, decorations, Queen’s speech, boxing day, cold meat and pickles, Christmas crackers.
KS3 Energy and conservation of energy - complete lesson, ready to use, pick up and go.
This KS3 lesson teaches energy stores in the new way required for GCSE 9-1 spec - so it builds the correct foundation for KS4. This supports good student progress and avoids confusing them by teaching them the old ideas about energy at KS3 (e.g. light is an energy store, sound is energy etc) and then the new ones at GCSE (9-1 specification).
By the end of the lesson learners will
(ALL) Understand what energy is.
(ALL) Know the unit of energy.
(ALL) Be able to name the 8 energy stores (as per new 9-1 GCSE requirements)
(MOST) Understand what each store is and identify them in the world around them.
(MOST) Explain that energy transfers from one store to another
(SOME) Demonstrate an understanding of the law of conservation of energy.
What do you get?
Complete and ready to use lesson that includes:
Energy cross word worksheet - with ANSWERS.
Energy circus activity sheet - with ANSWERS.
Two carefully chosen videos
Powerpoint that navigates you and the learners throughout and includes questions, answers, peer marking, self marking, video links, plenary quiz with answers etc.
Equipment list for the circus practical (simply give it to your technicians)
Why buy this?
Very high quality (over 15 hours to create).
Optimised - low teacher effort for great student results.
Tried and tested (taught to my classes in 2017 and again in 2018).
Complete and ready to deliver.
Easy to use
Simple and clear.
Engaging and varied.
Correct to the new 9-1 GCSE spec. Beware! Most KS3 lessons on tes are not correct, they are contradicting the new 9-1 GCSE spec.
Get a free lesson!
Purchase this resource, leave a fair review and choose another Barclayfox resource (to the same value as this one) for free! Instruction about how to claim are included as part of the download.
Happy teaching!
There are lots more great time saving lessons in my tes shop:
barclayfox shop
Search words:
KS3 energy, energy stores, new specification, new spec., new science spec, new science specification, new physics spec, 9-1, 9 – 1, GCSE, AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC, IOP, energy, energy stores, energy types, not energy resources, joules, Joules, conservation of energy.
KS3 Sound and hearing ready to deliver.
This lesson covers:
Sound and hearing, vibrations, loudness, amplitude, frequency, pitch
LisA FisP, sound vs light, speed in a solid and gas, and hearing range.
There is nothing to do but give it a quick look through it. you make a change its modular nature makes it very quick and easy to tune it to your exact requirements.
No marking for you ! All answers for all activities are included in the PPT to allow peer and/or self-assessment to reduce your workload !
Thank you for your time, and happy teaching!
Students will be able to:
Understand that vibrations create sounds.
Explain why there is no sound in a vacuum.
Explain why the speed of sound is different in a solid compared to a gas.
Compare the speed of sound and light in a thunderstorm.
Calculate how far away a thunderstorm is
Know and use the LisA FisP memory trick.
State the range of frequencies of human hearing and compare to some animals.
Activities this lesson contains:
Unscramble starter puzzle.
Demo or video (depending on your groups needs) with Q&A.
Literacy activity.
Numeracy activity / calculations.
Theory - carefully sculpted, lots of learning activities,
Quiz with answers.
Videos x2 (simply finding good videos can save you 20 minutes).
Questions scattered throughout - all answers are provided.
Paired work activities / TPS.
Simple student self-assessment activity (learners judge their own progress vs LOs).
Extension activities (if required)
All answers are provided to make things easy for you.
Key words:
Waves, wave, waves wsave, wavse, wvaes, hearing, energy, vibrations, oscillations, frequency, pitch, loudness, frequency, types of waves, light, sound, thunder, sound and hearing, lightning, lightening, literacy, scientific literacy, waves, energy, KS3, hearing range, human hearing, dog, cat, sound in a vacuum, vacuum, vaccum, lisa fisp, LisA FisP
A bundle of high quality, ready to deliver, AQA focused GCSE lessons by Barclayfox. Contains all 14 lessons in this series (see list below). This mega pack of excellent lessons with all their supporting resources took me over 150 hours to create! Yours with nearly 50% off for the bargain price of £29.95! Great value for 150+ hours of work.
There is nothing for you to do, these excellent lessons are ready to use !
You can use the whole series or use individual lessons as you require.
This is a MASSIVE 46% saving over buying each lesson individually, fantastic value for money !
You will be able to use these excellent lessons for year to come - again indicating they are great value for money.
SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME! Almost 50% off !
1. Atoms, radiation and the discovery of the atom and the nucleus, history of the atom.
2. Isotopes and Mass number and Atomic number.
3. Alpha, Beta and Gamma – ionising radiation.
4. Changes in the nucleus – decay equations / nuclear equations.
5. Activity and half life, radioactive decay.
6. Activity practicals, half life and radioactive decay.
7. Dangers and precautions.
8. Nuclear radiation in medicine (uses in medicine)
9. Nuclear fission and chain reactions (including nuclear power).
10. Generating electricity from nuclear power.
11. Nuclear Fusion and our sun and the stars.
12. Nuclear issues including nuclear waste.
13. Hypotheses, prediction, theory acceptance and peer review
14. Revision lesson.
This mega pack of excellent lessons with all their supporting resources took me over 150 hours to create! Yours with nearly 50% off for the bargain price of £29.95!
Happy teaching!
Search words:
Atomic structure, atom, nucleus, proton, neutron, electron, Rutherford, Bohr, Marsden, nuclear equations, energy levels, fission, fusion, alpha, beta, gamma. New specification, Physics, Science, Geiger, alpha particle scattering, high level nuclear waste etc etc
Space, solar system, stars, galaxies, moons, light years, gravity, the universe. Complete KS3 lesson. This is lesson 1 in a series of 6 high quality lessons that fully and expertly delivers all the points within BOTH the NEW KS3 Department for Education ‘Space Physics’ National Curriculum and the AQA KS3 specification / syllabus sections ‘3.7.2 Universe’ and ‘3.1.2 Gravity’. Updated and Improved 17th June 2019.
Ready to use, no preparation required ! Project and go !! The powerpoint will lead you through every step.
STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES - are given towards the bottom of this text.
Pupils will start the lessons by thinking and working in pairs in a race to unscramble some of the key words in today’s lesson. After revealing the title and lesson outcomes students self assess against their current understanding of this topic.
This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and engender positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. All points of the specification are addressed. There are various student activities such as gap fill, matching, reviewing a solar system model, words unscramble, literacy activity, questions and answers, think/pair/share, quiz, sort into size order, mnemonic, self-assessment, peer assessment etc.
In the plenary activity pupils complete a quiz and then peer assess it to uncover how much they have learnt during the lesson. They then self assess themselves against the lesson outcomes. Students who need further support set themselves additional homework to enhance learning of today’s lesson.
These are provided just in case any group requires them.
All resources are included in this excellent lesson, there is nothing for you to do but deliver it.
* Understand the structure of the solar system and be able to draw it with the planets in the correct order. * Explain what keeps the planets in place ‘orbiting’ the sun.
* Understand what ‘stars’ and ‘galaxies’ and ‘light years’ are…
* Use new literacy words such as ‘orbit’ and ‘light year’.
* Comprehend the vast size of the Milky Way and the Universe.
Thank you for looking, your positive feedback would be very much appreciated :)
Lesson 1 in a series of 6:
1. Solar system, stars and galaxies and the universe.
2. Geocentric and heliocentric solar system models
3. Seasons.
4. Gravity, weight and mass.
5. Exploring and observing the universe.
6. The moon’s phases.
For more lessons designed to meet the new KS3 and KS4 specifications please type Barclayfox into the tes resources search engine to see all my lessons.
Happy teaching !
Geocentric and Heliocentric models of the solar system, planets, moons, dwarf planets. Complete lesson. This is lesson 2 in a series of 6 high quality lessons that fully and expertly delivers all the points within BOTH the NEW KS3 Department for Education ‘Space Physics’ National Curriculum and the AQA KS3 specification / syllabus sections ‘3.7.2 Universe’ and ‘3.1.2 Gravity’.
STUDENT OUTCOMES - are noted further down.
READY TO USE - no preparation required apart from (if you want) photocopying the work sheet (or you could simply project it and the students could write the answers in their books). The PPT guides you at every step!
Pupils will start the lessons by thinking and working in pairs in a race to solve a picture puzzle and work out what today’s lesson is about. After discussion that leads to revealing the title and lesson outcomes students then self assess against their current understanding of this topic.
This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and engender positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. All points of the specification are addressed.
There are various student activities such as: gap fill, matching, a unique differentiated activity sheet, paired work, literacy activities, focused questions with answers and differentiation, picture puzzle, think/pair/share, quiz, mini test, sort into size order, homework, self-assessment opportunities, peer assessment opportunities etc. Lots of variety to keep learners happy, engaged and learning.
In the plenary activity pupils complete a quiz and then peer assess it to uncover how much they have learnt during the lesson. They then self-assess themselves against the lesson outcomes. Students who need further support set themselves additional homework to enhance learning of today’s lesson.
These are provided just in case any group requires them.
All resources are included in this excellent lesson, there is nothing for you to do but deliver it.
* Understand the difference between moons, planets and dwarf planets.
* Explain the geocentric model of the solar system.
* Explain the heliocentric model of the solar system.
* Understand why Galileo supported the heliocentric model.
Thank you for looking, your positive feedback would be very much appreciated :)
This lesson is one of a series of 6:
1. Solar system, stars and galaxies and the universe.
2. Geocentric and heliocentric solar system models
3. Seasons.
4. Gravity, weight and mass.
5. Exploring and observing the universe.
6. The moon’s phases.
For more lessons that meet the new KS3 and KS4 specifications please type Barclayfox into the tes resources search engine to see all my lessons.
Happy teaching !
Observing the stars and space exploration, light years, telescopes, probes, landers. Complete KS3 lesson. ‘Observing and exploring’ is number 5 in a series of 6 high quality lessons that fully and expertly delivers all the points within BOTH the NEW KS3 Department for Education ‘Space Physics’ National Curriculum and the AQA KS3 specification / syllabus sections ‘3.7.2 Universe’ and ‘3.1.2 Gravity’.
All resources are included in this excellent powerpoint lesson, there is nothing for you to do but deliver it. Zero preparation time, project and go !
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
* Understand what a ‘light year’ is.
* Explain how large the universe is compared to the earth.
* Apply understanding of the ‘speed of light’
* Describe ways of discovering the universe from the earth.
* Explain how probes can be used to explore the universe.
Pupils will start the lessons by thinking and working in pairs in a race to solve a picture puzzle and work out what today’s lesson is about. After discussion that leads to revealing the title and lesson outcomes. Students then self assess their current (pre-lesson) understanding of the things on the outcomes list.
This lesson is chunked into discrete sections to support learning and engender positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. All points of the specification are addressed.
There are various student activities such as: gap fills, matching, paired work, literacy activities, focused questions with answers and differentiation (“challenge missons”), picture puzzle, homework, carefully selected video, self-assessment opportunities, peer assessment opportunities etc. This good variety of activities keeps pupils focused and happily learning.
In the plenary activity pupils complete a matching activity and then peer assess it to uncover how much they have learnt during the lesson. They then self-assess themselves against the lesson outcomes. Students who need further support set themselves additional homework to enhance learning of today’s lesson.
These are provided just in case any group requires them.
Thank you for taking the time to look, your positive feedback would be very much appreciated :)
1. Solar system, stars and galaxies and the universe.
2. Geocentric and heliocentric solar system models
3. Seasons.
4. Gravity, weight and mass.
5. Exploring and observing the universe.
6. The moon’s phases.
For more lessons that meet the new KS3 and KS4 specifications please type Barclayfox into the tes resources search engine to see all my lessons.
Happy teaching !
Energy stores and transfers (new GCSE 9-1). Get a FREE lesson! Details below. This is a high quality, differentiated, easy to use and ready to use lesson. The outcomes are noted below.
Tes is littered with energy lessons and resources teaching to the old spec. which are no longer applicable if taught today – which is a polite way of saying they are wrong. There are even some resources I’ve looked at that claim to be new spec. 9-1 – but they are wrong too, even BBC Bitesize is getting some aspects confused. Please don’t risk teaching your classes incorrectly ! This resource teaches the subject properly and clearly with differentiated and unique activity sheets you cannot get anywhere else. One is a differentiated crossword and the other a differentiated energy circus practical - 2 highly engaging activities for your young people.
A whole weekend of effort last year + a further 3 hours of enhancing this year when I taught it again. Tried and trusted, differentiated and complete. You can rely on this lesson to give an accurate and superior learning experience.
For ages 13 to 16 where ever you live (KS4/GCSE + USA grades 8 to 10).
Purchase this resource, leave a fair review and choose another Barclayfox resource (to the same value as this one) for free! Just email your tes username and your chosen resource to It’s as simple as that !
Your young people will be able to:
ALL: Understand and recall the 8 energy stores and 4 pathways.
ALL: Understand that energy is not created or destroyed, only transferred.
MOST: Apply stores and pathways to describe energy transfers.
SOME: Create energy transfer diagrams.
Happy teaching!
Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources
There are lots more great time saving lessons in my shop:
barclayfox shop
Or, perhaps have a glance at some of my other high quality lessons...
The atom, discovery of the nucleus, Thompson, Rutherford, alpha scattering, Bohr - KS4 Physics
Scalars and Vectors - KS4 Physics
Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner - KS3 Biology.
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC.
A complete, and ready to deliver KS4 lesson
There is nothing for you to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it.
Objectives / students learn to:
* Describe what is happening during the fission of uranium-235.
* Describe U-235’s fission products.
* Explain how a chain reaction works.
* Understand how a chain reaction can be controlled.
* Understand the different roles of control rods and moderators
* Understand the difference between fission and fusion.
This lesson majors on fission and chain reactions and their control (and briefly mentions fusion) and it contains the following activities:
Starter - picture puzzle to get the students thinking.
Starter (more) - game / quiz.
SPaG / literacy based on fission.
Video links (very carefully chosen and 3 in total).
Differentiated work sheets - 3 different levels of difficulty.
Gap fills.
Animations (2 different animations):
A single Fission reaction.
Fission chain reactions.
Kinaesthetic activity - get your students up and moving about.
Gap fill (on a different area of this subject).
Plenary quiz game.
All answers to all activities are provided.
Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all my resources.
This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available not all series are bundled)
1. History of the atom, discovery of the nucleus, Thompson and Rutherford.
2. Isotopes and Mass number and Atomic number.
3. Alpha, Beta and Gamma – ionising radiation.
4. Changes in the nucleus – decay equations
5. Half life, radioactivity and decay.
6. Activity and half life practicals
7. Dangers and precautions
8. Nuclear radiation in medicine (uses in medicine)
9 -14 Please see this powerpoint for the full list.
Thank you, and happy teaching!
A complete and ready to deliver high quality GCSE lesson from Barclayfox.
This is a complete lesson from start to end, you do not need to spend many hours carefully planning, creating, resourcing and improving this lesson after each use. I have already spent those hours preparing this lesson for my students and improving it over many years.
There is nothing to do but give it a quick look through and familiarise yourself with it.
Lesson objectives:
* Explain key words and phrases including “hypothesis”, “peer review”, “theory” and the “prediction”.
* Explain the scientific method and how new hypotheses are validated by other scientists before they are accepted.
* Understand trial by evidence.
This carefully crafted lesson is over 40 slides long, and is full of learning activities as below:
* Notes to help the teacher.
* Starter 1 - unscramble the words.
* Starter 2 - simple task where students self-assess themselves against the objectives.
* Matching task - answers are provided.
* Activity sheet - built into the powerpoint simply print this slide for each student.
* Unscramble the words race.
* Sequencing activity.
* Gap fill activity - all answers are provided.
* Quiz with answers.
* Questions – all answers are provided.
* Up and about activity
* Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’).
* Differentiated questions with answers (ACTIVITY SHEETS built into powerpoint simply print them).
* Play ball.
* Paired work activities – answers are provided.
* Scientific literacy activity.
* Homework
* Plenary is the activity sheets.
* Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt.
As teachers we all work ridiculously long hours each week. Give yourself a break, spend some life with your wife / husband / children / friends / family by purchasing more lessons created by “Barclayfox” once they appear on TES. Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources.
Please purchase this lesson, and leave a positive review.
This lesson is part of a series, whilst they all work very well as standalone individual lessons you may wish to buy others from the series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available not all series are bundled)
1. History of the atom, discovery of the nucleus, Thompson and Rutherford.
2. Isotopes and Mass number and Atomic number.
3. Alpha, Beta and Gamma – ionising radiation.
4. Changes in the nucleus – decay equations
5-14. See this powerpoint for the list.
Thank you, and happy teaching,
FREE help sheet for teachers or students on energy stores, transfers, carriers, pathways and energy diagrams. This is specifically for the new GCSE 9-1 specification (which can be confusing).
On tes there are many many energy lessons and resources teaching to the old spec. which are no longer applicable if taught today – which is a polite way of saying they are wrong. There are even some resources I’ve looked at that claim to be new spec. 9-1 – but they are wrong too, even BBC Bitesize is getting some aspects a bit confused. Please don’t risk teaching your classes incorrectly ! This resource is a FREE help sheet for science teachers which explains it all.
This help sheet is clear and simple and free !
For a high quality, ready to use and accurate science lesson on this topic please use the link below.
Energy stores and transfers
Happy teaching!
Search words:
9-1, 9 - 1, 9- 1, 9 -1, new specification, new spec, new spec., new science specification. Energy stores. Energy transfers. Energy pathways, energy carriers. Energy transfer diagrams. Energy flow diagrams by heating, electrically, by radiation, mechanically, mechanical, electrical, kinetic, magnetic, electrostatic, AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC, magnetic energy store, electrostatic energy store, is light energy? Is electricity energy? Is sound energy? 8 energy stores, 4 energy pathways, 4 energy transfers.
9-1, 9 - 1, 9- 1, 9 -1, new specification, new spec, new spec., new science specification. Energy stores. Energy transfers. Energy pathways, energy carriers. Energy transfer diagrams. Energy flow diagrams by heating, electrically, by radiation, mechanically, mechanical, electrical, kinetic, magnetic, electrostatic, AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC, magnetic energy store, electrostatic energy store, is light energy? Is electricity energy? Is sound energy? 8 energy stores, 4 energy pathways, 4 energy transfers.
Too many of my students were making mistakes with significant figures and writing answer to the wrong number of sig figs.
This skill is more important under the 9-1 spec so I wrote this worksheet with answers to help fix this problem.
Happy Teaching
FREE lesson, so you can see the quality of my “Barclayfox” lessons. Ready to deliver high quality KS3 lesson from Barclayfox. This lesson introduces waves by teaching KS3 learners about: Waves, wave types, functions, wavelength, amplitude, peak, trough, longitudinal waves, transverse waves, and superposition etc.
Like all my barclayfox lessons this is a complete and ready to use high quality lesson. I have used this lesson and improved it many times with my different classes across ten+ years.
There is nothing to do but give it a quick look through it. But, if you (like me!) cannot resist making a change its modular nature makes it very quick and easy to modify it to your exact requirements.
No marking for you ! :-) All answers for all activities are included in the PPT to allow peer and/or self-assessment to reduce your workload !
I’ve spent a lot of time on this improving it after lessons spread over 10+ years, I hope you find this FREE lesson useful in your teaching. If you find it useful please encourage me with some positive feedback :-D
If you like this lesson there are many more like it in both style and quality my shop, here’s the link:
Thank you for your time, have a great day !
Happy teaching!
Key words - does this help people who are searching??
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