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GCSE, KS3 and Primary French resources. Choose from 100s of resources, including many with 5* reviews.




GCSE, KS3 and Primary French resources. Choose from 100s of resources, including many with 5* reviews.
French: the basics Follow Me Cards 'I have Who has'

French: the basics Follow Me Cards 'I have Who has'

35 unique cards covering the basics including greetings, first questions and responses, days of the week and months of the year. Distribute the cards. The person with 'DEBUT' begins and asks the first question 'Qui a bonjour?' this prompts the next person who has the phrase 'J'ai bonjour' written on their card. They shout this out followed by their own question, 'Qui a au revoir?' The game continues like this until the last person ends with 'La Fin!' Excellent for vocabulary consolidation and to inject energy into the lesson. Gets pupils interacting and speaking and listening. Brilliant for revision lessons for all year groups.
Letter to Father Christmas in French

Letter to Father Christmas in French

A cute French letter to Father Christmas: pupils simply write their name and age and address and ask Father Christmas for 3 things. You could provide a list, get them to look up in dictionaries or draw/stick images depending on age group and ability. To save printing costs (and extend the length of the activity), opt to display the letters on the IWB and pupils copy the model letter, filling in the gaps.
French Comprehension  Daily Routine

French Comprehension Daily Routine

Reading Comprehension for the topic of Daily Routine. This resource comes with three levels of diffculty, each level comes with a French version and an English version. PDF version and PowerPoint included, The PowerPoint has editable text so you can tailor it to your student’s needs if needed.
GCSE French Role Play: At the tourist office Presentation and Games

GCSE French Role Play: At the tourist office Presentation and Games

As comprehensive Power Point presentation for the topic of ‘At the tourist office’. Over 50 phrases pupils will need to understand or say in the role play task and sample role plays to go through with support and suggested answers. Also includes some language games for a dozen nouns you might need in the tourist info office such as ‘a map of the town’ and ‘train timetables’ etc. If you are preparing your pupils for role play tasks or need some revision material, my ‘At the hotel’ bundle is great value and covers all the vocabulary for the role play task.
French Christmas Bundle

French Christmas Bundle

7 Resources
Christmas themed bundle including: - a PowerPoint with all my usual games and opportunities to practise all four skills - a Board game (great for the last couple of lessons to avoid the usual ‘design a Christmas card’) - a letter to Father Christmas- great for younger learners and lower ability groups - Christmas cards to colour- these fold into cards with French instructions on the back such as ‘colour the ribbon in red’ - a Christmas song to the tune of Jingle Bells- again great for younger pupils and it consolidates numbers and colours a Christmas gift worksheet a Christmas themed grammar sheet
One Page Learning Mat: les animaux

One Page Learning Mat: les animaux

Use as a speaking frame / a writing frame / a learning mat / a revision aid / an extension tool to teach animals. This writing frame goes far beyond the typical 'J'ai un chien qui s'appelle...' and includes sentences in the perfect, imperfect, future and conditional tenses. The PDF is in colour but looks nice printed in greyscale as well. I usually print and photocopy in greyscale but put the colour version on the IWB.
Extreme Sports French

Extreme Sports French

This PowerPoint introduces extreme sports, consolidates learning, develops pupil dialogue, tests comprehension and culminates in a written paragraph full of opinions about extreme sports with justification and a range of tenses. Slide 1. Extreme Sports Vocabulary Slide 2. Match up French to English. Slide 3. Categorising activity Slide 4. Simple Q&A with model answers Slide 5. Simple Opinions Slide 6. Advanced Opinions Slide 7. Categorise 'for' and 'against' opinions. Slide 8. Short comprehension. Slide 9. Sentence starters in a range of tenses. Slide 10. Teacher v. Class Battle Slide 11. SuperSentence writing frame Slide 12. Pupil dialogues with checklist Slide 13. Extension Activity/Homework Slide 14. Hyperlinks to websites of interest with notes for teachers.
French Board Game: Sports

French Board Game: Sports

A game board to practise nouns and simple sentences. 2 versions included for differentiation purposes. Answer key included (so pupils work independently). Great to introduce sports in a novel way- give them the board game and a dictionary and it is a really fun way to challenge them to learn sports nouns. Use it as follow up once you have introduced the vocabulary as it is an excellent way of practising speaking and listening skills. Other important features: pupil independence, pupil collaboration, challenge and competition. I always have 100% engagement when I give them a board game (I have others available). A rewarding way to differentiate- what better incentive to complete the task than to know you can play a game at the end! No need to cut anything- just print. A4 is fine, A3 is great. Add dice and counters. (I get pupils to use spare coins for counters and lots of them have dice roll app on their phones these days if you are struggling for these). Any feedback is always gratefully received and if you have any requests for future board games please send me a message.
Food and Drink Board Game Manger et Boire

Food and Drink Board Game Manger et Boire

A game board to practise nouns and simple sentences. Great to introduce food in a novel way- give them the board game and a dictionary and it is a really fun way to challenge them to learn food and drink nouns. Use it as follow up once you have introduced the voacb as it is an excellent way of practising speaking and listening skills. Other important features: pupil independence, pupil collaboration, challenge and competition. I always have 100% engagement when I give them a board game (I have others available). A rewarding way to differentiate- what better incentive to complete the task than to know you can play a game at the end! No need to cut anything- just print. A4 is fine, A3 is great. Add dice and counters. (I get pupils to use spare coins for counters and lots of them have dice roll app on their phones these days if you are struggling for these). Any feedback is always gratefully received and if you have any requests for future board games please send me a message.
French Interactive Quiz: Food du/de la/des/de l'

French Interactive Quiz: Food du/de la/des/de l'

An interactive quiz- excellent starter, plenary or revision tool. The master slide has 12 question numbers to choose from; each question takes them to a multiple choice slide with a choice of 3 answers. If they select the incorrect answer they will be sent to a 'oh non!' slide and can click on a funny 'oh no' sound. They keep going until they get the answer correct. If they select the correct answer they are sent to a 'très bien' slide and the powerpoint returns to the master slide.
French Presentation: Family la famille

French Presentation: Family la famille

Slides 1-8: Introduce and practise vocabulary. You could also print these slides off to use as flashcard games or wall displays. Slide 9: All family members on one slide to consolidate followed by intro of possessive pronouns. Slide 10: Reading. Short paragraph of Juliette describing who is in her family. You could follow this up with question to your pupils ‘qui est dans ta famille?’ Pupils use Juliette’s paragraph as a model. Slide 11 Family tree. You could use this for Q&A. eg. ‘Comment s’appelle le père de Juliette?’ ‘Il s’appelle David’. Slide 12. Extra vocabulary. Taking pupils beyond the immediate family to include aunts and uncles, step-sisters etc. I find that it is too long-winded to teach this in a ‘drilling’ fashion so I would go through it as it is displayed in a table on the IWB and then print off as a reference sheet- particularly useful for pupils with large families. Slide 13. ‘Les mots volants’ game. This is a chance for pupils to participate and let off a bit of steam. As the words ‘fly’ onto the board they shout them out in English. I love doing this as a whole class as it really builds confidence and enthusiasm but you could shout an individual’s name out in between words or use lollipop sticks to pick a different pupil each time. Slide 14. ‘Qu’est-ce qui manque?’ game. I usually ask pupils to identify the word that has disappeared and tell me both the French and Englsih equivalent. You could still play as a whole class by letting the group call out the French word as it disappears and you following up with ‘and what does it mean?’ Slide 15. ‘Qui suis-je?’ Reading comprehension with famous families. Answers appear on the click. Slide 16. Listening grid. This is very simple because most of us have access to excellent listening material but it just gives you a quick to chance to assess aural comprehension at word level. Grt pupils to writr 1-6 on mini whiteboards or in books and you choose six of the words to say, they write down the corresponding letter. You could always increase the level of challenge by including the word in a short sentence. Slide 17. Noughts and crosses. You could use this as an exit game or as refresher the following lesson. Choose two individuals or play boys v girls. Or teacher v class.
French Bundle: Perfect Tense

French Bundle: Perfect Tense

7 Resources
This resource will be added to in the coming week so you can return and download the additional materials. So far you will get 7 resources in the bundle including a Powerpoint, a booklet, a set of flashcards, 2 speaking activities, 2 follow me games and a board game.
French Halloween Zombie Lesson

French Halloween Zombie Lesson

French lesson on a zombie attack. Pupils imagibe they are under imminent threat of a zombie attack. They translate a list of 25 objects that they can choose from to take with them to imporve their chances of survival. Some of sensible surival choices such a torch or a map. Others are sentimental such as a teddy bear or Xbox. There are also choices to make them think such as a diary (not helpful to fight the zombies but good for mental wellbeing). They make their selections and write them up in French. You could follow this up with a short survival skills debate (in English). Also included are two descriptions of a male and female zombie they could use as a comprehension then a model to create their own zombie. Also a ‘mini me’ zombie description writing activity.
Paris Virtual Visit

Paris Virtual Visit

Are you ready to explore Paris in this Virtual Field Trip? This resource includes videos, 3D visits, challenges and puzzles so your students can feel like they have been to Paris without actually having to leave the classroom. Students will visit Paris via PowerPoint. Their journey begins at the airport where they have to search clues to make it to the correct gate and board the plane. A video shows the plane take off and land before they find themselves in their hotel room with a view of the Eiffel Tower. From here they click on the four landmarks which takes them to a new slide with a choice of four varied and interactive activities. From videos, puzzles to fact sheets there is so much for them to do. The PowerPoint is easy to navigate with clear instructions and buttons directing them from one activity to the next and then back to the hotel room. At the end of the visit there is a certificate which they can add a text box with their own name before saving the slide or printing it off as a certificate. If you get a chance to leave feedback please do so, it really does mean a lot both to me and future buyers. Thank you and bon voyage!
French Interactive Quiz: Food

French Interactive Quiz: Food

An interactive quiz to use as snappy starter, fun plenary or engaging revision tool. 12 French sentences about food, each has a multiple choice answer. If the pupils selects the correct answer hey are sent o a celebration page. If the wrong answer is selected they are sent to an 'oh no' page with a funny voice. The pupils love this quiz. There are other versions available in my TES shop. You could turn it into a game of noughts and crosses of connect 4 by drawing a quick 3x4 grid on the whiteboard and pupils compete to see which team can complete a row first by answering their chosen question correctly first time. Please consider leaving feedback- it helps other users make an informed decision and really means a huge amount to me!
Greetings Starter Cards

Greetings Starter Cards

Credit card sized word clouds- excellent starter activity. Great for revision as well. Could give out as an extension tool for early finishers. Give them out upon arrival and give them a time frame. At the end of the timeframe pupils go head to head in a 'bidding war'. Each pupil says how many they can translate and have to prove it. The highest bidder goes first- if he can get to his bid he wins, if he can't the next bidder goes and has to get to his highest bid to win.
French Valentine's Game Part 1

French Valentine's Game Part 1

Part 1 is a freebie. You don't need the other parts to play but if you would like to purchase them they are available here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/french-valentine-s-game-11829704?theme=1 A great 'speed dating' speaking activity. Distribute hearts to all pupils and put on some French music. They circulate the room asking 'comment t'appelles-tu?' until they find their matching pair eg. Tu es Barack Obama, trouve Michelle. Parts 2, 3 and 4 use the question 'ou habites-tu?' 'qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger? and 'qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire?' Great for getting the pupils speaking. A godd one off valentines lesson without having to teach them new vocab. Could even be good for KS4 to warm them up and develop confidence with familiar questions.