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Rhifau/Numbers (0-31)

Rhifau/Numbers (0-31)

Posteri rhifau 0-31, yn cynnwys rhifau degol, traddodiadol a benywaidd ar ffurf crysau rygbi. Number posters 0-31, including decimal, traditional and feminine forms on rugby shirts.
Disiau Trafod - Rhagenwau/Discussion Dice - Pronouns

Disiau Trafod - Rhagenwau/Discussion Dice - Pronouns

4 patrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda rhagenwau er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth, newid person/amser y ferf etc. 4 dice templates to cut out with pronouns to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information/ change the person/tense of the verb etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed.
Disiau Trafod - Cwestiynau/Discussion Dice - Questions

Disiau Trafod - Cwestiynau/Discussion Dice - Questions

Patrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda geiriau cwestiwn er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. Dice templates to cut out with question words to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed.
Ymarferion Enwau - Gramadeg Uwch Gyfrannol (Cymraeg Ail Iaith): Noun Exercises – AS Grammar (Welsh S

Ymarferion Enwau - Gramadeg Uwch Gyfrannol (Cymraeg Ail Iaith): Noun Exercises – AS Grammar (Welsh S

Llyfr gwaith sy’n cyd-fynd â’r Llyfryn Gramadeg yr UG. Mae’r llyfr hwn yn rhoi cyfle i ymafer gramadeg hanfodol am enwau unigol a lluosog, ffurfiau gwrywaidd a benywaidd a hefyd rhifolion a threfnolion. A workbook to accompany the AS Grammar Booklet. This book provides opportunity to practice essential grammar around singular and plural nouns, masculine and feminine forms and also numerals and ordinals.
Llyfrynnau Blwyddyn 8/Year 8 Booklets

Llyfrynnau Blwyddyn 8/Year 8 Booklets

2 Resources
Llyfrynnau ar gyfer disgyblion CA3 Cymraeg Ail Iaith (Blwyddyn 8). Mae’r llyfrynnau yma’n yn rhoi cyfle i ddysgu ac ymarfer iaith topig penodol (gan gynnwys rhoi manylion, mynegi barn, newid amser a pherson y ferf etc.), gramadeg hanfodol, gweithgareddau a thasgau wedi’i gwahaniaethu, gemau a llawer, llawer mwy. Llyfrynnau cwrs cyflawn a fydd yn para tua thymor yr un. Mae’r llyfrynnau yma’n adeiladu ar iaith a sgiliau (llafaredd, darllen ac ysgrifennu) ac yn anelu at gymwysterau CA4. Booklets for KS3 pupils studying Welsh Second Language (Year 8). These booklets provides the opportunity to learn and practice topic specific language (giving information, expressing opinion, changing the tense and person of the verb etc.), essential grammar, exercises and differentiated tasks, games and lots, lots more. Complete coursebooks each intended to last about a term. These booklets build on language and skills (oracy, reading and writing) and look towards preparing pupils for KS4 qualifications.
Disiau Trafod - Cyfleusterau/Discussion Dice - Facilities

Disiau Trafod - Cyfleusterau/Discussion Dice - Facilities

2 batrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau cyfleusterau er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. 2 dice templates to cut out with pictures of facilities to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.
Disiau Trafod - Hobiau/Discussion Dice - Hobbies

Disiau Trafod - Hobiau/Discussion Dice - Hobbies

2 batrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau hobiau er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. 2 dice templates to cut out with hobby pictures to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.
Disiau Trafod - Gwyliau/Discussion Dice - Holidays

Disiau Trafod - Gwyliau/Discussion Dice - Holidays

2 batrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau gwylaiu er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. 2 dice templates to cut out with holiday pictures to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.
Disiau Trafod - Ysgol/Discussion Dice - School

Disiau Trafod - Ysgol/Discussion Dice - School

4 patrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau pynciau/problemau ysgol er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. 4 dice templates to cut out with pictures of school subjects/problems to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.
Disiau Trafod - Technoleg/Discussion Dice - Technology

Disiau Trafod - Technoleg/Discussion Dice - Technology

2 batrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau technoleg, ffonau symudol, problemau etc. er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. 2 dice templates to cut out with pictures of technology, mobile phones, problems etc. to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.
Disiau Trafod - Chwaraeon/Discussion Dice - Sport

Disiau Trafod - Chwaraeon/Discussion Dice - Sport

2 batrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau chwaraeon er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth etc. 2 dice templates to cut out with pictures of sport to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.
Disiau Trafod - Trefn Ddyddiol/Discussion Dice - Daily Routine

Disiau Trafod - Trefn Ddyddiol/Discussion Dice - Daily Routine

2 batrymlun dis i dorri allan gyda lluniau trefn ddyddiol er mwyn ysgogi a hwyluso trafodaeth, mynegi barn, rhoi gwybodaeth, newid amser/person y ferf etc. 2 dice templates to cut out with daily routine pictures to stimulate and facilitate discussion, expressing opinion, giving information, change the person/tense of the verb etc. Dogfen PwyntPwer er mwyn i chi adolygu fel bo angen. PowerPoint document for you to edit as needed. Lluniau gan thenounproject.
Ymarferion Ansoddeiriau - Gramadeg Uwch Gyfrannol (Cymraeg Ail Iaith): Adjective Exercises – AS Gram

Ymarferion Ansoddeiriau - Gramadeg Uwch Gyfrannol (Cymraeg Ail Iaith): Adjective Exercises – AS Gram

Llyfr gwaith sy’n cyd-fynd â’r Llyfryn Gramadeg yr UG. Mae’r llyfr hwn yn rhoi cyfle i ymafer gramadeg hanfodol am safle yr ansoddair, goleddfu ansoddeiriau a chymharu ansoddeiriau. A workbook to accompany the AS Grammar Booklet. This book provides opportunity to practice essential grammar around the position of adjectives, modifying adjectives and the comparison of adjectives.