
Who Let the Gods Out? Whole Term Plan
This is a fantastic full terms worth of planning for WLTGO, complete with non-fiction and vocabulary guidance this plan breaks the book down into weekly studies and highlights how much needs to be read before the next week. It took many hours to put together and is sure to save you many more! Enjoy!

Book Covers and Opening Pages
A vast collection of the front cover and opening pages of some of the most loved books of the last few years. Featuring mainstays of KS2 reading shelves, this is a wonderful, quick to create display that will save you hours of downloading and formatting.

Central London Reading Comprehension
A clear and well presented non fiction text that focuses on Central London and some of her landmarks. The questions examine a child’s understanding and inference skills and cover a range of the assessment criteria for the updated National Curriculum. Perfect as part of a series of work on the nation’s capital.

Journey to the River Sea Reading Plan
A 5 week step by step guide to Journey to the River Sea by Iva Ibbotson including Non Fiction links. Colour coded day by day guide to with activities explained and assessment opportunities highlighted.

Whole Class Reading Idea Pack
40 Pages of Whole Class Reading resources! This is a pick up and go activity pack with supporting sheets, work examples and easy to follow explanations. These activities included in this pack will keep your class busy for at least half a term and take the stress out of planning. This item has already been downloaded over 100 times on other platforms and I am pleased to offer it as a discounted price here!

Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe Activities
A selection of activities linked to The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe including a matching game for pictures and words, emotion charts for specific scenes and a truth meter task.

Viking Boy Supporting Materials
A collection of resources to support the teaching Viking Boy. A non fiction text about Iceland, images of Viking objects discussed in the text, a flipchart with modeled writing for a discussion text and a true or false game are all included.

Direct Speech Planning
A week long plan for teaching direct speech based on Shackleton’s journey to Antarctica. Resources for each lesson are included. Perfect for KS2.

Synonym Word Bank
Over 60 words colour coded and broken down into different descriptive groups. Quick and easy to use with good quality vocabulary.

Non Fiction Book Covers
A range of 20 Non Fiction book front covers perfect for displays and feature hunting lessons!

Charles Dicken's Christmas Carol Activities and Questions KS2
An abridged version of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol with questions and activities for each of the chapters. Ideally suited to Years 4, 5 and 6 but also easily adapted this is a high quality resource that is ready to pick up and go. Perfect for home learning or the last few weeks of term.

Morning Activities
A huge selection of Early Morning Activities covering Maths, Reading, RICS, philosophy for children and many other things. These wonderful resources covering dozens of pages have been formatted neatly and will provide you with an instant bank of material to reach to when time is short. You won’t be disappointed.

Neil Gaiman Introduction
A detailed powerpoint explaining the early life, career and achievements of the hugely talented Neil Gaiman. Perfect for author studies in reading or English lessons.

Who Let the Gods Out Question Board
An attractively designed 9 question board where children have to either finish the sentence or answer a question relating to Maz Evans’ Who Let the Gods Out. Great way to recap the story at the end and to check comprehension knowledge quickly across the class.

Possessive Apostrophes Worksheet
A quick two page apostrophes worksheet using images to support children’s understanding of correct use.

Brightstorm Whole Book Planning
A set of plans and resources for the Vashti Hardy book, Brightstorm. These plans have been taught to an able Year 5 class, however could easily be adapted to suit any KS2 class. This will save a you a lots of time in the planning and preparing of lessons.