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AQA 4.1 Cell Biology Revision Mats
AQA 4.1 Cell Biology Revision Mats
Working Scientifically -11- Data analysis
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 11 - Data analysis
AQA 4.2 Bonding and Structure Revision Mats
AQA 4.2 Bonding and Structure Revision Mats
Working Scientifically -4- Method writing
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 4 - Method Writing
Make sure video is stored in the same folder as the powerpoint.
Working Scientifically -10- Drawing graphs
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 10 -Drawing graphs
Working Scientifically -1- Predictions
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 1 - Predictions
Make sure all videos are in the same folder as the powerpoint.
Working Scientifically -14- Evaluations
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 14 - Evaluations
AQA 4.4 Atomic Structure Revision Mats
AQA 4.4 Atomic Structure Revision Mats
Working Scientifically -2- What Varies?
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 2 - What varies?
Working Scientifically -3- Changing Variables
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 3 - Changing Variables
Working Scientifically -5- Method writing 2
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 5 - Method writing 2
Working Scientifically -9- What makes a good graph?
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 9 - What makes a good graph?
Working Scientifically -6- Recording data
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 6 - Recording data
Working Scientifically -8- Scales and Scaling
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 8 - Scales and scaling
Working Scientifcally -7- Why draw a graph?
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 7 - Why draw a graph?
Working Scientifically -15- Prove It!
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 15 - Prove it!
Working Scientifically -12- Data extraction
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 12 - Data extraction
Working Scientifically -13- Conclusions
Working Scientifically for Years 7 and 8
Lesson 13 - Conclusions
AQA 4.3 Quantitative Chemsitry Revision Mats
AQA 4.3 Quantitative Chemsitry Revision Mats
AQA 4.4 Chemical Changes Revision Mats
AQA 4.4 Chemical Changes Revision Mats