KS3 Solving algebra equations test
A little test on solving KS3 equations, including brackets, simplifying and unknowns on both sides. Could work as a homework or revision task,
GCSE Standard form test
A little test covering GCSE standard form, could be used as a homework or revision.
Transformation Shuffle
An acitivity where pupils have to randomly select cards telling them the transformations that they have to do. Once they have transformed their shape their partner has to try to figue out what cards they had.
Permutations and combinations questions
Nothing fancy just a few questions on a powerpoint.
Perimeter Animation and Questions
A PowerPoint introducing perimeter with a little animation, and some questions for pupils to practise. Ideal as a lesson for KS3 and GCSE students.
Percentgaes of Amounts powerpoint
A powerpoint showing how to find percentages such as 76% by splitting it into easy to find percentages like 50,25 and 1. Assumes pupils can find, 1,10,20,25, and 50%. Some questions at the end.
Multiplication and Division by 10/100/1000 test
A PowerPoint with 10 quick question tests for starter / plenary, 15 seconds for each question, answers at the end. Ideal for KS3 students.
Index laws plenary / starter
A quick 10 question test on multiplying, dividing and bracket rules. ten seconds for each question, answers at the end
Multiplying by teens quick test
ten quick questions on multiplication of teens, 10 seconds for each question, answers at the end.
KS3/KS2 Maths Factor trees worksheet
Maths Worksheet for classwork or homework. Factor Trees. Objective: to be able to use factor trees to express numbers as products as their prime factors
A worksheet for prime factor decomposition, starter covers primes, factors and products, main is making factor trees and writing the number as a product of prime factors. Extension asks students to try to spot link between prime factors and HCF and LCM
Bearings Worksheet
Simple bearings worksheet, with a starter main and extention. Starter has drawing angles and covers rules of bearings, extention asks pupils to find a link from bearing from A to B and bearing from B to A.
KS3 Maths- Algebra:Collecting like terms worksheet
Collecting like terms. Objective: to be able to simplify expressions by collecting like terms. suitable for homework or classwork.
A nothing fancy worksheet, maybe a good starting off point for the topic, starter has negative number questions.
Let me know what you think
KS3 - Volume of Prisms PowerPoint
A KS3 powerpoint showing how to find the volume of prism with questions at the end. Hope you find it useful.
X and Y intercept quiz
Ten multiple choice questions where pupils have to find the x and y intercept of different equations. Nice as a starter or plenary
KS3 Bearings PowerPoint
KS3 PowerPoint lesson on bearings with explanations and answers. A few slides showing what bearings are and introducing the rules.
Sharing in Ratios worksheet
Some question on sharing in ratios
KS3 Area of shapes powerpoint activity
A simple KS3 powerpoint showing how to find the area of rectangles, parallelograms, triangles and trapeziums (trapezia?). some quesyions at the end with answers.
GCSE Finding the Gradient - Sheet of Questions
A sheet with GCSE starter, main and extension questions. The main has a finding the gradient of a line connecting two coordinates question. Ideal to be used as part of a lesson.
Construction Instruction Slides
A series of slides showing how to do the various constructions. Includes perpendicular bisectors, angle bisector, ASA,SSS SAS triangles aswell as some loci. I wouldn't use these as a lesson, maybe would give it to pupils for revision or have it ready to pinch slides out of when i needed them.
Hope you find it useful
3D enlargement investigation
A sheet leading pupils through an investigation about 3d enlargment, area and volume sclae factors.