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Charge, current and time work sheet questions Q=It
Q=It worksheet questions for GCSE physics/science.
First question involves recall of equation and units as this is required by the AQA and edexcel specifications.
Questions get gradually more difficult and the last few involve unit conversion.

Reaction of metal carbonates yield practical A-level BTec Level 3
Additional practical for students to calculate yield using a gas syringe. I find this is a way to introduce gas syringes before doing rates of reaction. Useful for A-level chemistry and level 3 applied science. Could also be used with key stage 4 chemsitry.

Hess law practical potassium hydrogen carbonate and HCl A-level Chemistry
Additional practical I do with my A-level chemistry students. I have used with both AQA and OCR-A A-level chemistry.

Ratio Revision Questions
Ratio revision questions for writing ratios in their simplest forms and dividing amounts into ratio proportions, with written examples and questions. Suitable for KS3 and GCSE.

Unit 14 A Checklist Btec Applied Science
Detailed check list for unit 14 14A, organic chemistry carbonyl and non-carbonyl reactions. For BTEC Applied Science Pearson specification.

Biology cell organelle labels A-level
Biology cell organelle labels for A level biology. Includes animal, plant and bacterial cells and labels, and answers. Based on OCR A level biology, but likely can be used for other exam boards.
Also suitable for BTEC Pearson Human Biology Level 3 A-level equivalent.

Fractions percentages decimals conversion table
Table to practice converting between fractions, decimals and percentages.
Appropriate for all exam boards and GCSE maths equivalency.

Digestion worksheet - enzymes, chemical and mechanical digestion
Worksheet for KS3 or KS4 revision on digestion. Explaining the terms ingestion, egestion, excretion and enzymes. Also includes definitions and examples of mechanical and chemical digestion.
Used with a mixed ability year 8 class, alongside a digestion demonstration to explain peristalsis. Could also be used as revision for KS4.

Plant and animal cell worksheet and keyword prompt
Worksheet for key stage 3 plant and animal cells, also includes keyword prompts for lower ability students or EAL students.
Used in a mixed ability year 7 class.

A-level chemistry physical Born-Haber cycles definitions
Definitions for standard enthalpy changes for AQA A2 A-level chemistry. Physical chemistry, Born-Haber cycles and Hess’ law.
Could be cut out and used as a matching card game.

GCSE Chemistry Comparing Alkanes and Alkenes Matching Card Revision Game
Alkane and alkene comparisons matching card game for revising GCSE combined science and triple science. Based on the AQA curriculum, also applicable to the OCR and Edexcel curricula.
Print the page out, write the answers or an answer key on the back, cut out the cards and try matching them up.

Biology mitosis matching card game
Biology matching card game resource to help remember the different stages of mitosis. Suitable for biology A level and Pearson human biology Btec level 3.
Also includes some brief notes, I would encourage students to do some research and add any information they find.

Balancing equations worksheet key stage 4
Balancing equations worksheet for key stage 4, includes complete and incomplete combustion, and cracking.
Used with a mixed ability year 9 class, best used with middle and higher ability year 9, or as revision for year 10 and 11.

Properties of hydrocarbons worksheet
Worksheet with table to be filled in while talking about the properties of hydrocarbons. Also has a few fill in the blank sentences.
Used this worksheet with a mixed ability year 9 group, could be used as revision or starter of a higher ability or older group.

Organic chemistry AS mechanisms revision sheet
Revision sheet for AQA AS chemistry mechanisms in O2 ad O3. Free radical substitution, nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions.

GCSE Chemistry Tests for Gases Matching Card Revision Game
Tests for gases matching card game for revising GCSE combined science and triple science. Based on the AQA curriculum, also applicable to the OCR and Edexcel curricula.
Print the page out, write the answers or an answer key on the back, cut out the cards and try matching them up

Specialised cell worksheet, keyword prompts biology
Worksheet on the topic of specialised cells. Inlcudes keyword prompts and worksheet with letter prompts for low ability or EAL students.
Used with a mixed ability year 7 class.

GCSE Physics - Development of the Atomic Model - Matching Card Revision Game
Development of the atomic model matching card game for revising GCSE combined science and triple science. Based on the Edexcel curriculum, also applicable to the OCR curriculum as this part is very similar.
Print the page out, write the answers or an answer key on the back, cut out the cards and try matching them up.

Discriminant Maths Short Worksheet
Short worksheet on the discriminant, matching up the graphs with the equations
For A-level Maths

GCSE Physics - Electricity equations matching card game
Matching card game for equations in the topic of electricity and circuits for physics GCSE.
These equations must be able to be recalled by students in the Edexcel and AQA specifications.
There are prompts listed alphabetically (as they are in the exam for lower level questions).