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Science House

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I am a High School and Sixth Form Chemistry teacher teaching Science to GCSE and Chemistry to A Level. My GCSE resources generally follow the new AQA (9-1) specification, differentiated for foundation and higher students at trilogy and separate science levels. My Key Stage 3 resources are suited to mixed ability groups and are designed to be dyslexia friendly with bold coloured text boxes and bright diagrams. Please give me your opinion and review downloaded resources!




I am a High School and Sixth Form Chemistry teacher teaching Science to GCSE and Chemistry to A Level. My GCSE resources generally follow the new AQA (9-1) specification, differentiated for foundation and higher students at trilogy and separate science levels. My Key Stage 3 resources are suited to mixed ability groups and are designed to be dyslexia friendly with bold coloured text boxes and bright diagrams. Please give me your opinion and review downloaded resources!
Christmas Science Activity Colouring Pages

Christmas Science Activity Colouring Pages

Christmas Science Colouring Pages The perfect wind down resources for high school science students - hand drawn colouring pages. Included in this resource: 1 biology ‘DNA tree’ colouring page 1 chemistry ‘Chemistree’ colouring page 1 physics ‘Cosmic Christmas’ colouring page All three colouring pages come in A4 and A5 formats (both can be opened in PowerPoint or by PDF). I have also included the images used, so you can adapt the pages into which ever format/size you like. Thanks!
Heart Structure Activity

Heart Structure Activity

Heart Structure Reading Passage Included in the resource: A reading passage A student question sheet An answer key Reading Passage: Included is an informative, introductory passage. The passage has key information around the subject and explains key concepts. With detailed descriptions, the passage is very comprehensive. Question Sheet: Tiered as recall, explain and apply, the question sheet follows the reading passage. The recall activity simply requires students to extract information from the text, whilst the explain and apply questions stretch students through developing ideas. Answer Key: A full set of comprehensive answers is included. This is a great introductory resource for students who have no prior knowledge on heart structure including function and blood flow. The resource is editable so you can adjust the resource for your students if required.
Respiratory System Dominoes

Respiratory System Dominoes

Included in this resource is 2 pages of Respiratory System Dominoes The resource has a particular emphasis on keywords surrounding: Organs Gas Exchange Respiration Word Equation There are 18 dominoes in the pack. Please view the preview and feel free to ask any questions before purchase.
Enzymes Worksheets (Lock and Key)

Enzymes Worksheets (Lock and Key)

Enzyme Worksheets Included in this resource: 3 enzyme worksheets 3 accompanying answer pages Worksheet 1: Summary worksheet focusing on the key aspects of enzymes in action (e.g. examples of common enzymes in food, key points, definitions and the lock and key theory overview). Worksheet 2: A visual worksheet where students label a three step lock and key diagram and answer key questions linked to active site and substrates/products. Worksheet 3: A graph worksheet focusing on factors influencing enzyme activity such as temperature, pH and substrate concentration. Editable version set up in PowerPoint A4.
Xylem and Phloem Worksheet: Plant Transport

Xylem and Phloem Worksheet: Plant Transport

Xylem and Phloem Diagram Worksheets Xylem worksheet and answer sheet Phloem worksheet and answer sheet “Bold summary worksheets which outline everything you need to know about the xylem and phloem at high school level.” The worksheets include questions on the following: Describe vessel structure State which substances are transported Describe the direction of transport in the vessel Describe the process of transportation Compare the xylem and phloem through a Venn diagram Identify xylem and phloem location in the stem Answer sheets are included. The resource is editable and set up in A4 format. Many thanks! - Science House
STEM Coloring Pages Worksheets

STEM Coloring Pages Worksheets

STEM Coloring Pages An engaging, creative STEM activity for middle and high school students. Included in this resource: 1 science themed coloring page 1 technology themed coloring page 1 engineering themed coloring page 1 math themed coloring page All four coloring pages come in A4 and A5 formats. I have also included the images used, so you can adapt the pages into which ever format/size you like. American English spelling of ‘Math’ for Mathematics used. Thanks!
Nerve Cells (Neurones) and Synapses Diagram Worksheets

Nerve Cells (Neurones) and Synapses Diagram Worksheets

NERVE CELLS AND SYNAPSES DIAGRAM WORKSHEET Included in this resource: Nerve Cell Diagram Worksheet - Looking at parts of the nerve cell, students can label and describe the functions (e.g. nucleus, axon, dendrites, myelin sheath etc). Students are also asked to define what a neuron is and the three types or neurone, linked to a simple diagram. Synapse Diagram Worksheet - Students are presented with a diagram of a synapse and must label the relevant parts. Students then outline the process of the chemical neurotransmitters diffusing from one neurone to another in four bitesize steps, with the aid of keywords. Answers - A full set of comprehensive answers are available for both worksheets for teacher/ independent / peer review. Please note these worksheets uses the British English spelling for neurone. Please feel free to ask any questions and view the preview for further insight - Many thanks - Science House
Blood Vessels (Arteries, Veins and Capillaries) Worksheets

Blood Vessels (Arteries, Veins and Capillaries) Worksheets

Blood Vessel Worksheet Included: Artery worksheet and answer sheet Vein worksheet and answer sheet Capillary worksheet and answer sheet The worksheets focus on the structure of the blood vessels, the functions, the blood pressure and how they compare to one another. Each blood vessel worksheet includes a label task, quick multiple choice questions and a key questions section. All worksheets are in A4, set up in PowerPoint and are completely editable.
Specialised Cells Plant and Animal Worksheet

Specialised Cells Plant and Animal Worksheet

Specialized Cells - Plants and Animals Activity Worksheet This resource can be used for: An introductory/summary task Homework Independent work Revision task Finisher activity Research task Included in this resource are two specialized cell worksheets: Specialized cells in plants (including root hair cells, palisade cells, xylem cells and phloem cells) Specialized cells in animals (including sperm, egg, blood cells, muscle cells, nerve cells, ciliated cells and villi) The worksheets focus on identifying the specialized cells, adding labels to cells, describing the jobs of the cells and how they are adapted to their function. Both worksheets are completely editable and A4 in size. Comprehensive answer sheets are provided for both worksheets (can be used for teacher or student use). American spellings are used in this resource. Many thanks - Science House
Levels of Organisation Worksheets (Cells, Tissue, Organs and Organ Systems)

Levels of Organisation Worksheets (Cells, Tissue, Organs and Organ Systems)

Levels of Organization Included in this resource: Two summary worksheets outlining the levels of organization (cells, tissues, organs, organ systems and organisms). The worksheets complement learning on this topic by reviewing key features, such as what each level entails, as well as examples of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems and their functions. The worksheets come both in a color and black and white format. They are set up in A4 PowerPoint, so can be presented in the class as a slide show too, which can support the answering stage. The worksheets are completely editable and full answers are included. Ideal for: Introduction Summary Revision Homework Please note that American English spellings are used in this resource. Many thanks - Science House.
Heart Biology Label Colouring Worksheet

Heart Biology Label Colouring Worksheet

The Heart - Colouring Activity Included in this resource: 1 heart colouring page 1 answer key page The resource focuses on the key areas of the heart: vena cava, aorta, pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery, cardiac muscle, atria and ventricles. The resource also requires students to circle the four valves: mitral valve, tricuspid valve, aortic valve and pulmonary valve. The resource is print ready, no prep is required. The resource is A4 and a standard PDF document for easy printing.
Cells Game

Cells Game

This Cootie Catcher Resource is a fun way to learn about cell structure. Included are questions on: Key parts of plant and animal cells The functions of key parts of plant and animal cells Also Included . . . A ‘how to fold’ instructions sheet A ‘how to play’ instructions sheet It is simple to use and very effective at getting key points across to students. The cootie catcher is also a brilliant form of peer assessment and student interaction as they can test each other on the key points. Please leave your feedback.
Halloween Science Foldable Activity

Halloween Science Foldable Activity

Halloween Science Foldables Simple to make, Halloween themed science foldables! Review key general science themes with a Halloween spin. The three foldables in this resource are set up in A4 format, are print ready and come with an accompanying answer key. There is an instructions box in the corner of each foldable too, to prompt children. The foldables can be applicable for a number of different grades as they draw on general science principles and can be used as a fun, science activity as Halloween approaches. Included: A Skeleton and bones foldable with answer page This foldable includes simple questions on bones and the human skeleton. Children don’t require a great deal of knowledge of the skeletal system to complete this. Some of the questions can be ‘best guess’ style (e.g. How many bones do you think an adult skeleton has?) whilst others draw on key science principles (e.g. Which mineral keeps bones healthy?). A cauldron chemicals foldable with answer page The cauldron foldable focuses on simple chemicals and mixtures questions (e.g. What is a mixture? How would you separate sand and water?) A pumpkin foldable with answer page The pumpkin foldable includes questions which draw on science themes around food groups, plant pollination and energy (e.g. pumpkin plants have both male and female parts, how is pollen transferred between these parts?)
Chromosomes and DNA Introduction Activity

Chromosomes and DNA Introduction Activity

Chromosomes and DNA Reading Passage Activity Included in the resource: A reading passage A student question sheet An answer key Reading Passage: Included is an informative, introductory passage. The passage has key information around the subject and explains key concepts for first time learners. Includes: key definitions around chromosomes, DNA and genes, as well as introducing XX and XY sex chromosomes. Question Sheet: Tiered as recall, label and apply, the question sheet follows the reading passage. The recall questions simply require students to extract information from the text, whilst the label and apply questions stretch students through developing ideas. Answer Key: A full set of comprehensive answers is included. This is a great introductory resource for students who have no prior knowledge of chromosomes and DNA. The resource includes a completely editable version so you can adjust the resource for your students if required. Ideal also for substitute teacher work, as it is very self explanatory and students can complete without supervision (all the information is in the resource). May include American English spellings.
Food Chains Game

Food Chains Game

This Cootie Catcher Resource is a fun way to learn about food chains. Included are questions on: Key words: Carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, producer, consumer, predator, prey, apex predator and trophic level Examples to represent the keywords with bitesize questions Also Included . . . A ‘how to fold’ instructions sheet A ‘how to play’ instructions sheet It is simple to use and very effective at getting key points across to students. The cootie catcher is also a brilliant form of peer assessment and student interaction as they can test each other on the key points. Please leave your feedback.
Joints (Ball and Socket, Hinge and Pivot) Worksheet Activity

Joints (Ball and Socket, Hinge and Pivot) Worksheet Activity

Joint Types Worksheet Activity Included: Worksheets - 2 simple worksheets asking key questions around labelling joints, ball and socket joints, hinge joints and pivot joints. Students must give examples of where the joints can be found in the body and comment on the available movement as well as some linked medical conditions e.g. dislocation and arthritis. The worksheets are really simple, so ideal for first time learners grasping the basics, rather than students who have studied the topic before. Information Page - Outlines all the information present in the worksheets. This can be used as a help page to differentiate for students who need extra support, or can be displayed in presentation form for students to refer to. It could also be used to introduce joints prior to completing the worksheets. Answer pages - 2 answer key pages to match the worksheets. All pages are A4 and completely editable (PowerPoint document) so can be adapted to your class if needed. Please see the preview for a full insight.
Pathogen Types: Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Protists Diseases

Pathogen Types: Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Protists Diseases

Types of Pathogen: Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Protists Diseases Worksheets This resource can be used for: An introductory/summary task Homework Independent work Revision task Finisher activity Research task Included in this resource are four worksheets (one for each pathogen type). The worksheets aid students to give examples of the pathogenic disease, define keywords and terminology, label or compare diagrams, and describe transmission, symptoms and disease treatment. The worksheets ensure that learners have a firm understanding of key points and concepts. Also included is a matching answer key which gives comprehensive answers and can be used for teacher or peer review. A completely editable version of all sheets is included in the resource. I have found the pathogen type worksheets to be engaging and very student friendly. They get to the point and break down a topic into bitesize chunks. Please view the preview for a greater understanding of what this resource includes. Thanks - Science House
Viruses Diagram Worksheets

Viruses Diagram Worksheets

Virus Diagram Worksheets Included in this resource: Worksheet 1 - Label a spherical virus Writing a definition for a virus How viruses are treated How viruses reproduce Explain viral load Worksheet 2 - Label a complex virus Give 3 examples of viruses Why viruses are not classed as living Comparison between viruses and bacteria Comprehensive ANSWERS are included for both worksheets. This is a 4 page resource (2 worksheets and 2 answer sheets). All documents included are completely editable and print ready, saved in an A4 format. Great to be used as: Homework Revision activity Summary task There may be some American spellings in this resource.
Respiratory System and Gas Exchange Revision Game

Respiratory System and Gas Exchange Revision Game

Respiratory System Spin Wheel Revision Resource This resource encompasses 12 key questions from the cell unit unit. These are questions selected as they occur regularly and are classically challenging for students to answer. The resource is based around the organs and their functions in the respiratory system as well as gas exchange. Example questions from the spin wheel resource: What is the name of the process by which oxygen enters the blood? What are the small air sacs in the lungs called? Which muscle facilitates inhaling and exhaling? Also included in the resource is a full answer set. There is also an instructions sheet, with helpful guidance on using the spin wheel as a revision tool, student answer sheet and a ‘tick and repeat sheet’. This encourages the student to revisit the spin wheel to revise the key questions until they reach the ‘know it’ level. Very simple preparation: Print the sheets (set up in A4 PDF). The students can then cut out the pin wheel for themselves and push a pen or pencil through the middle for the wheel to spin around. I found clamp stands to be a useful alternative.
Balanced Diet Game

Balanced Diet Game

This Cootie Catcher Resource is a fun way to learn about a balanced diet. Included are questions on: Key food groups Food group functions Food group examples Also Included . . . A ‘how to fold’ instructions sheet A ‘how to play’ instructions sheet It is simple to use and very effective at getting key points across to students. The cootie catcher is also a brilliant form of peer assessment and student interaction as they can test each other on the key points. Please leave your feedback.