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Science House

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I am a High School and Sixth Form Chemistry teacher teaching Science to GCSE and Chemistry to A Level. My GCSE resources generally follow the new AQA (9-1) specification, differentiated for foundation and higher students at trilogy and separate science levels. My Key Stage 3 resources are suited to mixed ability groups and are designed to be dyslexia friendly with bold coloured text boxes and bright diagrams. Please give me your opinion and review downloaded resources!




I am a High School and Sixth Form Chemistry teacher teaching Science to GCSE and Chemistry to A Level. My GCSE resources generally follow the new AQA (9-1) specification, differentiated for foundation and higher students at trilogy and separate science levels. My Key Stage 3 resources are suited to mixed ability groups and are designed to be dyslexia friendly with bold coloured text boxes and bright diagrams. Please give me your opinion and review downloaded resources!
International Women's Day and History Month Activity

International Women's Day and History Month Activity

Celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day with this engaging classroom activity. Included in the resource: 10 Inspirational Women Posters (Name, birth, image and a short paragraph on their life and achievements) e.g. Malala Yousafzai, Queen Elizabeth II, Rosa Parks etc. A 10 question quiz sheet linked to the posters and a matching answer page Suggestion for delivering the activity: Place the posters around your classroom. Give each student a quiz sheet. The students then have to find the answers to the questions using the posters e.g. ‘Which inspirational woman refused to give up her seat on a bus as a form of activism?’ - Rosa Parks All pages are A4 for easy printing and no further prep is required. The activity is suitable for middle and high school students.
STEM Coloring Pages Worksheets

STEM Coloring Pages Worksheets

STEM Coloring Pages An engaging, creative STEM activity for middle and high school students. Included in this resource: 1 science themed coloring page 1 technology themed coloring page 1 engineering themed coloring page 1 math themed coloring page All four coloring pages come in A4 and A5 formats. I have also included the images used, so you can adapt the pages into which ever format/size you like. American English spelling of ‘Math’ for Mathematics used. Thanks!
Enzymes Worksheets (Lock and Key)

Enzymes Worksheets (Lock and Key)

Enzyme Worksheets Included in this resource: 3 enzyme worksheets 3 accompanying answer pages Worksheet 1: Summary worksheet focusing on the key aspects of enzymes in action (e.g. examples of common enzymes in food, key points, definitions and the lock and key theory overview). Worksheet 2: A visual worksheet where students label a three step lock and key diagram and answer key questions linked to active site and substrates/products. Worksheet 3: A graph worksheet focusing on factors influencing enzyme activity such as temperature, pH and substrate concentration. Editable version set up in PowerPoint A4.
Heart Biology Label Colouring Worksheet

Heart Biology Label Colouring Worksheet

The Heart - Colouring Activity Included in this resource: 1 heart colouring page 1 answer key page The resource focuses on the key areas of the heart: vena cava, aorta, pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery, cardiac muscle, atria and ventricles. The resource also requires students to circle the four valves: mitral valve, tricuspid valve, aortic valve and pulmonary valve. The resource is print ready, no prep is required. The resource is A4 and a standard PDF document for easy printing.
Chromosomes and DNA Introduction Activity

Chromosomes and DNA Introduction Activity

Chromosomes and DNA Reading Passage Activity Included in the resource: A reading passage A student question sheet An answer key Reading Passage: Included is an informative, introductory passage. The passage has key information around the subject and explains key concepts for first time learners. Includes: key definitions around chromosomes, DNA and genes, as well as introducing XX and XY sex chromosomes. Question Sheet: Tiered as recall, label and apply, the question sheet follows the reading passage. The recall questions simply require students to extract information from the text, whilst the label and apply questions stretch students through developing ideas. Answer Key: A full set of comprehensive answers is included. This is a great introductory resource for students who have no prior knowledge of chromosomes and DNA. The resource includes a completely editable version so you can adjust the resource for your students if required. Ideal also for substitute teacher work, as it is very self explanatory and students can complete without supervision (all the information is in the resource). May include American English spellings.
Joints (Ball and Socket, Hinge and Pivot) Worksheet Activity

Joints (Ball and Socket, Hinge and Pivot) Worksheet Activity

Joint Types Worksheet Activity Included: Worksheets - 2 simple worksheets asking key questions around labelling joints, ball and socket joints, hinge joints and pivot joints. Students must give examples of where the joints can be found in the body and comment on the available movement as well as some linked medical conditions e.g. dislocation and arthritis. The worksheets are really simple, so ideal for first time learners grasping the basics, rather than students who have studied the topic before. Information Page - Outlines all the information present in the worksheets. This can be used as a help page to differentiate for students who need extra support, or can be displayed in presentation form for students to refer to. It could also be used to introduce joints prior to completing the worksheets. Answer pages - 2 answer key pages to match the worksheets. All pages are A4 and completely editable (PowerPoint document) so can be adapted to your class if needed. Please see the preview for a full insight.
Conversation, Social Skills, Getting to Know You

Conversation, Social Skills, Getting to Know You

Getting to Know You Question Sticks Included in this resource: Emotions and Feelings - 21 questions e.g. What would someone need to do to cheer you up? When was the last time you truly felt really scared? About Me - 21 questions e.g. What job do you see yourself doing in the future? What food do you like the most? School Life - 21 questions e.g. Do you feel supported with your wellbeing in school? Do you do any school clubs? A4 document set up in PowerPoint Completely editable Print ready Ideal for a broad range of ages (not grade specific) Can be used year on year Thanks - Science House!
Levels of Organisation Worksheets (Cells, Tissue, Organs and Organ Systems)

Levels of Organisation Worksheets (Cells, Tissue, Organs and Organ Systems)

Levels of Organization Included in this resource: Two summary worksheets outlining the levels of organization (cells, tissues, organs, organ systems and organisms). The worksheets complement learning on this topic by reviewing key features, such as what each level entails, as well as examples of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems and their functions. The worksheets come both in a color and black and white format. They are set up in A4 PowerPoint, so can be presented in the class as a slide show too, which can support the answering stage. The worksheets are completely editable and full answers are included. Ideal for: Introduction Summary Revision Homework Please note that American English spellings are used in this resource. Many thanks - Science House.
Halloween Science Foldable Activity

Halloween Science Foldable Activity

Halloween Science Foldables Simple to make, Halloween themed science foldables! Review key general science themes with a Halloween spin. The three foldables in this resource are set up in A4 format, are print ready and come with an accompanying answer key. There is an instructions box in the corner of each foldable too, to prompt children. The foldables can be applicable for a number of different grades as they draw on general science principles and can be used as a fun, science activity as Halloween approaches. Included: A Skeleton and bones foldable with answer page This foldable includes simple questions on bones and the human skeleton. Children don’t require a great deal of knowledge of the skeletal system to complete this. Some of the questions can be ‘best guess’ style (e.g. How many bones do you think an adult skeleton has?) whilst others draw on key science principles (e.g. Which mineral keeps bones healthy?). A cauldron chemicals foldable with answer page The cauldron foldable focuses on simple chemicals and mixtures questions (e.g. What is a mixture? How would you separate sand and water?) A pumpkin foldable with answer page The pumpkin foldable includes questions which draw on science themes around food groups, plant pollination and energy (e.g. pumpkin plants have both male and female parts, how is pollen transferred between these parts?)
Feelings and Emotions SEL Learning Mentor Resources

Feelings and Emotions SEL Learning Mentor Resources

Feelings and Emotions Worksheets / Activities / Workbook Included in this resource: 44 activities which are designed to support children with expressing themselves and thinking through their feelings and emotions. They are set up to be fun, engaging and light hearted. Children can be as open as they feel comfortable, with interesting creative drawing, coloring, writing and puzzle activities to build confidence and positivity. These social emotional learning activities can be use to aid children in developing their emotional literacy and support children who struggle to express their feelings. Ideal for mentoring or counseling support, I have also used these activities for easy access in the ‘calm corner’ of a classroom and have printed as an activity book for children who need a bit of quiet time or additional wellbeing support. They are very versatile and can be used to suit a wide range of children. Encourage positivity and self esteem Promote emotional literacy and talking about our feelings Reflect on the day / week Build confidence and reassurance
Aldehydes Introduction Organic Chemistry

Aldehydes Introduction Organic Chemistry

Introduction to Aldehydes Activity Included in this resource: Information page - This page covers the structure, bonding, naming, reactivity, oxidation, reduction and physical properties of aldehydes to an introductory level. It is a simple overview of aldehydes for a first time learner. Prior knowledge on hydrocarbons and atomic structure e.g. electrons and electronegativity is required, however no prior knowledge on aldehydes is required to access the material. Question sheet - This page includes questions directly linked to the information page. Students extract knowledge from the information page and build on concepts e.g. naming aldehydes, identifying trends and commenting on bonding and reactivity. Answer page - The answer page answers all the questions present in the question sheet. Ideal for independent, student-led work (i.e. could be used for a substitute teacher) as all the information and answers are present in the resource. No accompanying books or presentations are required - no further preparation needed. File included: 3 page A4 document
Back to School Question Cards

Back to School Question Cards

Back to School Reflective Question Cards Included in this resource: 24 Question Cards (8 cards per side of A4 = 3 page document) The questions support and scaffold a conversation with a child (or between peers) around the upcoming school year. Questions link to achievements, relationships with peers and staff, trips, clubs, thoughts on lessons / subjects and feelings around the school year starting. These cards can be used 1:1 or in a group setting to guide conversation and positive reflection. I have found them to be a nice way to start off the school year and I have mostly used them in the first couple of weeks. The questions are quite broad so link to a wide age range. There may be American English spellings in this resource. Thanks!
STEM Uno Card Game

STEM Uno Card Game

STEM UNO Card Game - NEW Resource! Included in this resource: A full STEM UNO card deck packed full of interesting STEM facts - This card game is ideal for students of a middle and high school age. The game follows the exact same rules as classic UNO. The only difference is that each color card has an added STEM fact. Example STEM facts used in the game: S - Laid end to end, the blood vessels in one human would wrap around the Earth 2.5 times. T - The US tech industry accounts for more than one-third of the world market. E - The first engineer known by name was Imhotep who built Egyptian pyramids around 2700 B.C. M - A typical soccer ball is constructed from pentagons and hexagons; it contains 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons. A handy help page - The help page includes information on how to set up an UNO game and links for both written and video instructions if required. The resource is print ready and set up in A4 landscape orientation for easy printing. There are American English spellings in this resource.
Navigation and Directions Communication Worksheets

Navigation and Directions Communication Worksheets

Directions and Navigation Worksheets Included: 3 A4 activity worksheets to support children in developing their skills in giving directions, guiding others, spatial awareness and instructional language. The worksheets are simple, bright and bold. Children can work in pairs to guide their partner around a fun course or environment e.g. the sea, out of space and a maze. The partner can then draw the described route on the worksheet. These are great, super simple active learning worksheets which encourage peer work. Please view the preview for a full insight into the three worksheets included. All worksheets are A4 and print ready.
End of School Year Reflection Transition Question Cards

End of School Year Reflection Transition Question Cards

End of the School Year Reflective Question Cards Included in this resource: 24 Question Cards (8 cards per side of A4 = 3 page document) The questions support and scaffold a conversation with a child (or between peers) around the past school year. Questions link to achievements, relationships with peers and staff, trips, clubs, thoughts on lessons / subjects and feelings around the school year coming to a close. These cards can be used 1:1 or in a group setting to guide conversation and positive reflection. I have found them to be a nice way to round off the school year and I have mostly used them in the last couple of weeks before year end. The questions are quite broad so link to a wide age range - please see the preview for a full insight into the questions asked.
Describing Objects Cognition and Learning Task Cards

Describing Objects Cognition and Learning Task Cards

Describing Objects Cognition and Learning Task Cards Included in this resource: 24 ‘describe’ task cards - These task cards have an image of an everyday object on them (e.g. a shoe) and three keywords associated with the object (e.g. foot, lace and walk) which the child has to avoid using to describe the object. This promotes cognitive skills and the child must think outside the box for alternative descriptive words to best describe the object, beyond the typical choices. 24 ‘link’ task cards - These task cards have three words (e.g. cold, chocolate and vanilla) on them. The child must think of the link between these three words (e.g. in this case - ice cream). These task cards encourage children to explore connections and relationships between words, in order to find a common link. They vary in difficulty to provide some differentiation. The document is print ready and A4. I have used this resource with a wide range of age groups. I have used these cards to support children with broadening their vocabulary and their ability to apply descriptive language. I have also used this resource as a relationship builder / ice breaker to scaffold conversation with a new child to the group. I have found the cards useful both in on a 1:1 basis and in a group/class setting. Many thanks - Science House
Rock Cycle and Rock Types Game (Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous)

Rock Cycle and Rock Types Game (Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous)

Make the Rock Cycle fun! This resource is a bright, engaging way to teach the rock cycle. An active learning technique! Included is a snakes and ladders board full of topic questions, student sheets, the answers to all questions and science monster counters. The board questions are based around: Rock type examples Rock type uses The features of each rock type Formation of each rock type Intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks Topic linked keywords e.g. crystals, sediments, minerals etc. A4 and A3 printing options (2 document sizes included) Many thanks - Science House!
LEGO Task Cards STEM Build

LEGO Task Cards STEM Build

LEGO Task Cards STEM Build Included 40 cards: 12 short build task cards (easier with image of the build) 28 long build task cards (children build from their imagination) Playing with LEGO helps build focus, concentration, fine motor skills and spatial awareness. A common STEM ‘go to’, these LEGO cards encourage structured play and support creative problem solving skills. The cards are A4 PDF and print ready (8 cards per side or A4 - 5 pages in total). Thanks - Science House
Label the Ear Worksheets

Label the Ear Worksheets

Simple, effective label and match up resource! Included for this EAR activity: Label worksheet (in both A4 and A5) Match up worksheet (in both A4 and A5) Answer sheets This resource provides two worksheets for teaching the ear. The first is a simple label task where students fill in the label boxes, whilst the second is a match up activity where students draw lines to link the part of the ear to the description/role. The resource focuses on the seven main parts of the ear (please see the preview). Both worksheets are available in A4 and A5 format as PowerPoint and PDF documents to support easy printing. Please feel free to ask any questions before purchasing and please view the preview for greater insight into the resource. Thank you!
Bonding Card Sort (Metallic, Covalent and Ionic)

Bonding Card Sort (Metallic, Covalent and Ionic)

Chemical Bonding Card Sort Activity Metallic, Giant Ionic, Simple Covalent and Giant Covalent Included in this resource - Card sort sheets: Card sort sheet with cut out boxes Card sort template sheet to glue ordered boxes onto Card sort answer key Keywork sheets: Keyword definitions table sheet to complement terminology used in the card sort Keyword answer key This extended card sort activity supports learning of the features of each bonding type. Students must match a diagram, a structural description, a bonding description, melting point feature, electrical conductivity, involved element types and examples to a bonding type. All the sheets in this resource are A4 and completely editable in PowerPoint. This resource includes some American English spellings.