besea.n (Britain's East and South East Asian Network) (Britain's East and South East Asian Network)
Member since
Charity Employee
Based in
United Kingdom
Working in
Cross-curricular topics,Cantonese,Mandarin,Japanese,Primary/Elementary/Childhood Education,Personal, social and health education,Modern languages (other)
besea.n is a non-profit, grassroots organisation founded by six East and South East Asian (ESEA) women, whose mission is to promote positive representation of ESEA people in the UK and tackle discrimination at all levels in our society. We advocate for our communities’ rights to be seen - and be heard.
Our aims:
- Provide resources and consultations to help individuals, organisations and businesses to represent ESEA cultures positively and respectfully, employing current terminology to combat erasure
-Challenge stereotypes surrounding ESEA people and celebrate the diversity that makes our different communities so vibrant
-Establish a supportive community for ESEA in the UK people to share experiences, knowledge and connections
-Use our website, social media and podcast platforms to shine a light on ESEA topics, organisations and businesses, and amplify community voices
-Spread joy. We invite our community members to cultivate #ESEAJoy wherever they can!
's resources