
Multiplying and Dividing Decimals worksheet
Simple multiplying and dividing decimals worksheet, with starter main and extention, range of questions starting off nice and easy

KS3 - Cover up method: Plotting graphs
A powerpoint showing the cover up method for plotting graphs whose equation are in the form ax + by=c. With some questions at the end.

Ordering fractions
Starter has equivalnce and LCM, main is ordering fractions. Extention is converting fractions to decimals, may be tricky for some groups as not all fractions convert nicely.

KS3 Maths Ratio worksheet
KS3 Maths Worksheet. Homework or Classwork. Objective: to be able to simplify ratios and share amounts by a given ratio A worksheet for simplifying and sharing with ratios. Starter has division practice, HCF recap and finding fractions of amounts. There is an extention exercise too.
Please let me know what you think

Surface area of cubes and cuboids worksheet
Maths worksheet suitable for KS3 and KS4. Calculating surface Area (cubes and cuboids). Objective: to be able to find the surface area of cubes and cuboids. Classwork or homework simple worksheet for find the surface area of cubes and cuboids, extention activity asking students to find the dimensions for a given surface area, and some simple starter questions for a settler.
Let me know what you think.

Nth Term of Quadratic Sequences - PowerPoint
A KS3 / GCSE PowerPoint with a little tutorial showing how to find the nth term of quadratics in the form ax2 + c and ax2 + bx + c. Starter has 10 multiple choice questions on finding nth term of linear sequecnes, there are a few examples then some questions with answers.
Hope you find it useful

Angles of Parallel Lines PowerPoint
A PowerPoint showing alternate, corresponding and interior angles followed by some questions to practise. Ideal for KS3 and GCSE students.

KS3 -Multiplying and Dividing Fractions PowerPoint
A simple PowerPoint for multiplying and dividing fractions, shows how simplifying can be done before the multiplying. Has a multiple choice starter for converting between mixed numbers and top heavy fractions. Some questions at the end, but they can be taken out if you've got better ones. Ideal for KS3 students.
Hope you find it useful

KS3 Area of shapes powerpoint activity
A simple KS3 powerpoint showing how to find the area of rectangles, parallelograms, triangles and trapeziums (trapezia?). some quesyions at the end with answers.

Expanding Brackets Worksheet
KS3 Maths algebra worksheets suitable for homework or classwork. Expanding out Brackets lesson. Objective: to be able to expand and simplify expressions with brackets. An expanding brackets worksheet with a starter on multiplying negative numbers and collecting like terms.

GCSE Reverse Percentage PowerPoint
A GCSE PowerPoint showing how to use multipliers to increase and decrease amounts as well as find original prices. There are some questions for students too. Hope you find this useful.

KS3 Adding and Subtracting Fractions powerpoint
A simple KS3 powerpoint showing adding and subtracting fractions with the same and different denominators. Tfere's a warm up on LCM and equivalent fractions and some queestions with answers at the end.

Completing the Square Powerpoint
A lesson on completing the square with a quiz for a starter, a few examples and a quiz at the end

Mean from grouped frequency tables
KS4 Maths worksheet with starter, main and extention. Starter has some finding mean questions and finding the midpoint of two numbers. Extention asks students to try and make up a table that will give a mean of 5.5.

Rounding to Significant Figures Worksheet
Worksheet for rounding to significant figures with starter main and extention

GCSE Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
A GCSE algebra powerpoint activity showing how to work out the equations of a line which is paralllel or perpendicular to another line and passes through a certain point. Some questions and answers at the end.

Rearranging Formulae Worksheet
A simple rearranging formulae worksheet, with lots of questions and increasing difficulty

Simple Direct Proportion PowerPoint and Questions
A PowerPoint with a few KS3 examples of how to do the unitary method and some questions to follow. Great revision for proportion.

KS3 / GCSE: Fractions Revision Powerpoint
A powerpoint which covers most fraction topics. Includes simplifying, equivalent fractions, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, conversion to decimals and percentages, ordering fractions, finding fractions of amounts.
There are questions to practise with. I intend to give it to students so they can take it home to revise from, these aren't intended to be full lessons. Hope you find it useful.
Little error with adding fractions slides sorted out