Hello, Welcome to my TES shop. I am an experienced Primary School teacher with particular expertise in Early Years and Key Stage 1. I have been posting resources on this website for over 6 years. All the resources are my own work and are designed to help busy teachers to save themselves hours of time with preparation. The proposition is simple ' Making Life Easier - Saving You Hours'
Hello, Welcome to my TES shop. I am an experienced Primary School teacher with particular expertise in Early Years and Key Stage 1. I have been posting resources on this website for over 6 years. All the resources are my own work and are designed to help busy teachers to save themselves hours of time with preparation. The proposition is simple ' Making Life Easier - Saving You Hours'
This resource pack has over 70 files. It has an excellent range of resources including writing
templates and scaffolds, a domino game, bingo and many literacy and early number activities and
worksheets. There are also templates of characters for stick puppets.
There are photographs, borders, labels and titles that will enable you to create an instant, bright and
informative display.
This resource is designed for Reception and Key Stage 1 (5-7 year olds).
This resource pack will be most relevant to teachers, trainee teachers, child minders and home educators.
These resources will save you hours of your own time so don’t try to reinvent the wheel – we’ve done it for you!
Images were generated using Microsoft Office clip-art and used with permission under the terms of the product licence.
This resource pack has over 70 files. It has an excellent range of resources including writing templates and scaffolds, a matching pairs game, guided reading questions and many literacy activities and worksheets. There is a 1-20 number line which can be used as a display or activity purposes.
There are photographs, borders, labels and titles that will enable you to create an instant, bright and informative display.
Images were generated using graphics resources from Microsoft Office and Focus Multimedia Ltd and used with permission under the terms of the respective product licences.
This resource has an excellent range of resources including the first 100 High Frequency Words, a matching game, bookmarks, bingo and many literacy and early number activities and worksheets.
There are also templates of the characters for stick puppets. It also includes a PowerPoint presentation about owls.
There are photographs, borders, labels and titles that will enable you to create an instant, bright and informative display.
This resource is designed for Reception and Key Stage 1 (5-7 year olds).
This resource pack will be most relevant to teachers, trainee teachers and home educators.
This resource pack will save you hours of your own time so don’t try to reinvent the wheel – we’ve done it for you!
Images were generated using graphics resources from Microsoft Office and Focus Multimedia Ltd and used with permission under the terms of the respective product licences.
This resource has an excellent range of resources including writing templates and scaffolds, a matching game, bingo and many literacy and early number activities and worksheets. There are also templates of the characters for stick puppets.
There are photographs, borders, labels and titles that will enable you to create an instant, bright and informative display.
This resource is designed for Reception and Key Stage 1 (5-7 year olds).
This resource pack will save you hours of your own time so don’t try to reinvent the wheel – we’ve done it for you!
Images were generated using graphics resources from Microsoft Office and Focus Multimedia Ltd and used with permission under the terms of the respective product licences.
This resource pack has over 100 files. It has an excellent range of resources including writing templates and scaffolds, a matching game, guided reading questions, bingo, dominoes and many literacy and early number activities and worksheets. There are also templates of all the characters and objects for stick puppets.
There are photographs, borders, labels and titles that will enable you to create an instant, bright and informative display.
Images were generated using graphics resources from Microsoft Office and Focus Multimedia Ltd and used with permission under the terms of the respective product licences.
For more quality time saving teaching resources visit our shop at
This Resource Pack has an excellent range of resources including writing templates, key questions, a matching game, guided reading
questions and many literacy and history based activities and worksheets. There is a Guy Fawkes Power Point and the first 100 High Frequency Words on a firework design. There are resources connected to Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot as well as firework safety and creative firework activities.
There are photographs, borders, labels and titles that will enable you to create an instant, bright and informative display.
This resource is designed for Reception and Key Stage 1 (5-7 year olds).
Images were generated using graphics resources from Microsoft Office and Focus Multimedia Ltd and used with permission under the terms of the respective product licences.
For more quality time saving teaching resources visit our shop at
This resource pack has over 80 files. It has an excellent range of resources including writing templates, a matching game, animal fact cards, masks and many literacy and early number activities and worksheets. There are also templates of all the characters for stick puppets.
There are photographs, borders, labels and titles that will enable you to create an instant, bright and informative display.
This resource is designed for Reception and Key Stage 1 (5-7 year olds).
This resource pack will be most relevant to teachers, trainee teachers and home educators.
Images were generated using graphics resources from Microsoft Office and Focus Multimedia Ltd and used with permission under the terms of the respective product licences.
This resource has 26 individual alphabet cards.
Each card features the upper and lower case letter and the name of the animal that is illustrated. The illustrations are clear and colourful. The cards can be mounted as a wall frieze and because they are individual can be placed to fit as required.
This product is suitable for a classroom setting or for a child's bedroom or playroom.
Have you thought of all the different ways in which you could use these cards?
For example, because you can print as many copies as you like, the letter cards can be used as a matching game, a table top pairs or a snap game. You could laminate them and use them outdoors. They could be hidden and when found assembled in alphabetical order. They could be cut up and made into jigsaws and many other creative ideas to help young children become confident in their use of letters and sounds.
Images were generated using Microsoft Office clip-art and used with permission under the terms of the product licence.
This resource consists of:
Follow me / loop cards with 32 cards. This activity is ideal as a quick starter, a play time game or
could be used as a plenary to assist in consolidating antonyms.
A pairs matching game with 98 cards (49 antonym pairs). The pairs are colour coded for ease of self-correction.
An A4 antonym poster.
Several antonym worksheets for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
This resource pack will be most relevant to teachers, trainee teachers and home educators.
This resource pack will save you hours of your own time so don’t try to reinvent the wheel – we’ve done it for you!
The resources in this pack use no external sources and are generated by and copyright Best Primary Teaching Resources.
For more quality time saving teaching resources visit our shop at
This resource has 40 clearly illustrated phoneme frame cards. They are designed to help children identify initial, medial and final sounds in CVC words.
Each card features a picture of a CVC object. Underneath the picture is a phoneme frame with either the initial, medial, final or all 3 letter sounds missing.
Set 1 - final sound missing - 10 cards
box, fan, hat, man, red, rat, bin, log, van, rug
Set 2 - initial sound missing - 10 cards
bat, bus, cup, dog, fox, hen, jam, mop, pen, ten
Set 3 - medial sound missing - 10 cards
bag, bed, cat, jug, leg, pig, sun, tap, web, zip
Set 4 - all sounds missing - 10 cards
can, bug, pot, bib, wig, six, cot, pin, peg, pan
Images were generated using Microsoft Office clip-art and used with permission under the terms of the product licence.
For more quality time saving teaching resources visit our shop at
This resource includes badges for Manager, Deputy, Worker, Cashier and Customer. There are many signs, posters, price tags, illustrated posters, labels, photographs, notices and many more resources to help you create a quality role play area.
There are photographs, labels and titles that will enable you to create an instant, bright and informative role play area.
This resource is designed for Reception and Key Stage 1 (5-7 year olds).
This resource pack will be most relevant to teachers, trainee teachers, child minders and home educators.
This resource pack will save you hours of your own time so don’t try to reinvent the wheel – we’ve done it for you!
Images were generated using graphics resources from Microsoft Office and Focus Multimedia Ltd and used with permission under the terms of the respective product licences.
This colourful resource contains the first 100 High Frequency Words displayed on a People Who Help Us design.
There are 4 to an A4 page so you can print the pages according to your needs.
These can be used as a colourful learning display, words to take home to learn, a pairs/matching game (if you print two copies), flash cards and in numerous other ways too.
This resource is designed for Reception and Key Stage 1 (4-7 year olds).
This resource pack will be most relevant to teachers, trainee teachers and home educators.
This resource pack will save you hours of your own time so don’t try to reinvent the wheel – we’ve done it for you!
Images were generated using graphics resources from Focus Multimedia Ltd and is used with permission under the terms of the product licence.
This resource consists of 4 different bingo games.
Each bingo game is colour coded. Colour coding helps with the organisation of the games.
There are 14 bingo cards in each set. There are 2 bingo cards per A4 page. This is an ideal game to help learn and consolidate the next 200 high-frequency words which are the next 200 common words in order of frequency.
There are bingo calling cards for each game which are also colour coded.
Included are word lists for each game which could also be used as an assessment sheet.
These resources will save you hours of preparation time in setting up your classroom. This collection of useful resources will help your classroom management and help your pupils with gaining independence in their learning. It includes a child friendly Independent Education Plan, self-assessment fans, reward charts, a noiseometer, homework evaluation sheet, a poster to help with answering the register in different languages. There are mathematical resources that will help children gain independence in their number work, handwriting guides, a poster to help with writing stories, how to make play-dough and a geographical work sheet that involves the class getting to know each other or it could be used as a homework activity. I have included a few Physical Education warm up games which are always popular. I hope you enjoy using these resources!
Images were generated using graphics resources from Microsoft Office.
These resources will help teach the 42 sounds of English, not just the alphabet sounds. It includes:
Bingo cards with letters, bingo cards with pictures, bingo calling cards with letters, bingo calling cards with pictures, 7 sets of phonic fans, phonic check list for assessment, 3 x Posters and a letter and picture table for reference.
The Bingo resources could be used in a wide variety of ways such as individual matching, flash cards, pairs games etc.
The sets are arranged in the following letter groups:
s, a, t, i, p, n
c k, e, h, r, m, d
g, o, u, l, f, b
ai, oa, ie, ee, or
z, w, ng, v, oo,(short), oo(long)
y, x, ch, sh, th(voiced), th(unvoiced)
qu, ou, oi, ue, er, ar
Images were generated using graphics resources from Microsoft Office and Focus Multimedia Ltd and used with permission under the terms of the respective product licences.
Consonant Vowel Consonant (CVC) Reading and Spelling Teaching Resources.
This resource includes 48 clearly illustrated CVC picture and word cards.(4 to an A4 page). These can be used as recognition flash cards, matching, find the rhyming sets 'kim's game' etc. You could print multiple copies and they can be used as a pairs game etc. They could be laminated and each card cut differently so children have a word and picture jigsaw to put together which is self correcting.
This resource also includes:
8 bingo boards (pictures)
8 bingo boards (words)
5 vowel cards
CVC pupil checklist
8 spelling worksheets
8 matching worksheets (these could be laminated and used as dry wipe boards)
Images were generated using graphics resources from Microsoft Office and Focus Multimedia Ltd and used with permission under the terms of the respective product licences.
This resource includes both upper and lower case letters. It is an excellent visual learning aid that will brighten up any classroom or outdoor environment.
These alphabet cards are suitable for display on walls, windows or ceilings as a hanging display. Once laminated they can be used as a washing line both indoors and outdoors. Print two copies and you have a pairs matching game. These cards would also be ideal for independent learning in a role play area.
This resource is designed for Reception and Key Stage 1 (4-7 year olds).
This resource pack will be most relevant to teachers, trainee teachers and home educators.
This resource pack will save you hours of your own time so don’t try to reinvent the wheel – we’ve done it for you!
Images were generated using graphics resources from Microsoft Office and is used with permission under the terms of the product licence.