Lesson 1: Prediction based on front cover, reviews and blurb
Read the prologue
Lesson 2: Word meaning lesson based on the prologue
Lesson 3: Retrieval lesson based on the prologue
Week 1 of planning based on how to train your dragon.
Final piece is a set of instructions based on year 5 expectations.
Lesson 1: Understanding the context of How to train a dragon
In depth analysis of the author
Lesson 2: Understanding the features of instructions
Compound and complex sentences
Numbered instructions
Engage the reader
Imperative (bossy) verbs
WAGOLL based on training a Sleipnir (8 legged Viking horse)
Uses all the features and follows the same structure of the final piece
Lesson 3: Understanding compound and simple sentences
Gives definitions of simple sentences
Gives definitions of compound sentences
Insert the coordinating conjunction in the missing gap
Writing compound sentences based on a stimulus linked to “How to train your dragon”
Wolves in the wall writing plan
5 day lesson unit on writing a descriptive narrative that slightly changes the features of the Wolves in the walls
Included Wagoll handwritten
A week of lessons based on compound, complex and simple sentences.
Can be used for lower key stage 2 or with a lower ability upper key stage 2 class.
Teaching slides
Write simple and complex sentences worksheet
Identify Compound sentences worksheet
To match independent clauses together to create compound sentences worksheet.
Write simple and compound sentences worksheet.
Write a range of sentences worksheet.
1 week of lesson plans
Main events in Shakespeare’s life.
Task 1: Sequencing the events into early life, main work and legacy
Task 2: Writing the events in a chronological order
Identifying the 5 w’s based on an exrtract from a newspaper report.
Children must identify if the paragraph has the 5 w’s in the text. If it does they tick the box. Then they must write down the example that they identified.
Literacy: Newspaper activity based on the European football championships
Maths: Rounding, subtraction, multiplication and division word problems linked to the European football championships
Division code breaker activity
Long division maths plan
Pages 49-60
Guided reading questions based on the remaining chapters of the book
Word meaning
Print question slides for books
Answers on the following slide
Shackelton’s journey pages 19-54
5 lessons based on each part of the middle of the book
Word meaning
Explanation questions
Answer and question slides
Print slides off for books