Spanish colouring sheets. 3 different Space themed pictures, all labelled with Spanish colours.
Each picture also has a colour copy provided so you can display on IWB to introduce the colours ahead of the colouring activity.
French colouring sheets. 3 different Space themed pictures, all labelled with French colours.
Each picture also has a colour copy provided so you can display on IWB to introduce the colours ahead of the colouring activity.
Colouring sheets. 3 different Space themed pictures, all labelled with colours.
Each picture also has a colour copy provided so you can display on IWB to introduce the colours ahead of the colouring activity.
There are 3 French KS2 Stories and activities in this bundle.
3 French stories illustrated with beautiful images.
Simple sentences, repetitive structures.
Each story is accompanied by a great range of activities- perfect for pair and group work and literacy stations. Including:
Mini books
Wall words
Self correcting puzzles
'Read it, colour it, trace it, write it' printable worksheets
Labelling printable worksheets
Board games
'I can' statements (in French)
All feedback is very gratefully received.
New Board Game added Thursday 21st April: Near Future Tense
There are currently 5 board games in this growing bundle but I will continue to add more.
If you buy this bundle today you will be able to re-visit the resource and download any future board games at no extra charge.
Current board games:
Food and Drink
Perfect Tense
Christmas (the Christmas one includes task cards)
A bundle of 6 learning mats ideal for introductory lessons.
1. The basics
2. Numbers
3. Physical Descriptions
4. Personality descriptions
5. School equipment and colours
6. Animals
Versatile worksheet: use to consolidate language following presentation / a homework / a revision sheet / a starter.
Top half is a word cloud with 'personalities' vocabulary. Instructions to cross off words they know, circle and look up ones they don't.
Bottom half is an 'odd one out' table prompting them to decide which is the odd one out and be prepared to explain why they made that choice.
A board game to practise vocabulary for Easter.
Pupils roll the dice and say the French for the picture they land on. Extra challenge given as they progress through the game and have to describe the pictures and give opinions.
Great lead on from my Easter PowerPoint.
Great speaking and listening practice.
Increased enthusiasm and engagement.
Adds dimension of competition.
Could be used as a reward for early finishes.
This resource is available as part of an Easter bundle, saving you money.
All the vocabulary for breakfast and lunch and other food on one A4 page: use it as a learning mat, a homework sheet, a support sheet, an extension sheet, a revision sheet, a classroom poster...endless possibilities.
Also available in my growing bundle of vocabulary mats.
All the vocabulary you need on one A4 page for teaching places in town: use it as a learning mat, a homework sheet, a support sheet, an extension sheet, a revision sheet, a classroom poster...endless possibilities.
Also included: mini word clouds activity.
Excellent starter activity. Great for revision as well.
Could give out as an extension tool for early finishers. Give them out upon arrival and give them a time frame. At the end of the timeframe pupils go head to head in a 'bidding war'. Each pupil says how many they can translate and have to prove it. The highest bidder goes first- if he can get to his bid he wins, if he can't the next bidder goes and has to get to his highest bid to win.
A printable dictionary for your pupils to use as a reference but more importantly to add to throughout the year as they study new topics and encounter new words.
Each page has a section where I have written common words including nouns, verbs and adjectives and a lined section for pupils to note their own additions.
There are also reference pages for the following topics containing short glossaries of the essential words: greetings, days, months, seasons, colours, school equipment.
There is a spare page at the back that you could print multiple times should they need more space. I recommend using treasury tags to hold the dictionary pages together. This will allow the pupils the possibility of adding extra sheets and adding revision sheets as they revise the vocabulary.
If teachers request it, I will make this resource available in black and white but it looks great printed in greyscale
A bundle of 9 mini word cloud sheets, saving you over 50%.
Mini word clouds- excellent starter activity. Great for revision as well.
Could give out as an extension tool for early finishers. Give them out upon arrival and give them a time frame. At the end of the timeframe pupils go head to head in a 'bidding war'. Each pupil says how many they can translate and have to prove it. The highest bidder goes first- if he can get to his bid he wins, if he can't the next bidder goes and has to get to his highest bid to win.
Superhero themed Spanish numbers task sheet.
3 pages included:
Page 1: Lists the Spanish numbers 1-21 (keep this displayed on IWB throughout task or print off for less able learners)
Page 2: Pupils spell out the Spanish number in the space provided.
Page 2: Count the room challenge- a very accessible challenge which requires pupils to count items in the classroom such as the number of tables,windows, teachers etc. and write the number in Spanish.
A set of flashcards for places in town.
Recently added for better value: places in town triorama. If you had already bought both of these resources please email me for a free resource of your choice at
A mini book about a monster. All body parts are labelled in French. Pupils can colour and fold the mini book to create a mini book about a monster and all of the parts of its face. Pupils could then use it as a mini dictionary as they discover the topic and and possibly create their own monster.
English Vocabulary sheet on animals to display on IWB and print off for pupils.
Beautiful pictures labelled in English.
Included in this resource are 3 versions: colour, black and white and black and white unlabelled for pupils to write the noun themselves.
Use as support, print off as posters.
Also included is a 'talk more, write more' sheet which prompts the pupils to ask and answer questions about the vocabulary such as 'what do you like?' allowing you to extend the activity and consolidate and develop learning.
French Vocabulary sheet on animals to display on IWB and print off for pupils.
Beautiful pictures labelled in French.
Included in this resource are 3 versions: colour, black and white and black and white unlabelled for pupils to write the noun themselves.
Use as support, print off as posters.
Also included is a 'talk more, write more' sheet which prompts the pupils to ask and aswer questions about the vocabulary such as 'qu'est-ce que tu aimes?' allowing you to extend the activity and consolidate and develop learning.
Use as a speaking frame / a writing frame / a learning mat / a revision aid / an extension tool.
The PDF is in colour but looks nice printed in greyscale as well. I usually print and photocopy in greyscale but put the colour version on the IWB.
13/4 UPDATE 3. 2 new titles: Olympic Games and Extreme Sports
(Located in the files PDF called Mini Books Sports Collection 4 tiles)
11/4 UPDATE 2. 2 new tiles: Sports with ‘jouer’ and Sports with 'faire’
10/4 UPDATE 1. 2 new titles: Christmas and Halloween
There are currently 5 French mini books in this bundle.
I will continue to add more mini books to this bundle and the price will increase as I do so.
If you buy it now you won’t pay again but you will be able to re-visit the resource and download it again and again as I add more books.
Mini books already included:
1. Space
2. Springtime
3. A the farm
4. Easter
5. Weather
Each title includes 3 versions: 1 colour version (for teacher to print as a model); 1 black and white word level version (pupils label the picture); 1 black and white sentence level version (the start of the sentence is provided, they simply add the noun).
If you needed to differentiate further (for KS1) you could type up and print off the nouns and pupils could choose the correct noun and glue it on.
Versatile worksheet: use to consolidate language following presentation / a homework / a revision sheet / a starter.
Top half is a word cloud with the words for French numbers. Instructions to cross off words they know, circle and look up ones they don't.
Bottom half is an 'odd one out' table prompting them to decide which is the odd one out and be prepared to explain why they made that choice.